So, you’re bored. That’s boring.
Boredom isn’t a sign that you’re lazy or that you lost all of your creativity. It’s just your brain asking for some stimulation, according to Vsauce! Right now, it’s a great time for you to learn something new, or practice a skill. What’s more interesting to your brain than training it, after all? If you’re reading this particular article, you probably have an interest in art. So, if you’re bored, it’s a great time to work on your drawing skills! Or, maybe you can learn to draw something new! Either way, it’s time to beat up boredom!
What do you find most fun?
Let me explain boredom in the most interesting way possible. Imagine boredom is a monster that lives inside of everyone’s brain. Everyone’s brain is a little bit different, so each person’s monster is unique, too. To beat boredom well, you gotta know your ‘monster’. Does the sound of practicing anatomy make you wanna hurl right now? Then, that’s not a great choice to slay your monster! Whatever excites you is the enemy of your boredom. So, if creating a character sounds better than drawing a thousand types of eyes, do that!
What if you can’t really tell what excites you, though? For some people, practicing and creating brings them the same amount of joy. So, what then? Excitement isn’t the only emotion that will drop kick your boredom. The truth is that almost any strong emotion will! Do you like horror movies? Maybe you should draw something chilling! Or, maybe you love to laugh. In that case, drawing a duck with oversized sneakers is probably the best choice for you. All in all, knowing what you find most fun will help you narrow down your choices of what to draw.
Drawing? For fun?!
Drawing isn’t fun for everyone, plain and simple. For some people, drawing is a job. So, when all you do all day is be creative, how do you have fun doing it? This part might not apply to everyone, but if you relate, read on! As artists, it’s easy to associate all art with deadlines and pressure, even if it’s just personal. The thing is, it’s still possible to enjoy the process of personal drawing. Simply put, you gotta stop worrying about how it looks.
Listen, folks, bad art is better than no art. That’s just the truth. Some of the most low effort or silliest things you’ll draw will be someone else’s favorite piece. So, don’t let perfection be the enemy of good. Being too worried about how your art will look can cause it to be less fun to make. Being loose is a big part of having fun here! Stop focusing on the technical aspects of each piece. Instead, hone in on the act of creation. Realize that art is the process as much as it is the result.
Think about it like this. Kids create a ton of art. All the time. Does it look the best? Not always, but you can bet your bottom dollar that those kids had a blast making it. Plus, they’re learning while expressing themselves. (By the way, these benefits are there no matter the age. Art is sorta awesome like that.) Let your inner child shine! Pour out all the colored pencils, get out the glitter glue, and get ready to try something new!
Let’s look at some loose ideas!
- Have you ever made a sona? If not, or if it feels like it might be out of your comfort zone, make one! Sometimes all it takes to stop being bored is trying something new.
- If all else fails, draw a dragon. Dragons are the ultimate thing to draw when you’re bored. Let’s be real here.
- What if making or drawing characters isn’t your thing, though? Try Zentangle! It’s a way to draw or doodle meditatively. If you want to experiment with drawing structured patterns, give it a go! (Plus, it’s super relaxing. And satisfying, too.)
Zentangle isn’t the only way to do mindful art, though! Let’s learn a simple way to create some beautifully loose drawings with neurographic art!

- Don’t panic at the word ‘neurographic’! It’s a big word for a super simple drawing technique. All you need to do to get started is to draw some squiggly lines. You can add some circles, too! Make sure that the lines intersect at some point. Also, you can do this digitally or traditionally. For this example, I’ve done it digitally. (I use realistic brushes, though!) However, I recommend you try it traditionally, too! Feeling the texture of the paper and using materials around you can add an extra layer of fun to it.

- At every point 2 lines touch, round off the corners. Imagine each blank space between the lines as a cell if that makes things a little easier. Here’s a close up of what I mean! Don’t worry if yours looks a little wonky right now. Trust the process and focus on having fun!

- Once you round off all the corners, you can decide to add more lines or circles. You don’t have to, of course. In case you do, though, remember to round off those corners!

- Now, you can choose to add color. Again, you don’t have to! It’s all about what’d be most fun for you! Maybe instead of color, you can add more lines if you wish!

- Aaaaand, that’s all folks!
Boredom Busting With Art
The last thing you want to worry about when you’re bored is being productive, let’s be honest. Still, being productive and having fun aren’t mutually exclusive! By the way, practicing a skill, like drawing, is pretty productive. So, you’re really doing something when you choose to draw to get un-bored. Think about it! You’re honing your skills! You have to get all those bad drawings out of you so you can produce a masterpiece. The thing about art is that you never know when you’ll make a masterpiece. Your next doodle might be your piece de resistance!
Easy things to draw
Pssst. Proceed with caution at the word ‘easy’. Don’t be discouraged if these drawing ideas end up being harder than they seem! What is easy for one artist will be impossible for another. Here, by ‘easy’, I mean that most people will be able to draw these with basic drawing knowledge. If you start one of these ideas and struggle more than have fun, try another one! Remember, the goal here is to let loose!
- a friendly robot watering a tiny cactus plant.
- a stack of colorful, mismatched socks.
- a bumblebee dancing on a flower.
- a cozy campfire with marshmallows roasting on sticks.
- a mythical unicorn galloping through a meadow.
- a penguin surfing
- a curious cat peeking out from behind a bookshelf.
- a napping dog dreaming of chasing squirrels.
- a delicious donut with sprinkles and a bite taken out of it.
- an astronaut planting a flag on the surface of the moon.
- a friendly dragon breathing colorful fire.
- a wise old owl perched on a tree branch.
- a playful otter sliding down a snowy slope.
- a cactus wearing sunglasses.
- a mischievous raccoon raiding a picnic basket.
- a field of wildflowers swaying in the gentle breeze.
- a cozy cottage nestled in a snowy landscape.
- a hot air balloon drifting across a starry sky.
- a bird soaring high above a mountain peak.
- a curious kitten chasing a ball of yarn.
- a smiling sun peeking out from behind a cloud.
- a family of happy penguins sliding down an icy slope.
