How well do you know your characters? These character-building questions are a great way to explore your OC’s background and even develop new story hooks. You can even use this massive list of original character interview questions to have them share their thoughts.
Why Use Character Development Questions?
Coming up with a character can be exciting, but figuring them out can be an ongoing process. Just as you and I learn and grow throughout life, our characters have their changes and stages they deal with, which inform how we develop them. Character questionnaires like this can help us zero in on their experiences at different points of their arcs and give characters a voice.
Character development questions can also be good as an exercise because they put the creator on the spot to develop ideas about a character’s past and experiences they may not have considered before. It can be a good way to develop traits and find inspiration.
However, these character questions can also be a great exercise of self-discovery for the character. While you do not have to do this, we recommend answering many of these questions while roleplaying the character. You may be surprised by what you find at the moment and how that can affect how you write and draw them.

Questions for Original Characters
These character questionnaires for writers are meant to provide insight into a character’s biography, development, and desires. With over 800 questions there are plenty to answer, so you can pick or choose a handful from each category to get a good overview of a character. Or, you can try answering all 801 questions for original characters.
One thing to consider for answering these questions is to do so in character. These can be used as original character interview questions, allowing you to practice writing in their unique voice if that is appealing to you. You could even use these responses to flesh out their CharacterHub profile when including their traits.
Note that while some of these questions may share premises, they can occupy different focuses and themes, so questions about family can take a purely biographic approach, while a similar question may be from a social approach.
Background and History:
These questions to develop characters focus on their family background. Consider these questions as more biographical and historical. As with all questions on this list, they can be answered by you, the creator of the character, but you could also treat them as original character interview questions, too.

Family background
- What was your OC's upbringing like within their family?
- How has your OC’s relationship with their family evolved?
- Were there any significant losses or separations within the family?
- How does your OC view their relationships with their parents/caregivers?
- Are there any significant events in the family history that shaped who they are now?
- What role did siblings play for your original character?
- Did your OC’s family environment create a sense of belonging?
- Were there any traditions or rituals within your OC’s family that they rejected?
- Did your OC experience any conflicts or tensions within their family?
- Does your character carry any unresolved baggage from their family?
- How has your character’s understanding of family evolved as they've grown?
- What values were instilled in your character by their family?
- How does your OC’s family background affect their relationships with others outside of the family?
- Have they ever felt the need to rebel against their family?
- Did your OC receive any special treatment or discrimination within their family?
- How do they reconcile conflicts between their family's beliefs and their own?
- Has your original character ever felt disconnected from their family?
- What role models within their family have shaped your OC’s identity?
- How did their family's social or economic status influence the character’s worldview?
- Were there any traditions or rituals within your original character’s family that they held onto?
- How does your OC define their sense of home based on their family?
Childhood experiences
- What were the happiest moments of your OCr's childhood?
- Did your OC have any significant friendships or relationships during their childhood that shaped who they are today?
- Were there any pivotal moments in their childhood that changed the course of the character’s life?
- How did the OC perceive the world around them during childhood?
- What were your character’s favorite childhood memories?
- Are there any lingering traumatic experiences in your character’s childhood?
- How did your OC’s childhood environment influence their development?
- Did your OC have any hobbies or interests as a child?
- As a child, how did your OC feel about authority figures?
- Did your OC face any challenges or obstacles during childhood?
- Were there any cultural or religious traditions practiced in their childhood home?
- Did your character experience any feelings of isolation during childhood?
- What were your OC’s dreams/ambitions as a child?
- How did the character’s family's financial situation impact them as a child?
- Did your OC experience any bullying during childhood?
- What role did education play in the OC’s childhood?
- Did they have any mentors or role models during childhood?
- How did your OC’s family dynamics affect their childhood relationships?
- Did your OC experience any major transitions or relocations during their childhood?
- How does your OC perceive their childhood self versus the person they have become?
Cultural influences
- How does your character identify culturally?
- How has your OC’s cultural background shaped their worldview?
- Has your OC ever experienced conflicts between their cultural identity and other aspects of their identity?
