Iterators from Rain World are mysterious ancient and endlessly fascinating! These OCs draw inspiration from the massive mechanical beings that watch over the world tasked with solving the universe's greatest questions. With their towering structures intricate machinery and endless curiosity Iterators embody both wisdom and isolation. They might be guiding others from afar lost in thought or seeking answers in the depths of their own sprawling networks. Dive into this collection of incredible Iterator OCs and see how others have brought these enigmatic beings to life. Don’t forget to share your own character who explores the mysteries of universe of rain!

Iterator OCs (42 characters)

Semantic Enigma is an OC based on the Iterators from Rain World.Uninterested in The Great Problem, Semantic Enigma has taken an interest in the world outside. He aims to play God and be the catalyst to creating the next intelligent civiliza...
One of the many iterators, tasked to solve the unsolvable and left behind in a forgotten world.
An iterator who has happened upon a fate worse than death, but worse than being eaten alive by the Rot; they are known and confirmed to be exhaustively dead, but their puppet is being used by an accidental Rot creation of their own that was...
Another iterator that was left behind, just like the rest. Reflections in Song is a newer model with a knack for indulging in the joy of doing nothing.
A snide and sour iterator who wants nothing to do with anyone other than his closest friend--close both in relationship and proximity--Northern Lights.
Their icon is made by They only know of the creatures taught to them by Light, and what they know is that bugs are terrifying, lizards are mean, vultures are evil, and the plants are lies.They are my iterator oc! :DMore on their toyhouse
Midnight Talons Screaming, known by most as Blackbird.{| TOYHOUSE |}Highly unconventional
A gentle iterator with a big heart, who cares for not just those of their own group, but also those from other groups as well.
Astral is an iterator built earlier in the frame of the overall timeline, an experimental model primarily purposed to seek answers to the Great Problem in the stars. As such, their structure is freakishly tall, reaching up almost to the mes...
An iterator from a distant group, he has created programs and tech that is our world's equivalent of spyware; he knows this and it bugs his partner, Justified Interest, to no end.
A bubbly iterator whose can is at the center of a peculiar bubbling lake. They do as they please, as they now have the freedom to do whatever they want; so they did as any other iterator would do and create purposed organisms and machines t...
An anxious iterator whose structure is rapidly falling apart--not of their own doing, but faulty construction.
An aggressive iterator who is only nice to their sibling, Two Chimes. They have converted their once-city into an enormous ampitheater, though they have nothing to showcase (yet...).
An iterator who has since abandoned their initial assigned task, to instead chart the stars and observe the skies.They use two fuel sources; water and solar.
A light-hearted iterator with a love for music and fun. He likes to make his own music and play it out loud from the various speakers on his city; during the time of the Ancients, he used to do this all the time, and he was highly praised f...
An iterator from a distant group, she only somewhat upholds the rules and regulations of the Ancients; which of course are always tested to their limits by her partner, Kindred Likelihood.
Every Other Second is an OC based on the Iterators from Rain World.Heralded as ethereal and kind, Every Other Second prides themselves on being a shepherd, leading other beings to ascension. Their structure was built with the intention to s...
The Sky's the Limit group senior, she has since gone into a quiet stasis, focusing on only the most basic of functions. It's unknown why she has done this, but considering she's just as old as Looks to the Moon, it's probably to keep hersel...
A shy iterator situated in an oasis in a desert who has since converted their structure's city into a safe haven for any and all creatures to keep them cool and hydrated.
An older iterator whose can is surrounded by unearthed ruins of a previous society. Intrigued by these ancient structures, she decided to remake her structure's city in the same way as the ruins; creating the Castle atop her superstructure.
An iterator whose structure is twice as large, as the other half belongs to her twin, Solar Dawn.She is sly and charismatic, somehow always able to get anyone to do her work for her (usually Solar Dawn!).
An iterator whose structure is twice as large, as the other half belongs to his twin, Lunar Dusk.He is excitable and energetic, always welcoming visitors with open arms.
An older iterator who keeps to herself, only really speaking to a few close friends due to her anti-socialness. Her puppet is scarred due to a break-in by a small, feral creature, and thus does not allow any creatures in or around her struc...
The creator of Juniper :0
to be added
East Wind is a field iterator, meaning that they were purposely made to be mobile, as their job is to document local flora in-person, but they've long since abandoned this task, opting to instead write stories of their adventures.