Essential Elements: Setting Clear Character Motivations
What makes a good villain? A great motivation! Sure, it’s fun to hear a story of an epic bank robbery. It’s not quite as interesting, though, if the thief simply wanted more money. I mean, where’s the fun in that? What if, instead, the thief was none other than the bank owner himself? The next logical question would be, why would the bank owner rob his own bank? What would his motivation be? Character motives are really the heart of a great hero, villain, or chaotic neutral! Just don’t forget about the good guys! A hero’s motivation is just as important as the content of their character!
You gotta know a character to know the character’s goals!
Some people say, ‘‘if you knew someone’s entire life story, you’d understand why they do the things they do’. Not everyone agrees with this philosophy in real life. On the other hand, it’s a great principle for fictional stories. Crafting a character is a huge endeavor. You have to come up with their looks, their traits, and now their entire life stories?! I know, it’s a lot. But, hey, we’re here to give you a ton of tips!
Now, back to your character’s goals. You don’t really have to create their entire backstories to know their goals. Still, it’s good to have a general idea at least. If you don’t know enough about what motivates a character, their actions might not make sense. Check out this video to see what I mean. At 0:41, pause the video. Why do you think the girl bit both apples? What might be her motivations for doing so? What helps you come to that conclusion? Now, finish the video, and re-ask yourself those questions.
It’s important to consider a character’s perspective, AND why they have that perspective. That way, you can know what their goals and motivations are.
The Pursuit of Purpose: How Understanding your Character Reveals Their Goals!
Figuring out a character’s motivation can be complex! It takes more than just listing their physical features and basic personality. You have to understand your character, too! How do you do this? By developing your character, of course! What they are afraid of, what they believe in, and important life events are good things to know. Ask yourself things like: What drives this character? What are their core beliefs and ethical principles? What past hard times or successes have changed how they see the world? How do their relationships with family, friends, or partners affect how they act? There’s other ways you can get to know your OC, too! Writing a character description, for example, is a great way to figure out all of these things! Exploring these things about your character will make them feel like a real, flawed human. That’s what you want! The more you look closely at who they are, the more your character will feel alive on the page.
Motivation Marvels: A List of Character Motivations and Goals
Now, it’s time to get dirty! Referencing a list of character motivations is a great way to get ideas. You may know everything about your character, except for what truly drives them. Maybe their true desire is hidden within this list! If not, give this site a try! It’s a neat little non-AI tool to help get those creative juices flowing.
Goals for Good

Let’s talk about an example of a ‘good guy’. We all know about Superman, Deku, and all the truly good guys. In real life, no one is fully good or fully evil. For a character like Shinji Ikari, that’s really obvious. Shinji is destined to be a hero. He’s the main character, after all! In Evangelion’s case, the main character’s motivation is to overcome his trauma while gaining acceptance from others. His motivations are pretty neutral, really. Shinji makes good and bad choices to get closer to his goals. Still, his traumatic backstory helps give context to the poor choices he makes. So, while Shinji has done bad things, we know he’s truly a good guy because of his motivations.
- Seek redemption for past mistakes or wrongdoings
- Uncover the truth about a mysterious past event
- Protect a loved one or family member
- Achieve fame, fortune, or status within their community
- Overcome a debilitating fear or phobia
- Fulfill a lifelong dream or ambition
- Prevent a looming disaster or catastrophe
- Unravel a conspiracy or expose a corrupt system
- Confront and overcome a traumatic childhood experience
- Discover the purpose and meaning of their existence
- Earn the respect and admiration of a mentor or role model
- Accomplish a significant goal before time runs out
- Break free from a toxic or abusive relationship
- Reconnect with their cultural heritage and identity
- Overcome a physical limitation or disability
- Pursue a passion or creative calling denied in the past
- Protect the innocent and vulnerable from harm
- Solve a complex mystery or puzzle that has eluded others
- Achieve financial stability and security
- Gain the courage to take a significant risk or leap of faith
- Uncover the details surrounding a loved one's untimely death
- Escape the constraints of a stifling, small-town existence
- Mend a rift in a close friendship or romantic relationship
- Fulfill a deathbed promise made to a departed loved one
- Overcome a personal addiction or compulsive behavior
- Realize a long-held dream of becoming an entrepreneur
- Gain the acceptance and approval of a disapproving parent
- Expose a powerful organization's unethical or illegal activities
- Achieve a level of mastery in a particular skill or discipline
- Reclaim a sense of agency and control over one's own life
- Discover the true nature of a mysterious or supernatural force
- Prove their worth and abilities to a critical, demanding mentor
- Uncover the secrets and motivations of a manipulative villain
- Gain the courage to pursue a romantic relationship with a desired partner
- Overcome the trauma and grief of losing a close family member or friend
- Discover the true meaning of happiness and fulfillment
- Upholding a strong moral code and sense of justice, even in the face of difficult or ambiguous circumstances.