- What role does language play in the character’s identity?
- Has your OC experienced discrimination or prejudice based on their culture?
- How does your OC navigate between the different cultural environments of your setting?
- Are there any specific cultural values that your character prioritizes or struggles with?
- How does your OC observe cultural holidays and traditions?
- Has your character ever felt pressure to conform to certain cultural expectations?
- Has your OC experienced any cultural clashes or misunderstandings?
- What cultural artifacts, such as music, literature, or art, have had a significant influence on your character?
- How does your character feel about preserving their cultural heritage?
- Has your OC ever experienced a sense of longing for their homeland?
- How does your character feel about cultural appropriation?
- Has your OC ever explored other cultures outside of their own??
- What role do family expectations play in maintaining cultural traditions for your character?
- How does your OC respond to stereotypes about their culture?
- Did your OC ever experience a crisis of identity that was related to their culture?
- How does your character feel about being an ambassador of their culture to others?
- How attached to their cultural identity are they?
Educational background
- How would your character describe their experiences in education?
- What were their favorite subjects or areas of interest?
- Did your OC face any challenges in their education?
- Did your character’s educational experiences shape their ability to interact with others?
- What was the single most painful lesson your character learned about life?
- Does your character consider themselves to be well educated for their setting?
- Did they ever have to make difficult decisions regarding their education?
- Did your OC have a specific learning style?
- How did your character’s education prepare them for the real world?
- Has your OC pursued any additional learning?
- How does your character feel about the system they were educated in?
- Has your character ever experienced discrimination in their education?
- Does your OC practice self-learning?
- How did your character’s relationship with teachers and mentors influence them?
- Did your OC have any extracurricular activities or clubs?
- Does your character value their education?
- What was the greatest lesson your character ever learned from a mentor?
- What motivated your character to learn a new skill?
- Has your character ever experienced imposter syndrome in their schooling?
- How does your OC balance academic pursuits with the other parts of life?
Past traumas or challenges
- What past traumas or challenges has your character faced?
- How does your OC cope with triggers related to their trauma?
- Has your character sought professional help?
- How does your OC navigate relationships and trust issues based on their trauma?
- Have they found healthy coping mechanisms?
- How have your character’s past traumas affected their self-esteem?
- Do they experience survivor's guilt or feelings of responsibility for what happened?
- Has your OC found forgiveness for those who harmed them?
- Does your original character ever feel defined or limited by their past traumas?
- How have their traumas influenced their beliefs about themselves?
- Has your OC experienced any breakthrough moments??
- How does your character handle triggers that bring up painful memories?
- Has your character found a way to turn their past traumas into sources of strength?
- Does your OC talk about their trauma?
- Did your OC ever experience a relapse in their healing?
- Do they feel a sense of closure regarding the past, or are things still unresolved?
- How does your character view opening up to others about their past?
- Has your OC found a purpose in their experiences of overcoming their past?
- How do they reconcile their past traumas with their present situation?
- Does your character worry their trauma will forever control them?
Personality Traits:
These questions revolve around personality traits and may be similar to personality tests you may have taken. Consider these the “job interview” questions. See if you can adapt your responses to writing prompts.

Strengths and weaknesses
- What are your character's greatest strengths?
- How do your OC’s strengths contribute to their personal and professional life?
- Have they always been aware of their strengths?
- How does your original character handle situations where their strengths are not helpful?
- What limitations does your character recognize within themselves?
- Have your OC’s weaknesses ever held them back from pursuing their goals?
- Does your character view their weaknesses as areas for growth?
- How does your OC respond to feedback or criticism?
- Have they ever experienced imposter syndrome?
- How does your OC balance leveraging their strengths while addressing their weaknesses?
- Does your original character feel pressure to constantly perform at their best?
- Have they ever had to rely on their weaknesses?
- How do your OC’s strengths and weaknesses influence their relationships?
- Has your character ever experienced insecurity when comparing themselves to others?
- How does your OC adapt their approach to challenges based on their strengths and weaknesses?
- Have they ever experienced burnout or exhaustion?