- a dreaming sloth clinging to a tree branch.
- a mischievous monkey swinging from a tree branch.
- a cozy cottage with a glowing fireplace.
- a field of sunflowers reaching towards the sky.
- a vibrant rainbow arching over a lush green meadow.
- a bunch of colorful umbrellas
- A robot holding a bouquet of flowers.
- A dragon curled up, fast asleep.
- a mysterious bookshelf
- a frowning raincloud
- a snowman wearing a carrot nose.
- A tree with cupcake-shaped leaves.
- A fish wearing a scuba diving mask.
- A cloud shaped like a dinosaur.
- A frog using a lily pad as an umbrella.
- A penguin in a hot air balloon.
- A cactus wearing sunglasses.
- A cat sitting inside a teapot.
- A dog with butterfly wings.
- A rabbit jumping over the moon.
- A turtle with a city skyline on its shell.
- A dragon blowing bubbles instead of fire.
- A squirrel riding a skateboard.
- A rainbow pouring out of a watering can.
- A robot painting a rainbow.
- A mouse holding a tiny umbrella.
- A fox wearing a bow tie.
- A unicorn playing a guitar.
- A bear reading a book under a tree.
- A star-shaped spaceship flying through space.
- A flower with a smiley face.
- A jellyfish holding a balloon.
- A lion with a crown made of leaves.
- A ladybug riding a bicycle.
- A koala eating ice cream.
- A snowman surfing on a wave.
- A whale wearing a top hat.
- A cat playing a piano.
- A dragonfly with polka-dotted wings.
- A sun wearing a party hat.
- A bird flying with a tiny suitcase.
- A panda holding a bunch of balloons.
- A hedgehog wrapped in a blanket.
- A dolphin jumping through a hoop.
- A peacock with rainbow-colored feathers.
- A frog riding a unicycle.
- A giraffe with a scarf.
- A butterfly with musical notes on its wings.
- A penguin building a sandcastle.
- A dog wearing rain boots.
- A cat with a flower crown.
- A bear riding a tricycle.
- A bee with sunglasses.
- A turtle carrying a stack of books.
- A starfish with a superhero cape.
- A rabbit with a carrot-shaped umbrella.
- A raccoon holding a lollipop.
- A unicorn flying a kite.
- A snail with a candy cane shell.
- A bird wearing a chef's hat.
- A frog with a skateboard.
- A butterfly on a cupcake.
- A dragon sleeping on a cloud.
- A mouse with a tiny book.
- A cat lounging in a hammock.
- A bunny wearing glasses.
- A grandfather clock.
- A dragon breathing out bubbles instead of fire.
- A house with a roof made of colorful tiles.
- A dog wearing a superhero cape and mask.
- A sun with sunglasses and a big smile.
- A cloud with a rainbow coming out of its side.
- A giant cupcake with sprinkles and a cherry on top.
- A flying saucer with an alien inside.
- A tree with fruit shaped like stars.
- A bear wearing a top hat and bow tie.
- A bridge made of colorful puzzle pieces.
- A dinosaur with a party hat and confetti.
- A hot air balloon shaped like a giant flower.
- A jar of fireflies glowing in the dark.
- A moon with a hammock hanging from it.
- A forest scene with different types of trees, logs, and bushes.
- A field of flowers with faces smiling at the sun.
- A rocket ship with a trail of glitter behind it.
- A robot with gears and buttons as its facial features.
- A cup of tea with a heart-shaped steam.
- A starfish with a smiling face.
- A snail with a spiral shell and tiny flowers on it.
- A single balloon floating upwards with a string.
- A cupcake with a candle and sprinkles.
- A lighthouse with a simple zigzag light beam.
- A pair of sunglasses with colorful reflections.
- A simple fish with bubbles and a wavy tail.
- A pencil with a face and a tiny book beside it.
- A kite with a a long tail.
- A small castle with flags on top of each tower.
- A slice of pizza with awesome toppings.
- A pot of gold with a rainbow arching over it.
- A basic house with a chimney and smoke coming out.
- A moon with a pair of cute, sleepy eyes.
- A heart-shaped balloon floating with a tiny string.
- A cupcake with a cherry on top and sprinkles.
- A simple snowman with a carrot nose and stick arms.
- A flower with a smiling face in the center.
- A basic cat face with whiskers and big eyes.
- A smiling sun with simple rays radiating out.
- A single tree with a swing hanging from a branch.
- A small fishbowl with a happy fish inside.
- A simple rainbow with clouds at each end.
- A basic star with cute, rounded points.
- A striped candy cane with a bow at the top.
- A simple windmill with turning blades.
- A cartoonish rocket with a trail of stars.
- A simple umbrella with raindrops falling around it.
- A happy frog sitting on a lily pad.
- A basket of colorful Easter eggs.
- A simple beach scene with a palm tree and waves.
- A basic snowflake with six symmetrical arms.
- A smiling apple with a leaf on top.
- A small gift box with a ribbon and bow.
- A cute octopus with big, friendly eyes.
- A simple bicycle with a basket and flowers.
- A cartoonish submarine with a periscope.
- A cute penguin sliding down a small ice hill.
- A basic cactus with a flower on top.
- A smiling sun with a simple cloud beside it.
- A simple lighthouse with horizontal stripes.
- A playful monkey hanging from a vine.
- A simple dreamcatcher
- A watermelon
- Ribbon, with or without folds
- A small gift box with a ribbon
- A custom sigil
- A stack of three books
- A happy turtle
- An ice cream cone with three scoops and a cherry.
- A pair of cherries
- A simple butterfly with patterned wings
- A bunch of bananas
- A sunset
- A beach scene, with seagulls in the distance
- A cute snowman with a hat.
- A basic car with wheels.
- A single heart with arrows.
- A simple hamburger with a bun.
- A basic drum with sticks.
- A basic sandwich with lettuce and cheese.
- A basic mailbox with an envelope.
- A cute dragonfly with large wings.
- A cute ladybug with spots.