- Seeking the truth and exposing corrupt or unethical practices, even at great personal cost.
- Dedicating their life's work to advancing scientific, medical, or technological breakthroughs that benefit humanity
- Fostering unity, cooperation, and understanding between diverse groups and communities
- Challenging systemic injustices and power imbalances that perpetuate inequality and suffering
- Championing the rights and well-being of animals and the natural world
- Using art to express their emotions or share joy with others
- Inspiring and empowering youth to become the next generation of ethical, compassionate, and visionary leaders.
- Fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption in both public and private institutions
Naughty, Nice, or Neutral?

Now, for a neutral character. Neutral, or morally gray characters, are pretty interesting. Each one is unique. So, it’s hard to make any big generalizations about them. In Asuka’s case, she uses aggression as a coping mechanism for her trauma. Still, she is also motivated by being accepted by others, like Shinji. Another one of her goals is to have a truly independent identity. So, while she yearns for the love of others, Asuka’s anger keeps them away. Throughout the show, she manipulates people to get closer to her. We can see how her motivation has a dark side, while not being totally evil. Because of this, I would categorize Asuka Langley Soryu as a neutral character.
- Gain independence and autonomy from controlling influences
- Acquire power and influence, even if it means compromising their ethics
- Prove their worth and competence to dismissive peers
- Seek justice or revenge for a grievous wrong
- Prove their worth and abilities to a skeptical authority figure
- Uncover buried secrets and truths, regardless of how uncomfortable they may be
- Climb the ranks of an organization or criminal syndicate for personal gain
- Manipulate others and play both sides to their own advantage when convenient
- Protect their own interests and loved ones, even if it means resorting to dubious means
- Obtain specialized knowledge or skills that can be leveraged for multiple purposes
- Cultivate a complex web of relationships, alliances, and loyalties to maintain their position of power.
- Gather information that could be used for blackmail or leverage
- Commit minor transgressions or criminal acts if the potential rewards outweigh the risks
- Blur the lines between right and wrong to discover the true meaning of both
- Uncover inconvenient truths that could damage the reputations of influential figures
- Cultivate a public persona of respectability while engaging in morally ambiguous acts
- Accumulate resources and wealth through any means necessary, legal or otherwise
- Protect their underground criminal or clandestine operations from exposure
- Leverage their specialized skills and knowledge to secure lucrative contracts or deals
- To conceal their true motivations and intentions from everyone else
- Masterfully manipulate the emotions and perceptions of those around them
- Commit morally ambiguous acts in the pursuit of a greater goal or "greater good"
- Maintain a carefully balanced portfolio of legal and illegal business ventures
- Gather incriminating evidence that could be used to blackmail or coerce others
- Exploit legal or regulatory loopholes to gain advantages over competitors
- Maintain plausible deniability and distance themselves from the consequences of their actions
- Maintain a careful balance between self-interest and the appearance of moral uprightness
- Pursuing a life of hedonistic pleasure and seeking out new and thrilling experiences, without regard for rules or consequences
- Cultivating a persona of unpredictability and spontaneity, constantly keeping others off-balance and unsure of their intentions
- Embracing a philosophy of radical individualism and personal freedom, with a disdain for authority, social conventions, and the constraints of morality
- Seeking to create chaos, disruption, and disorder as an end in itself, deriving a sense of thrilling anarchy from the breakdown of established systems and institutions
- Pursuing knowledge, power, or arcane secrets without any moral considerations, driven by a pure curiosity and a desire for personal advancement
- Engaging in high-stakes, high-risk activities and adventures, driven by a need for constant stimulation and a lack of concern for their own safety or wellbeing
- Exploiting the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of others for personal gain, with no remorse or sense of loyalty, and a willingness to betray anyone who stands in their way.
- Cultivating a reputation as a trickster, a con artist, or a master manipulator, deriving a sense of satisfaction from outsmarting or deceiving others.
- Seeking to undermine or disrupt the plans and efforts of those who pursue a more structured or principled agenda, driven by a desire to sow chaos and uncertainty.
- Engaging in the acquisition and hoarding of rare, unique, or powerful artifacts, driven by a desire for personal power and a lack of concern for the consequences of their actions.