- How does your OC prioritize personal growth where they perceive weaknesses?
- Have they ever had to confront their weaknesses in public?
- How does your character define success?
- How easily does your OC recognize when they are falling into their strengths and weaknesses?
Character flaws
- What character flaws does your character possess?
- Is your character aware of their flaws?
- Have their character flaws ever led to significant consequences?
- How does your OC justify or rationalize their character flaws?
- Has your character ever tried to hide or deny their flaws?
- Do your character’s flaws stem from past experiences or traumas?
- How do your OC’s flaws contribute to their character arc?
- Have they ever attempted to overcome their character flaws?
- How do your original character’s flaws manifest under stress?
- Do they feel ashamed about their character flaws?
- Have their flaws ever caused them to sabotage their success or happiness?
- How do your OC’s flaws affect their interactions with others?
- Have they ever received feedback or criticism about their flaws?
- Does your character see their flaws as fixed aspects of their personality, or do they believe they can change?
- Has your OC ever turned a flaw into a strength?
- Have your character’s flaws ever been exploited or manipulated?
- Does your character use deflection as a coping mechanism to avoid confronting their flaws?
- How do your OC’s flaws contribute to their struggles?
- Have they ever sought guidance or support from others regarding their flaws?
- Does your character embrace their flaws?
Habits and quirks
- What are some habits or quirks that define your character's daily routine?
- How do these habits and quirks reflect their personality?
- Have your character’s habits and quirks evolved, or are they a constant?
- Are there any particular triggers behind your OC’s habits and quirks?
- How do your OC’s habits and quirks affect their relationships?
- Has your original character ever faced judgment from others because of their quirks?
- Does your character see their quirks as strengths or weaknesses?
- How do your OC’s habits serve as coping mechanisms?
- Have they ever broken any of their habits?
- Are there any habits or quirks that your OC is particularly protective of?
- Do their habits and quirks help or hinder them?
- How do your character’s habits and quirks manifest in different social or professional situations?
- Has your OC ever formed new quirks as a result of significant life experiences?
- How do your character’s habits affect their self-perception?
- Do they ever feel self-conscious about their quirks?
- Have your character’s habits ever led to conflict?
- Does your OC actively seek out or avoid situations that challenge their quirks?
- How do their habits and quirks contribute to their overall character arc?
- Do your OC’s habits and quirks rub off on other characters?
- Has your OC ever managed to substitute one habit for another?
Beliefs and values
- What core beliefs and values guide your character's actions?
- How were these beliefs and values instilled in your OC?
- Have your character’s beliefs and values evolved?
- Are there any specific life events that have challenged your character’s values?
- How do your original character’s beliefs shape their relationships?
- Have they ever experienced conflicts over their values?
- Does your OC prioritize certain beliefs over others in different situations?
- How do your character’s beliefs and values influence their goals?
- Has your OC ever been forced to compromise their values?
- Does your character actively seek out opportunities to advocate their beliefs?
- How do your character’s values contribute to their sense of identity?
- Have they ever experienced uncertainty about their beliefs?
- Does your OC adhere to any particular moral code?
- How do your OC’s beliefs and values impact their decision-making process?
- Haas your OC ever had to reconcile conflicting beliefs within themselves?
- How does your character respond to opposition to their beliefs?
- Has your OC ever been influenced to question their beliefs by someone they admire?
- Does your character actively seek out opportunities to learn from others who hold different beliefs?
- How do your OC’s values influence their perception of right and wrong?
- Are there any life events that reinforced your OC’s beliefs?
Attitudes toward others
- How does your character generally perceive others?
- Does your OC tend to be trusting or skeptical of others?
- How do your character’s attitudes towards others impact their relationships?
- Has your OC ever experienced significant changes in their attitudes towards someone?
- Does your character approach new encounters with openness and curiosity, or do they default to suspicion and caution?
- How do your character’s attitudes towards others affect their ability to collaborate?
- Has your OC ever experienced conflicts due to their attitudes toward others?
- Are there any specific traits your OC admires or dislikes in others?