- An apple with a leaf
- A bow
- A wedding ring with a diamond in the center
- A pair of intertwined hearts.
- A smiling moon with a single star beside it.
- A tiny bird perched on a branch.
- A slice of pizza with one piece missing.
- A cozy sweater with a large, circular button.
- A carrot with a leafy top.
- A rainbow with three arches.
- A basic pencil with an eraser at the end.
- A heart-shaped balloon floating up.
- A happy face with big, round eyes.
- A cute snail with a swirl shell.
- A single flower with five petals.
- A cozy log cabin with a chimney.
- A playful puppy with floppy ears.
- A tiny bee with striped body.
- A basic key with a circular head.
- A small turtle with a round shell.
- A pair of shoes side by side.
- A cute panda with big round ears.
- A single musical note with a smiley face.
- A small, closed book with a bookmark.
- A cute giraffe with a long neck.
- A simple anchor
- A cute frog with big eyes sitting on a lily pad.
- A stack of three pancakes with syrup on top.
- A basic camera with a lens in the center.
- A playful dolphin jumping over a wave.
- A small, round planet with rings around it.
- A basic pair of mittens.
- A cute teddy bear with a bow tie.
- A tiny dragon with a smile and wings.
- A cute chick hatching from an egg.
- A simple fried egg
- A simple pair of binoculars
- Different types of clouds
- A taco with lots of toppings
- A simple teapot with a steaming spout.
- A small, smiling cactus in a decorative pot.
- A basic compass with a simple arrow.
- A banana peel
- A small, happy bee buzzing around a flower.
- A cute fox with a bushy tail.
- A simple birdhouse with a little bird inside.
- A cute raccoon
- A popcorn bucket
- A backpack ready for school
- A small, smiling apple with a worm peeking out.
- Simple, cute paw prints
- Peace signs
- A simple alarm clock with ringing bells.
- A small, happy telephone with a smiley screen.
- A basic pair of headphones
- A tiny envelope with a heart-shaped seal.
- A simple toaster with a slice of toast popping out.
- A paperclip
- A tiny remote control with a few buttons.
- A tiny flashlight with a glowing beam.
- A calendar with a circled date
- A basic light switch with an “on” position.
- A comb
- A tiny notepad with a few lines
- A watering can
- A filing cabinet
- A sticky note with doodles on it.
- A bandage
- A chalkboard with a cheerful doodle.
- A calculator
- A pill bottle with a cheerful label.
- A basic lock
- Scissors
- A simple jar of jam with a gingham fabric lid
- A keyring with unique keys
- A basic kitchen timer
- A pair of socks
- A tin of sardines
Cool things to draw
- A castle made of candy.
- A spaceship shaped like a pineapple.
- A teacup floating on a cloud.
- A roller coaster in the shape of a dragon.
- A treehouse with multiple levels and slides.
- A hot air balloon shaped like a giant strawberry.
- A magical book that glows.
- A bicycle with giant flowers for wheels.
- A house made entirely of glass.
- A cupcake with a tiny city on top.
- A pair of shoes with wings.
- A lantern floating on a river.
- A floating island with a waterfall.
- A lighthouse in the middle of a desert.
- A clock tower with a giant moon in the background.
- A bridge made of vines and flowers.
- A violin made of ice.
- A carousel with mythical creatures.
- A tree with lanterns hanging from its branches.
- A painting that comes to life.
- A garden with oversized mushrooms.
- A staircase leading to the clouds.
- A ship sailing through the stars.
- A giant sandcastle with turrets.
- A window with a view of outer space.
- A mailbox with wings.
- A rainbow pouring into a pot of gold.
- A clock with gears showing.
- A bookshelf with secret compartments.
- A city inside a snow globe.
- A fountain with colored water.
- A bridge with lights underneath.
- A garden inside a light bulb.
- A hot air balloon with a tea party inside.
- A watch with a galaxy face.
- A door in the middle of a field.
- A tree with doors and windows.
- A suitcase with legs.
- A staircase wrapping around a tree.
- A kite in the shape of a dragon.
- A house on top of a giant mushroom.
- A streetlamp with flowers growing around it.
- A lantern with fireflies inside.
- A bed floating on a cloud.
- A doorway leading to a magical world.
- A bicycle with flower petals as spokes.
- A clock with the phases of the moon.
- A floating lantern festival.
- A window showing a different season.
- A tree with glowing fruit.
- A castle in the clouds.
- A tent made of leaves.
- A garden growing inside a bottle.
- A staircase with books as steps.
- A bridge with a waterfall underneath.
- A city skyline reflected in a giant pair of sunglasses.
- A tree with branches that form musical notes.
- A spiral staircase made of glowing crystals.
- A hot air balloon shaped like a giant book.
- A waterfall flowing from the moon.
- A mobile made of stars and moons.
- A clock tower in a futuristic city.
- A bridge that changes color with the seasons.
- A forest with neon trees.
- A floating island with a crystal castle.
- A roller coaster in space.
- A lighthouse in a glowing forest.
- A portal to another dimension.
- A spaceship docking at a space station.
- A staircase made of musical notes.
- A city built on top of a giant tree.
- A door leading to an underwater world.
- A street with floating lanterns.
- A hot air balloon with stained glass panels.
- A mountain with glowing veins of gold.
- A castle made of ice and snow.
- A library with books that float.
- A bridge made of rainbow light.
- A treehouse with a view of the galaxy.
- A futuristic train station.
- A city in a giant snowflake.
- A floating garden in the sky.
- A magical wardrobe leading to a fantasy world.
- A chandelier made of floating candles.
- A futuristic car with holographic displays.
- A garden with glowing plants.
- A clock tower with gears visible.
- A tree with leaves made of glass.
- A floating castle above a waterfall.
- A hot air balloon festival in the night sky.
- A futuristic city with flying cars.
- A bridge that glows in the dark.
- A lighthouse on a floating island.
- A tree with lanterns for fruit.
- A city built on clouds.
- A portal with swirling colors.
- A staircase leading to a floating island.
- A garden with bioluminescent flowers.
- A floating city above the clouds.
