About Characterhub

On CharacterHub, you can create detailed character profiles, build worlds, share your art, and collaborate with a vibrant community of creators just like you.

It’s easy to use so you’ll finally be crazy organized with all your art, lore, character, and world details!

We're a new site so we're starting with the basics:

  • Free!: Joining, posting characters, worlds, and more are completely free!
  • Zero learning curve: We've made it so easy to use that even a toddler could use it!
  • Showcase your characters and their details: including backstory, likes, dislikes, height, favorite color, and a lot more!
  • Show some extra personality: Like an embeddable Spotify playlist, color palette, and more to give your character....some extra character!
  • Display your art: Upload and organize your art and share your work with the community!
  • New surprises every week: There was a month when we launched a new feature every day! Whether you're looking for a storage site, portfolio tool, social features, or character development, we're launching new things all the time for you!
  • Love roleplaying?: We built new tools to make it easy to find people to roleplay with and instantly chat as your characters!

From the first spark of inspiration to the final masterpiece, we're with you at every step. Join CharacterHub now, and let's make magic together!🪄

What do people say about characterhub? 🤩

Don't just take our word for it—read the testimonials from our community!
Now, are you ready to discover the Ultimate Character Storage?

"CharacterHub has given me the chance to share my characters in new ways I didn't even think was possible. The site is so easy to use and offers so many options in building not only characters but worlds as well. On top of that there are options around every corner for customizing what you can add and say about your character. The community is amazingly supportive and kind too."

"Character Hub is a fantastic server that harnesses everyone’s creative talent into one big fantastic community! It allows us all to showcase our talents — whether that be in art, character creation or roleplay — and creates a sociable and kind community that welcomes everyone with welcome arms. Easily the best one I’ve seen and been apart of! Thank you guys <3"

"I love it because it has so much features! The prompts for making a character profile is super helpful, and I just love the color palate feature. I also think it is REALLY cool that you can comment AS your ocs and interact with other peoples ocs. It really brings characters to life."

"I'm notoriously super bad at keeping all my info on my characters organized [multiple times my friends have asked me a question about my characters and I've spent the next few minutes furiously checking the various places I keep their info], and this is gonna sound like an ad lol, but wow, CharacterHub has been helpful! It's all in one place! and it forces me to finally write down all the little things about characters that normally just float around in my head! Big, big fan of CharacterHub!!!

"The character profiles and worlds profile features along with seeing others characters and art pieces in general! Setting up profiles and worlds have been easiest to do and understand which was the main reason I joined along with it being an artist space. I can’t wait to see what is to come and also love hubert lol. One huge thing I also love is the drafts, and private or unlisted feature for the oc/world profiles. The customization helps give the viewer the feel of the character so customization does its job well. I also noticed the ability to give content warnings on images/pages that aren’t specified so you can put in the necessary warnings which is very nice compared to other sites."

"The way that the character pages are set up makes it easy for me to fill in things about my characters and adds things that I wouldn't have thought of on my own which helps make my characters more real. It's the only character organization site out of all the ones I've tried (and I've tried quite a few) that works for me. The others all had something missing from the spots where you put all the details about your characters that CharacterHub finally has. All of my characters that I've used CharacterHub to keep track of so far have all gotten better as a result."

"I love it because it is what I've been asking for a long time, a place where I can share all of my lore and character concepts and be heard by lots of people, also it's great to organise all of my characters and develop them more. Ever since I saw a CharacterHub tik tok video I wanted to be part of it and this is a dream come true."

"Character Hub is really good for storing a large amount of characters because of how you're given building blocks to make their profiles rather than having to work from nothing. It eliminates half the time spent on making character profiles compared to other sites and is pretty easy to learn the ropes of. I was aware of the emphasis on community Character Hub has but I wasn't expecting so many different ways to actually interact with people and their characters as well as other fun activities to do. I've actually found that quests and stuff have actually motivated me to actually finish a lot of bios that I probably should have finished ages ago, which is great 😄! The perfect foil to my procrastination."