- How does your OC navigate power dynamics and hierarchies?
- Has your original character ever been influenced to change their attitude towards others?
- How does your OC respond to individuals who hold beliefs that conflict with their own?
- Has your character ever experienced feelings of resentment towards someone?
- Does your OC tend to judge others quickly?
- Does your OC tend to hold grudges?
- Has your character ever experienced moments of empathy or compassion toward others that challenged their preconceived beliefs?
- How does your OC’s attitude towards others affect their sense of empathy and understanding?
- Does your OC actively seek out opportunities to learn from others?
- How does your character express appreciation or gratitude?
- Has your OC ever experienced feelings of loneliness due to their attitude towards others?
- How resistant is your character to dealing with new people?
Motivations and Goals:
This series of questions revolves around what your character wants and what helps them achieve those wants. For example, things such as short-term versus long-term goals have their own sets of questions.
One spin of these questions you can try is to develop a brand new character and build them through answering these questions.

Short-Term Goals
- What immediate goals is your character currently focused on achieving?
- How do these short-term goals align with your OC’s long-term aspirations?
- What steps are they taking to actively pursue their short-term goals?
- Are there any obstacles or challenges standing in the way of your OC’s short-term goals?
- How does your OC prioritize their short-term goals over other aspects of their life?
- Have your original character’s short-term goals changed or evolved?
- How do your OC’s short-term goals contribute to their overall sense of purpose?
- Has your OC set specific timelines for achieving their short-term goals?
- How does your character measure progress toward their short-term goals?
- Are there any sacrifices or compromises your OC will make to achieve their short-term goals?
- How does your original character handle setbacks to their short-term goals?
- Does your OC seek out support from others regarding their short-term goals?
- Have they ever had to reassess their short-term goals?
- How do your character’s short-term goals reflect their values, beliefs, or priorities?
- Does your OC experience any internal conflicts about their short-term goals?
- How do your OC’s short-term goals impact their relationships?
- Have they ever felt pressure or competition from others regarding short-term goals?
- How does your OC celebrate when they achieve a short-term goal?
- How does your character express impatience or frustration while working towards their short-term goals?
- How will their short-term goal shape their future?
Long-Term Aspirations
- What is your character's ultimate long-term aspiration?
- How did your OC develop their long-term aspirations?
- Have their long-term aspirations evolved or changed over time?
- What steps is your OC taking toward achieving their long-term goals?
- How do your OC’s aspirations align with their values, beliefs, and personal identity?
- Have they ever had to make sacrifices that challenged their commitment to their ultimate goal?
- How do they define success concerning their long-term goals?
- Has your character ever experienced moments of doubt regarding their dream?
- How does your OC envision their life once they have achieved their long-term goal?
- Does your OC have an idea of the obstacles they will need to face to pursue their dream, or are they winging it?
- Are there any specific milestones your character hopes to achieve along the way?
- How does your original character handle challenges while pursuing their long-term goals?
- Has your OC made any sacrifices in pursuit of their aspirations?
- How do their long-term aspirations influence their decision-making?
- Do they have a strategy for achieving their long-term goals?
- How do their aspirations impact their relationships?
- Have they ever experienced uncertainty about their ability to achieve their goals?
- What resources or support systems does your OC rely on to help them achieve their dreams?
- Do they ever feel expectations from others regarding their long-term aspirations?
- How does your OC balance pursuing their dreams with other responsibilities?
External and Internal Motivations
- What external goal does your character desire most?
- What is your character’s greatest internal desire?
- How do these desires drive your character's actions and decisions?
- Has your OC always been driven by these external motivations?
- What specific goals or achievements are they striving for in pursuit of their cause/motivations?
- How does your OC’s external motivation influence their relationships?
- Are there any sacrifices your character is willing to make to attain their external goal?
- How do they prioritize their goals concerning their day-to-day life?
- Has your OC ever experienced dilemmas because of their motivation/goal?
- How do they measure progress toward achieving their external goal?
- Are there any external pressures or expectations from others that contribute to your character’s motivations?