- Seeking to elevate their own personal status and reputation, even at the expense of others, driven by a sense of entitlement and a lack of empathy.
- Pursuing a life of adventure, risk-taking, and thrill-seeking, with a
- Engaging in the exploitation of natural resources or the environment, driven by a desire for personal profit and a lack of concern for the wider consequences of their actions
Easily Evil

Finally, meet Gendo Ikari. He’s Shinji’s dad. Yup- he’s the reason why Shinji is so traumatized. Gendo is extremely selfish. He’s motivated by achieving a "godlike" state at any cost. Even if it means destroying life as the world knows it. His backstory explains some of his motivations. Still, he’s so vile that it’s hard to have any compassion for him. He’s arguably the main villain of Evangelion.
- Seeking revenge or retribution against those who have wronged them, even if it means harming innocent people.
- To spread the message that the villain is as great as they think they are
- Deriving a twisted sense of satisfaction from inflicting pain, suffering, and humiliation on others, driven by a deep-seated psychological need for cruelty and domination.
- Eliminating or subjugating groups or individuals perceived as threats to their own dominance or ideology.
- Indulging in sadistic pleasures and inflicting pain, suffering, or psychological torment on others.
- Achieving notoriety, infamy, or a legacy of fear and terror, regardless of the cost.
- Destroying or undermining institutions, organizations, or systems that represent order, justice, or the greater good.
- Gaining the power to manipulate and control the thoughts, beliefs, and actions of others through propaganda or mind control.
- Seeking to erase or rewrite history in a way that serves their own twisted agenda or vision of the world.
- Amassing an army of loyal followers or minions to carry out their nefarious plans and expand their influence.
- Eliminating or suppressing any form of dissent or opposition to their rule or domination.
- Acquiring advanced technology or scientific knowledge for the purpose of developing powerful and destructive weapons.
- Engaging in the trafficking of humans, organs, or other illicit goods for personal profit.
- Eliminating or silencing whistleblowers, journalists, or other individuals who threaten to expose their misdeeds.
- Seeking to harness the power of the supernatural or occult for their own nefarious purposes.
- Engaging in the development and deployment of biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons of mass destruction.
- Manipulating financial markets, corporate mergers, and economic policies to consolidate their own wealth and power.
- Engaging in the exploitation and abuse of vulnerable or marginalized populations for personal gain.
- Undermining or sabotaging the efforts of those working to advance scientific, medical, or technological progress.
- Seeking to create a dystopian society where they exercise complete control over the lives of their subjects.
- Exploiting the fears, anxieties, and prejudices of the masses to consolidate their own power.
- Undermining or sabotaging the efforts of those working to promote environmental conservation and sustainability.
- Seeking to create a world where they are the sole arbiter of truth, morality, and justice.
- Engaging in the development and deployment of advanced robotics and autonomous systems for nefarious purposes.
- Seeking to create a world where they are the sole arbiter of life and death, with the power to determine who lives and who dies.
- Helping further the development of advanced bio-engineering and genetic manipulation technologies for malevolent ends.
- Engaging in the deployment of advanced cyber-warfare and information manipulation technologies for nefarious purposes.
- Undermining or sabotaging the efforts of those working to promote the rights and wellbeing of marginalized or oppressed populations.
- Seeking to create a world where they have the power to control the flow of information and shape the collective consciousness.
- Exploiting the vulnerabilities and insecurities of individuals and communities to sow discord, division, and mistrust.
- Developing advanced neurotech and neural interface technologies for their own gain
- Doing whatever it takes, including committing heinous acts, in order to ensure their own survival and maintain their position of power and influence.
- Undermining or sabotaging the efforts of those working to promote the rights and wellbeing of sentient, non-human species, such as animals and artificial intelligences.
Mastering the Art of Motivation
All in all, the motivations of characters are what drive the story forward. Their goals and desires shape the events that unfold. Understanding your character helps you understand why they do the things they do!
Keeping Track of It All
By now, you’ve created a character out of thin air. You’ve probably written their life story, too. Maybe you have a whole description of all their little quirks and traits. Here at CharacterHub, we’re motivated to help you keep your character info organized! (That’s not evil, right?) With an account, you can create a profile for all of your characters. Now, you can have every bit of their little lives in one place! If your goal is to develop your character or keep everything organized, click here!
Scarlett Bittle
With a pencil as her magic wand, Scarlett Bittle aims to spread the magic of creation to the world. She’s a multimedia artist, with experience experimenting with a spectacular spectrum of mediums. If you’re drawn to see more of her work, check it out on her instagram.
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