- A street with glowing neon signs.
- A clock tower surrounded by cherry blossoms.
- A treehouse with a glass floor.
- A steampunk airship with brass propellers and gears visible.
- A bridge with holographic railings.
- A castle in the sky with floating islands around it.
- A staircase with steps made of water.
- A futuristic park with floating benches.
- A clock tower with a galaxy inside the clock face.
- A garden growing inside a floating orb.
- A chandelier made of hanging vines and crystals.
- A crystal cave with a hidden waterfall.
- A treehouse surrounded by floating lanterns.
- A bridge made of entwined vines.
- A crystal garden with plants made of gemstones.
- A house with walls covered in climbing roses.
- A field of flowers that glow under the moonlight.
- A floating island with a garden of bioluminescent plants.
- A river with crystal-clear water flowing through a forest.
- A tree with hanging crystal ornaments.
- A garden where every plant is a different shade of blue.
- A crystal palace in a winter wonderland.
- A pathway through a forest with glowing crystals.
- A flower that blooms into a crystal at its center.
- A treehouse with a slide made of crystal.
- A waterfall cascading over a cliff of amethyst.
- A floating island with a tree made of crystal.
- A magical door surrounded by glowing plants.
- A crystal chandelier hanging from a tree.
- A field of wildflowers in a kaleidoscope of colors.
- A bridge with crystal railings over a sparkling river.
- A garden with flowers that look like they are made of glass.
- A tree with bark that glows in the dark.
- A floating garden with plants that change colors.
- A forest with trees that have crystal branches.
- A house with a garden of glowing crystals.
- A path through a forest of giant flowers.
- A field of sunflowers that follow the moon.
- A tree with a door leading to a magical world.
- A garden with flowers that bloom in the shape of stars.
- A floating island with a pond.
- A waterfall flowing over a bed of crystals.
- A house with a rooftop garden of bioluminescent plants.
- A bridge with plants growing along the railings.
- A garden with flowers that change colors with the seasons.
- A crystal forest with trees made entirely of gemstones.
- A treehouse surrounded by flowers that glow.
- A crystal cave with a hidden garden.
- A path through a forest with glowing vines.
- A tree with leaves that look like stained glass.
- A maze made of glowing neon lines.
- A floating library with books that read themselves aloud.
- A giant clock tower where each hour is a different color.
- A park where the trees are made of candy.
- A bridge that moves and changes shape.
- A street market with stalls that float in the air.
- A bicycle with wheels that change patterns as they spin.
- A staircase that leads to a hidden garden.
- A bed that floats above the ground.
- A piano that plays itself when you walk by.
- A city with streets made of water.
- A boat with a sail made of light.
- A house with a rooftop pool that flows over the edge.
- A bridge that lights up when you step on it.
- A park with benches that change colors.
- A door that opens to different places each time.
- A garden where plants grow in geometric shapes.
- A house with walls that display moving images.
- A clock that shows the phases of the moon.
- A floating cafe in the sky.
- A roller coaster that travels through a tunnel of stars.
- A tree that grows musical instruments.
- A market where the stalls are inside giant bubbles.
- A house with a secret room behind a bookcase.
- A garden with plants that dance when music plays.
- A bridge that looks like a rainbow at night.
- A playground with equipment that floats.
- A house that changes color with the weather.
- A library where the books glow in the dark.
- A boat that sails through the clouds.
- A park with trees that whisper secrets.
- A house with a glass floor above an aquarium.
- A staircase with steps that light up as you walk.
- A garden where the flowers are made of light.
- A house with windows that show different views.
- A train that travels through a tunnel of light.
- A bench that plays music when you sit down.
- A street with lamps that change colors.
- A park where the paths glow at night.
- A house with a roof that opens to the stars.
- A door that glows in the dark.
- A playground with slides that light up.
- A bridge that sings when you walk across.
- A garden with plants that glow in the moonlight.
- A house with a wall that changes patterns.
- A park with a river of light.
- A staircase that floats in mid-air.
- A rooftop garden with a view of a futuristic city.
- A floating dock in the middle of a serene lake.
- A house with a floor that turns transparent.
- A street where the pavement lights up with footsteps.
- A bed that can fly to different locations.
- A bridge that sparkles like diamonds in the sun.
- A playground with swings that float above the ground.
- A clock that projects the time in the sky.
- A train that travels through a tunnel of rainbows.
- A park with fountains that shoot colored water.
- A house with walls that display the Northern Lights.
- A boat with a glass bottom to view underwater life.
- A garden with flowers that bloom in the shape of stars.
- A staircase that wraps around a massive tree.
- A house with a floor-to-ceiling aquarium.
- A steam-powered carousel with animal figures in Victorian attire.
- A bridge that doubles as a light show at night.
- A treehouse with a slide that winds down the trunk.
- A floating market with stalls on lily pads.
- A house with a living wall of plants.
- A park with interactive sculptures that move.
- A bridge with a walkway that changes patterns.
- A house with a ceiling that displays constellations.
- A café with tables that float in mid-air.
- A garden with a pathway that glows underfoot.
- A rooftop pool with a glass edge.
- A library with books that change stories at night.
- A house with a holographic entertainment room.
- A park with trees that sing in the wind.
- A floating island with a peaceful meditation garden.
- A bridge that transforms into a waterfall.
- A house with walls that change colors with music.
- A garden with flowers that emit light.
- A path through a forest with glowing pebbles.
- A floating restaurant with panoramic views.
- A staircase that doubles as a bookshelf.
- A house with a garden that grows upside down.
- A house with a room that simulates different climates.
- A bridge that plays music as you walk across.
- A garden where plants change color with touch.
- A rooftop terrace with a fire pit.
- A floating walkway over a shimmering lake.
- A house with windows that display different landscapes.
- A park with a maze of mirrors.
- A clockwork robot with intricate mechanical limbs.
- A grand library with rotating shelves and brass book retrieval systems.
- A bridge that changes shape throughout the day.
- A house with a floor that looks like a beach.
- A garden with holographic butterflies.