- How do your character’s external motivations align with their values?
- Has your OC ever questioned their goal?
- What tactics do they use to make their dream a reality?
- How does your character handle setbacks concerning their external motivation?
- Do they ever experience feelings of insecurity about the chances of meeting their external goal?
- How do your character’s external motivations impact their sense of happiness?
- Has your OC experienced ethical dilemmas related to their big dream?
- How does your original character envision their life once they have achieved their goal?
- Does your character stress out about exceeding expectations associated with their motivations?
Conflicting Desires
- What are the conflicting desires that your character grapples with?
- How do these conflicting desires manifest in your OC’s choices?
- Are there any external pressures that contribute to these conflicts?
- How do your OC’s conflicting desires impact their relationships?
- Has the character ever experienced internal turmoil because of their conflicting desires?
- How does your character weigh selfless and selfish choices?
- Does your character ever try to suppress a conflicting desire in favor of another?
- How does the character deal with the epics of their conflicting wants?
- How has the conflict in desire influenced your OC’s development?
- Does your OC seek balance in their conflicting wants?
- Has your character experienced feelings of guilt or shame because of their conflicting desires?
- How does the conflict in their desires affect their sense of self?
- Has the OC ever made compromises to reconcile their conflicting desires?
- How do their conflicting wants influence their long-term aspirations?
- Does your OC ever feel torn between societal expectations and their desires?
- Does your OC prioritize their internal struggle over relationships?
- Has your character ever experienced a moment of clarity regarding their conflict?
- Does your character’s conflicting desires influence their risk tolerance?
- Does the character ever feel trapped by their conflicting desires?
- How much of a handle does the OC have on their internal conflict at any given time?
Maintaining Motivation
- What initially sparked your character's motivation toward their goal?
- How does your OC maintain their motivation during setbacks?
- Have there been moments when your character's motivation wavered?
- Are there specific strategies or routines your OC follows to keep their motivation levels high?
- How does your character handle distractions that threaten to derail their motivation?
- Have your OC ever sought inspiration or guidance to bolster their motivation?
- How does your character remind themselves of what they are striving for?
- What sort of milestones does your character set to maintain momentum?
- How does your character balance short-term rewards with long-term goals to sustain their motivation?
- Has your OC developed any motivation mechanisms for overcoming moments of self-doubt or uncertainty?
- How does your character maintain their motivation when presented with a sudden setback?
- Are there external factors that hinder your character's motivation?
- What does your OC do to psych themself up for an important task?
- Does your character ever reflect on past successes to reignite their motivation?
- How does your character stay accountable to themselves and others?
- Have they ever experienced burnout or fatigue?
- How does your character recharge after burnout?
- Has your OC ever had to reassess or realign their goals to maintain their motivation?
- How does your character prioritize self-care over the long term?
- What ends up being your OC’s greatest struggle when it comes to staying motivated?
Character can often be defined by their relationships. These questions focus on different relationship archetypes such as friendships, rivalries, and mentorships. How might you OC approach encounters with any number of cool OCs on CharacterHub?

- What qualities does your character value most in a friend?
- How do your OC’s friendships contribute to their sense of belonging?
- Has your character experienced any significant friendships in the past that have shaped who they are today?
- How does your OC navigate conflicts within their friendships?
- Are there any boundaries they set with their friends?
- How does your character support their friends during challenging times?
- Have they ever experienced betrayal from a friend?
- How does your OC balance their friendships with their goals?
- Do they have a small circle of close friends or a wide network of acquaintances?
- How does your character open up to others?
- Are there any patterns in your OC’s friendships that bother them?
- How do the character’s friendships influence their decisions?
- Have they ever felt pressure to conform to their friends' expectations?
- How does the character express appreciation and gratitude for their friends?
- Has your OC ever had to make difficult choices that tested their loyalty to a friend?
- Has your character ever drifted apart from a friend?
- Does your OC prioritize maintaining old friendships or forming new ones?
- Has your character ever had to confront conflicts of interest between different friendships?
- Who is your character’s best friend?
- Who is your character’s worst friend?
