Uchiha OCs from Naruto are powerful, complex, and deeply rooted in the legacy of one of the most iconic clans in the ninja world. With their extraordinary Sharingan, Uchiha characters possess unmatched abilities in battle, capable of mastering powerful genjutsu and ninjutsu. These OCs often carry the weight of the clan’s turbulent history, filled with ambition, rivalry, and the tragic curse of hatred. Whether they’re loyal protectors, seeking vengeance, or striving to rise above their lineage, Uchiha OCs always bring intense emotions and dramatic stories. Explore this collection of incredible Uchiha OCs, and don’t forget to share your own character who wields the power and legacy of the Uchiha clan!

Uchiha OCs (2 characters)

Just a ninja teen trying to do good in order to mend the past of her clan.
Kimiya is at a decent height, 5'7. She has dark, black hair with a lighter patch in the middle of her bangs. Her hair stops right above her butt. Her eyes are a bright red and she has a scar starting from somewhere above her lip to her left...

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