- A path through a forest with light-up mushrooms.
- A floating pavilion for yoga and meditation.
- A house with walls that show live feeds of nature.
- A park with a carousel of mythical creatures.
All About Animals!
- A snail with a rocket-powered shell.
- A giraffe wearing a top hat and monocle.
- A tiger riding a skateboard.
- A pig with wings
- A bunny with braces
- A raccoon in a hammock.
- A dog blowing bubbles.
- A turtle with a tiny garden on its back.
- A whale spouting hearts.
- A pill bottle filled with pill bugs
- A lion playing a ukulele.
- A butterfly with rainbow wings.
- A bird with a pirate hat.
- A bear wearing overalls.
- A mouse peeking out of a teacup.
- A dolphin with a party hat.
- A panda eating a popsicle.
- A fox with a monocle.
- A rabbit jumping out of a magician's hat.
- A cat with a wizard hat.
- A dog riding a scooter.
- A giraffe wearing a tutu.
- A dragon with a balloon.
- A bee with a tiny hat.
- A squirrel playing a trumpet.
- A bird in a hot air balloon.
- A cat on a swing.
- A dog holding a bouquet of flowers.
- A rabbit holding a star.
- A mouse with a tiny backpack.
- A turtle with a top hat.
- A frog with an umbrella.
- A penguin holding a candy cane.
- A unicorn with a rainbow mane.
- A fox with a backpack.
- A bear holding a star.
- A butterfly with a crown.
- A cat wearing a bow.
- A bird with a tiny book.
- A dog with a scarf.
- A frog with a balloon.
- A snail on a skateboard.
- A rabbit with a tiny lantern.
- A panda holding a flower.
- A giraffe with sunglasses.
- A fox with a tiny suitcase.
- A turtle with a beach ball.
- A squirrel with a tiny cake.
- A frog with a bow tie.
- A penguin with earmuffs.
- A snail holding a tiny flag
- A dragon holding a cupcake.
- A cat with a tiny guitar.
- A cute owl with big eyes and a tiny book.\
- A turtle in a turtle neck sweater
- A fox wearing aviator sunglasses and flying goggles.
- A cat lounging on a crescent moon.
- A whale with a built-in lighthouse on its back.
- A zebra with rainbow stripes.
- A dolphin leaping through a hoop of fire.
- A kangaroo with a tiny backpack.
- A dragonfly with butterfly wings.
- A hedgehog with a party hat and confetti.
- A flamingo standing on one leg while balancing a globe.
- An elephant playing a saxophone.
- A rabbit in a magician’s costume pulling a hat out of a hat.
- A sea turtle with a mosaic shell.
- A lion with a mane made of colorful yarn.
- A raccoon wearing a detective’s trench coat and hat.
- A bat with a cape and superhero mask.
- A walrus wearing a monocle and a top hat.
- A meerkat piloting a tiny airplane.
- A horse with a unicorn horn.
- A crab with a pirate hat and eye patch.
- An ant wearing a tiny chef’s hat.
- A moose with antlers shaped like a Christmas tree.
- A peacock with feathers like a stained glass window.
- A parrot playing a tiny guitar.
- A koala wearing a space helmet.
- A turtle with a propeller on its shell.
- A lion with a camera for a face.
- A frog sitting on a lily pad with a tiny umbrella.
- A bat with glowing, neon wings.
- A butterfly with mechanical gears for wings.
- A raccoon in a superhero costume with a mask.
- A hedgehog riding a skateboard.
- A snail with a clockwork shell.
- A penguin with a bowtie and monocle.
- A squirrel in a hot air balloon.
- An owl with a rainbow-colored wing pattern.
- A monkey swinging from a vine with a bunch of bananas.
- A camel with a soda can and sunglasses.
- A flamingo with a tutu and ballet slippers.
- A zebra with polka dot stripes.
- A cat with astronaut gear and floating in space.
- A dog with a firefighter’s helmet and hose.
- A fish in a futuristic, robotic suit.
- A rabbit wearing aviator goggles and flying a biplane.
- A giraffe with a giant bow on its neck.
- A parrot with an artist’s palette and brush.
- A panda eating bamboo with a pair of chopsticks.
- A horse with dragon wings.
- A walrus with a beach ball and sunglasses.
- A butterfly with sparkles and glowing antennae.
- A hedgehog with a knitted sweater and scarf.
- A llama with a funky hat and sunglasses.
- A pelican with a treasure chest in its beak.
- A giraffe playing a grand piano.
- A koala with a surfboard.
- A frog with a magician’s wand and top hat.
- A bear with a picnic basket and blanket.
- A penguin with a painter’s easel and palette.
- A snail with a library of tiny books on its shell.
- A kangaroo with a trampoline and bouncing children.
- A zebra with a space suit and helmet.
- A rabbit with a moon-themed dreamcatcher.
- A dolphin with a floral lei and sunglasses.
- A lion with a quilted, patchwork mane.
- A parrot with an explorer’s hat and map.
- A raccoon with a magic wand and starry effects.
- A turtle with a house on its back instead of a shell.
- A frog with a conductor’s baton and musical notes.
- A horse with a rainbow tail and flying unicorn wings.
- A cheetah wearing a racing helmet and goggles.
- A cat with a miniature hot air balloon.
- A kangaroo with a pocket watch and monocle.
- A penguin dressed as a wizard casting spells.
- A rabbit with a telescope peering at the stars.
- A zebra with a patchwork quilt made of its stripes.
- An owl with a detective’s magnifying glass.
- A parrot wearing a pirate’s tricorn hat and eyepatch.
- A squirrel with a tiny jetpack.
- A turtle with a mini aquarium built into its shell.
- A hedgehog with a jet ski and water waves.
- A dragon with butterfly wings and fairy dust.
- A flamingo with a funky patterned scarf.
- A llama with a set of colorful maracas.
- A walrus with a beach umbrella and surfboard.
- A giraffe with a long scarf and a top hat.
- A raccoon with a magician’s wand and stars.
- A fish with a tiny submarine and goggles.