Romantic Relationships
- What qualities does your character seek in a romantic partner?
- Has your OC experienced any significant romantic relationships in the past that have shaped their views on love and intimacy?
- How do they approach dating?
- Does your OC have any patterns regarding relationships?
- How do they handle disagreements with their partners?
- Are there any red flags for your OC?
- How do the character’s romantic relationships impact their sense of identity?
- Have they ever experienced heartbreak or betrayal with a partner?
- How do they balance their romantic relationship with other aspects of their life?
- Does your OC believe in the concept of soulmates?
- How does the character express love and affection towards their romantic partner?
- Have they ever felt pressured to conform to norms within their romantic relationships?
- How does your OC handle jealousy or insecurity within their romantic relationships?
- Are there any cultural or religious factors that influence your original character’s approach to romance?
- Does the character find it hard to move from dating to a more long-term relationship?
- Have your OC ever had to sacrifice personal goals for the sake of love?
- How does your OC build trust in their relationships?
- How did your character realize they had met “the one”?
- What does your OC like least about their romantic partner?
- Who was your OC’s first love?
Rivalries or Conflicts
- What initially sparked the rivalry between your character and their rival?
- How does the rivalry impact your character's goals?
- Are there any specific traits or qualities in their rival that your character admires or envies?
- How does your OC perceive their rival's strengths and weaknesses compared to their own?
- Have there been moments of mutual respect or cooperation between your character and their rival?
- Have your OC’s interactions with their rivals influenced their personal growth?
- Does your character have romantic feelings toward their rival?
- How does the rivalry affect the characters associated with your OC?
- Are there any ethical or moral boundaries that your character refuses to cross in their rivalry?
- How does your OC handle setbacks or defeats in their rivalry?
- Does your character look for alliances to get one over on their rival?
- How do they maintain focus and motivation in the face of their rivalry?
- Does your OC ever question the true nature of their rivalry?
- How does your character cope with the psychological toll of their rivalry with their rival?
- How violent would your OC be regarding their rivalry?
- Would you OC be willing to kill their rival?
- Has their rival caused your character to question their self-worth?
- How would your OC define successfully dealing with their rival?
- Is your OC’s rivalry one-sided?
- Who is your character’s biggest rival?
Mentorship or Guidance
- What qualities does your character seek in a mentor?
- Has your character ever had a mentor in the past?
- Why does your character seek the qualities in a mentor that they do?
- Are there any specific goals your character hopes to achieve through mentorship?
- How does your OC handle feedback and guidance from their mentor?
- Has the character ever experienced conflicts or disagreements with their mentor?
- Does your OC credit their mentor with their current success?
- Does your OC blame their mentor for their current failures?
- How does your OC balance the advice and guidance of their mentor with their instincts?
- Does your OC have something to teach their mentor?
- How do your character’s associates feel about their mentor?
- Has your OC ever felt pressure to live up to their mentor's expectations?
- How do they express gratitude towards their mentor for their guidance and support?
- Are there any cultural conflicts regarding your character and their mentor?
- How did your character handle the eventual conclusion of their mentorship relationship?
- Has your OC served as a mentor?
- Has your OC ever suffered from imposter syndrome while mentoring someone?
- Has your character worked under multiple mentors?
- Is your OC naturally gifted with teaching?
- Who taught your OC their greatest lesson?
Public Perception
- How does your character perceive their public image?
- Have there been moments when your character's public perception has significantly influenced their actions?
- How does your OC manage their public persona in different contexts?
- Are there any misconceptions or misunderstandings about your character that they actively try to correct or address?
- How does your OC handle criticism or negative feedback from the public?
- Has the character ever experienced backlash or controversy?
- Are there specific traits or qualities your character intentionally emphasizes or downplays in their public persona?
- How does your character balance authenticity with the expectations of their public image?
- Has your OC ever felt pressure to conform to societal norms or expectations to maintain their public image?
- How does your OC’s public perception influence their relationships?
- Has your character ever intentionally manipulated their public image for personal gain or to achieve specific goals?