- A koala with a tiny cupcake hat.
- A lion with a magician’s cape and a rabbit.
- A frog with a golden crown and a royal robe.
- A butterfly with a stained glass wing pattern.
- A parrot flying through a cloud of confetti.
- A horse with a knight’s armor and a lance.
- A bear in a cozy sweater and slippers by the fire.
- A penguin with a tuxedo and a bowtie.
- A crab with a chef’s hat and cooking utensils.
- A cheetah in a space suit with a moon rover.
- A cat lounging on a tropical beach chair.
- A snail with a miniature carnival on its shell.
- A dog with a detective’s hat and magnifying glass.
- A koala with a colorful patchwork quilt.
- A whale with a carousel and tiny riders on its back.
- A turtle with a small, floating garden on its shell.
- A rabbit with a flower garden in its ears.
- A flamingo with a giant, sparkling gemstone necklace.
- A raccoon riding a unicycle and juggling balls.
- A lion with a regal robe and a crown.
- A squirrel in a circus ringmaster outfit.
- A penguin with a book and a reading glasses.
- A dragon with a kite and a rainbow trail.
- A frog with a tiny, magical bubble wand.
- A cat with a magic potion and spell book.
- A parrot with an explorer’s backpack and map.
- A giraffe with a balloon bouquet and party hat.
- A koala with a tiny treehouse and hammock.
- A zebra with a circus tent and performers.
- A bear with a picnic spread and ants.
- A walrus with a snow globe and a cheerful face.
- A rabbit with a magic wand and sparkling trails.
- A horse with a fairy’s wings and a wand.
- A chameleon changing colors to blend with a sunset.
- A flamingo doing yoga.
- A squirrel with a tiny treehouse and telescope.
- A cat with a wizard’s staff and mystical symbols.
- A penguin with a rocket pack and stars.
- A butterfly with a kaleidoscope wing pattern.
- A turtle with a tiny island and palm trees on its shell.
- A koala with a stack of books and reading glasses.
- A lion with a colorful mane made of flowers.
- A dragonfly with a mini hot air balloon.
- A crab with a treasure chest and pirate hat.
- A raccoon with a tiny artist’s easel and paintbrush.
- A parrot with a circus ring and juggling balls.
- A tapir with a festive party hat and confetti.
- A walrus with a tiny snowman and snowflakes.
- A turtle with a miniature cityscape on its shell.
- A bear with a cozy blanket and a hot cocoa mug.
- A dog with a knight’s helmet and shield.
- A cheetah with a bunch of snacks
- A cat with a magic wand and a spellbook.
- A dolphin with a rainbow-colored fin.
- A rabbit with a whimsical carousel and riders.
- A dragon with a magical crystal ball and sparkles.
- A llama with a fancy top hat and monocle.
- An ostrich with a feathered masquerade mask.
- A polar bear with a cozy scarf and mittens.
- A butterfly with a starry, galaxy-patterned wings.
- A rabbit with a magician’s hat and cards.
- A cheetah in a race car.
- A parrot with a jester’s hat and juggling balls.
- A bear camping in a tent.
- A hedgehog with a tiny flower garden on its back.
- A dog with a pirate hat and treasure map.
- A rabbit with a whimsical hot air balloon.
- A parrot with a tropical drink and beach umbrella.
- A giraffe with a giant pair of colorful sunglasses.
- A koala with a mini movie projector and film reel.
- A cow with a set of roller skates and a cool scarf.
- A hippo in a bikini
- An alligator at the dentist.
- A cat with a space helmet on.
- A scuba diving bird
- A school of plain colored fish, with a single colorful fish.
- A lion in a theater and stage curtains.
- A parrot teaching a college class
- A cow drinking milk
- A bee with a chef’s hat on
- A mouse with a wedge of cheese.
- A deer with a flower crown.
- A hedgehog wearing a tiny top hat.
- A seal balancing a ball on its nose.
- A lion with a crown on.
- A sheep with a wool sweater on
- A chameleon with mood rings on
- A horse with a star on its forehead.
- A duckling with an umbrella.
- A rabbit with oversized glasses.
- A smiling caterpillar with segments.
- A playful otter floating on its back.
- A llama playing a harmonica
- A chubby squirrel with a bushy tail.
- A raccoon with a birthday cake.
- A starfish with a bow tie.
- An elephant with ballerina shoes on
- An anteater that’s also an exterminator
- A beluga whale with a fishing outfit on
- A donkey in a cowboy hat
- A spider with a sock on all 8 legs.
- A fox in a detective trench coat.
- A snail with a miniature garden on its back.
- A seahorse with a flowing mane.
- A butterfly holding a paintbrush.
- A penguin on a skateboard.
- A squirrel and a bird having a tea party.
- A porcupine with a quill pen.
- A rabbit flying a kite shaped like a carrot.
Weird things to draw
- A giraffe with long legs and a short neck
- A smiling grape with a face.
- an alien playing a ukulele
- a robot offering a cup of oil in a coffee cup
- a delightful gingerbread person decorating their own body.
- a magical unicorn horn growing out of a house.
- A banana-weiner dog hybrid
- An electric tree
- A lake of pudding with candy lilypads
- A roller coaster that loops through a giant donut.
- A house with a giant key sticking out of its roof.
- A house on stilts above a sea of clouds.
- A wizard’s hat with stars and moons falling out.
- A giant key with a rainbow ribbon attached.
- A floating library with bookshelves in the sky.
- A dragonfly with transparent, iridescent wings.
- A castle surrounded by a moat of sparkling water.
- A pencil with a dragon’s tail.
- A unicorn with a mane made of stars.
- A book with a dragon curled around it.
- A garden of giant, colorful mushrooms.
- A rocket ship launching from a giant book.
- A hot air balloon with a basket shaped like a teapot.
- A train traveling through a tunnel of rainbows.
- A balloon with a face and tiny arms and legs.
- A house with a garden of luminous, floating orbs.
- A house with a rainbow roof and candy cane chimney.
- A fish with a propeller and aviator goggles.
- A hot air balloon shaped like a giant fruit basket.
- A whimsical clock with moving gears and hands.
- A cat wearing a wizard’s robe and hat.
- A castle with a moat made of rainbow water.
- A flying fish with a trail of stardust.
- A floating island with a giant, glowing crystal.
- A hot air balloon with a sail made of patches.
- A snow globe with a tiny circus inside.
- A toaster with a face giving you a thumbs-up.
- A fish wearing a top hat and monocle while reading a newspaper.
- A tree with a door and windows, functioning as a little house.
- A cloud made of cotton candy raining sprinkles.
- A teapot with a plant growing out of its spout.
- A car with legs walking through a park.
- An octopus painting its own tentacles.
- A library with books flying around like birds.
- A clock with melting numbers dripping down.
- A sandwich with a tiny bed and pillow for the filling.
- A toothbrush dancing with toothpaste as a partner.
- A rainbow shooting out of a donut.
- A moon made of cheese with holes in the shape of stars.
- A penguin DJing at a turntable made of ice.
- A giraffe with a long scarf wrapped around its neck like a spiral.
- A mailbox with a face that’s yawning and stretching.
- A penguin playing a saxophone on a snowy stage.
- A painting with real water flowing out of the canvas.
- A bed that floats on fluffy clouds.
- A banana with legs doing the cha-cha.
- A piano with keys that are jumping like frogs.
- Glasses with water for lenses
- A bookshelf with books floating around like planets.
- A watermelon with wings flying through the sky.
- A teacup with a tiny boat sailing inside it.
- A set of stairs leading up to a fluffy cloud.
- A slice of pizza with a cape and superhero mask.
- A dragon blowing out birthday candles.
- A sandwich with a tiny garden growing on top.
- A pair of sneakers that are bouncing like trampolines.
- A swimming pool in a book where characters are swimming.
- A cat wearing a suit and tie while reading the newspaper.
- A lamp with a floating lightbulb as a hot air balloon.
- A pair of socks with faces that are having a conversation.
- A clock with arms and legs jogging around the dial.
- A fishbowl with a tiny underwater city inside.
- A bus with wings flying through the city.
- A chair with a face that’s smiling and winking.
- A duck in a bathtub with bubbles in the shape of stars.
- A cloud that’s shaped like a fluffy bunny.
- A dog walking on its hind legs with a top hat and cane.
- A sandwich with arms and legs climbing out of the bread.
- A toothbrush with a dancing toothpaste cap.
- A balloon with a tiny face and arms holding a picnic basket.
- A telephone with a tail like a cat, curling around.
- A cupcake with a tiny circus tent on top.
- A book with a door and windows on the cover.
- A shoe that’s bouncing like a pogo stick.
- A cloud with a rainbow-colored zipper opening up.
- A lamp with a glowing jellyfish inside.
- A birdhouse shaped like a teapot.
- A pencil drawing a picture of itself.
- A fish in a hot air balloon flying over a cityscape.
- A car with wheels made of pizza slices.
- A flower with a smiling sun face in the middle.
- A squirrel juggling acorns on a trampoline.
- A book with legs
- A refrigerator with a tiny garden inside
- A basket of fruit with faces chatting and laughing.
- A boat with a sail made of a giant leaf.
- A book with a ladder leading to the sky.
- A rainbow made of different food items.
- A castle floating on a giant lily pad.
- A cloud-shaped popcorn bucket raining popcorn
- An egg carton with beetles in it instead of eggs
- A hot dog with a tiny life preserver and a lifeguard stand.
- A mountain with a ski resort and little skiers on top.
- A telephone booth with wings, flying through the sky.
- A chair made of clouds with a sunset pattern.
- A squirrel with a parachute jumping from a tree.
- A fish swimming in a bowl-shaped cloud.
- A heart made out of a washing machine
- A pair of sunglasses that can see into the future.
- A mailbox with a tiny mailbox flag that waves.
- A pair of sneakers with wings, flying through the air.
- A bed with a moon and stars as a canopy.
- A spaceship made out of fruit
- A bathtub with a mini beach and palm tree.
- A clock with a carousel of animals instead of numbers.
- A lamp with a glowing jellyfish inside a glass dome.
- A cloud with a rainbow-colored zipper opening up.
- A rainbow zipline with characters sliding down from the sky.
- A dragonfly with wings made of stained glass.
- A cupcake with a carousel on top.
- A train that runs on tracks made of liquid lava.
- A bridge made entirely of giant rubber bands.
- A cupcake with sprinkles that have little eyes.
- A vending machine that sells live butterflies instead of snacks.
- A tree that grows various types of fruit on its branches simultaneously.
- A chair with eyes on the seat
- A shower that releases spaghetti instead of water
- Mythical creatures with body parts from different real-world animals
- A spacecraft powered by a giant hamster running on an exercise wheel
- A magician's assistant who is revealed to be a disgruntled robot in disguise
- A rocket-powered surfboard
- A museum exhibit showcasing the fantastical creatures that live between someone’s toes.
- A family of anthropomorphic household appliances living out a domestic drama
- A civilization of tiny, intelligent rodents building an underground metropolis
- A music box that projects holographic dancers performing an intricate ballet
- A remote, off-the-grid community living in treehouses made of repurposed tech
- A haunted hotel where the doors and walls are portals to other unsettling realms
- A petting zoo filled with gentle, friendly cryptids and mythological creatures
- A bakery that uses high-tech molecular gastronomy to create pastries that defy physics
- A community center for cockroaches
- A reclusive artist who paints portraits of imaginary alien civilizations
- A mysterious traveling carnival that appears and disappears without warning
- A secluded monastery where the monks cultivate and train psychic abilities
- A shadowy organization that collects and preserves rare, extraterrestrial artifacts
- An extension of a surreal painting
- A car with square wheels
- A watermelon with sunglasses
- A chair with legs made of sausages
- A demon juggling ice cubes
- A flower pot with legs
- A T-Rex doing yoga
- A computer mouse with whiskers
- A cloud that looks like a hamburger
- A flower growing out of someone's head
- A chandelier made of cheeseburgers
- A tree with lollipop leaves
- A house made of birthday cake with candle chimneys
- A robot playing hopscotch
- A car with doughnuts as tires
- A spider web made of licorice
- Quicksand made out of chewed up bubblegum
- A witch with fairy wings
- A school of goldfish playing a game of volleyball underwater
- A guitar playing itself
- A doughnut and a bagel fighting
- A flower with a small band of musicians nestled in the center, performing a lively floral symphony
- A turtle with a chess board on its back, with 2 other animals playing chess
- A cloud that is actually a herd of fluffy sheep, gently floating across the sky
- A toaster that's also a robot
- A bulldozer with a propeller on top
- A pineapple with a graduation cap
- A snowflake with sunglasses and a scarf
- A house that's also a hot air balloon
- A baby with spider legs
- A wrench with a mustache
- A pineapple that's also a jetpack
- A lemon that's also a race car
- A sentient cloud of glitter that leaves a sparkling trail behind it.
- A kitchen appliance that has grown legs and is trying to escape the house.
- An office chair that has been transformed into a magical throne.
- A malfunctioning robot that is covered in post-it notes.
- A living house that is rearranging its own rooms.
- A swarm of tiny, colorful clocks that are flying through the air.
- A pair of shoes that are having a heated argument.
- A sentient pile of socks that is plotting world domination.
- A haunted stapler that is possessed by a mischievous poltergeist.
- A vending machine that has been turned into a portal to another dimension.
- An abandoned umbrella that has developed a personality of its own.
- A sentient piece of chewing gum that is stuck to the underside of a table.
- A malfunctioning elevator that is taking passengers on a wild, unpredictable ride.
- A rogue garden hose that is wreaking havoc in the neighborhood.
- A sentient traffic cone that is directing cars in a bizarre dance.
- A self-aware mop that is mopping the floor in a choreographed routine.
- A haunted telephone that is making calls to the afterlife.
- A sentient fork that is trying to convince the spoon to join its rebellion.
- A malfunctioning vacuum cleaner that is sucking up everything in its path.
- A sentient pair of sunglasses that is turning everyone it sees into fashion icons.
- A tree growing from a teacup.
- A rollercoaster on the moon.
- A giant robot made of kitchen utensils.
- A cactus wearing a tuxedo.
- A haunted house made of jelly.
- A floating island with waterfalls.
- A pirate ship sailing through the desert.
- A hot air balloon shaped like a shoe.
- A medieval knight riding a giant pencil.
- A spaceship powered by musical notes.
- A skyscraper with a giant clock on its side.
- A mirror that shows a different dimension.
- A pair of glasses that let you see dreams.
- A forest made entirely of crystals.
- A street market on top of a whale.
- A telephone booth that’s a portal to another world.
- A bridge made of rainbows.
- A garden with plants that grow in geometric shapes.
- A carousel in the middle of the ocean.
- A floating castle made of clouds.
- A vending machine that dispenses time.
- A bookstore where the books fly off the shelves.
- A skyscraper with trees growing inside.
- A giant clockwork dragon.
- A merry-go-round with mythical creatures.
- A dance party in zero gravity.
- A playground on top of a giant cake.
- A city built on giant lily pads.
- A clock tower with a secret room inside.
- A staircase that spirals into the sky.
- A train that travels through time.
- A lighthouse with a clock face.
- A city where everyone wears clothes made of candy wrappers.
- A bathtub floating in the sky with clouds as bubbles.
- A teapot pouring a galaxy into a cup.
- A giant eye peering through a keyhole.
- A street where buildings are shaped like chess pieces.
- A house that floats on a sea of ink.
- A telephone with noodles for a cord.
- A bicycle with pizzas for wheels.
- A shoe with a tomato growing out of it.
- A door that opens to an indoor beach
- A forest of giant lollipops.
- A castle made of playing cards.
- A chair made of bubbles.
- A guitar with rainbow strings.
- A park with floating benches.
- A car shaped like a giant shoe.
- A train with carriages shaped like fruit.
- A tree growing inside a living room.
- A swimming pool filled with jelly.
- A city where buildings are shaped like everyday objects.
- A vintage diner with zombies having dinner.
- A bathtub filled with neon-colored fish.
And finally, for the 1,001st drawing prompt, we’ve saved the best for last. It’s an oldie but a goodie!
- That one weird ‘s’ symbol we all used to draw in elementary school.
Still Bored?
Alright, you made it all the way down here and you still haven’t stopped being bored. Now what? Fear not, dear reader! There’s always something to do. Plus, drawing isn’t always fun for everyone. There might be another activity for you to try that’s a perfect fit. So, let’s look for it!
You can always find art from the fandoms, games, and anime you love. Studies show that some of the best bursts of inspiration come while browsing and discovering art created by other artists. Are you into Genshin Impact? Check out how other people got inspired and created their own Genshin OCs as a contribution to the vast world of Teyvat.
What about something even more basic? Cat-lover? 'Cat' sparks endless interpretations—the only thing left is to find your own. Here are countless examples, all inspired by the simple idea of a cat character.
Using CharacterHub
One last thing you can try is joining CharacterHub. With a CharacterHub account, you can create profiles for all of your existing characters. Plus, you can create brand new OCs with ease by filling in a fresh character profile! Besides organizing your OC’s info, the profiles are totally customizable. Plus, they’re linked to CharacterHub’s rolechat feature. Rolechat is basically like a roleplay chatroom with your friends. You can easily reference lore, double check details, and more while roleplaying! (That means, no more plot holes, folks!)
Besides roleplaying, you can also create fanart for other user’s characters, join in on weekly events, do fun quizzes, and chances to be featured in an article like this one! With everything available to do on CharacterHub, why not join today? (One of us, one of us!)
Scarlett Bittle
With a pencil as her magic wand, Scarlett Bittle aims to spread the magic of creation to the world. She’s a multimedia artist, with experience experimenting with a spectacular spectrum of mediums. If you’re drawn to see more of her work, check it out on her instagram.
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