- Are there any values or beliefs your character refuses to compromise to maintain their public image?
- How does your OC’s public perception impact their sense of self-worth and identity?
- Has your character ever experienced moments of vulnerability that challenged their public image?
- How does your OC respond to rumors or gossip about them?
- Are there any aspects of their private life that your character intentionally keeps separate from their public image?
- Does your OC like to brag about their achievements?
- How image-conscious is your character?
- Does your OC pay particular attention to their appearance?
- Does your character desire the spotlight?
Psychological Development:
These questions are meant to get deep into the headspace of your OC. Explore at your own risk! Or, do something cool and write an interview with your character using some of these questions as a social post on CharacterHub.

Emotional Intelligence
- How does your character perceive and understand their own emotions?
- How does your OC regulate their emotions during challenging situations?
- Has your character ever undergone moments of emotional self-discovery that significantly impacted them?
- How does your character empathize with the emotions of others?
- Are there any specific techniques or strategies your character employs to improve their emotional intelligence?
- How does your OC handle conflicts or disagreements while considering the emotions of others?
- Have they ever experienced emotional triggers or patterns that they actively work to address or overcome?
- How does your character respond to feedback or criticism that involves emotional content?
- Are there cultural or societal influences that shape your character's emotional intelligence?
- How does their emotional intelligence contribute to their decision-making process?
- Has your OC ever experienced a moment of emotional vulnerability?
- Does your OC struggle to balance their emotions with what needs to be done?
- Did your character ever talk to another character about their mental health?
- Does your OC express their emotions in healthy and constructive ways?
- How does your character’s emotional intelligence influence their leadership style?
- Has your OC ever struggled with understanding or expressing certain emotions?
- Does your character grow to be more emotionally open over their story?
- How does your OC handle situations where their emotions conflict with their responsibilities?
- How does your character approach emotional boundaries in their relationships with others?
- Does your character consider themselves in control of their emotions?
Coping Mechanisms
- What coping mechanisms does your character rely on during times of stress or adversity?
- How do your character's coping mechanisms reflect their personality and past experiences?
- Has your OC developed new coping mechanisms over time?
- Are there any coping mechanisms that your character considers unhealthy or problematic?
- How do your OC’s coping mechanisms impact their relationships with others?
- Have they ever received feedback or criticism from other characters about their coping mechanisms?
- How does your character recognize when their coping mechanisms are no longer effective?
- Are there specific triggers that prompt your character to use certain coping mechanisms?
- Has your character talked to another character about their coping mechanisms?
- Has your OC ever sought professional help regarding their coping mechanisms?
- Does your character have creative outlets or hobbies as coping mechanisms?
- Does your OC have any toxic coping mechanisms?
- Have they ever experienced moments of resistance or denial about their coping mechanisms?
- How do setbacks trigger your character?
- Are any of your OC’s coping traits based on their culture?
- Does your OC maintain a sense of vulnerability regarding their strategies?
- What is your OC’s most destructive trait in dealing with stress?
- Does your character try to build positive habits to relieve stress?
- How do their coping mechanisms evolve for their character arc?
- Are any of the character’s coping traits drawn from someone you know?
Mental Health Issues
- What mental health issues does your character struggle with?
- How do your character’s mental health issues influence their behaviors?
- Are there any specific triggers that intensify your OC’s mental health symptoms?
- How does your OC cope with stigma towards mental health?
- Has your OC sought professional help or treatment for their mental health issues?
- How do your character’s mental health issues impact their relationships with others?
- Does your character know how to manage their mental health?
- Has your OC ever experienced periods of denial about their mental health issues?
- How do their mental health issues intersect with other aspects of their identity?
- Does your character experience feelings of shame or guilt about their mental health issues?
- How does your character navigate the challenges of seeking support and understanding from others?
- Have your character’s mental health issues affected their goals?
- How does your character balance self-care with other responsibilities in their life?
- What was the moment your character realized they needed help?
- Does your character have any rituals or treatments they must use?
- Has your OC ever experienced discrimination or mistreatment because of these issues?
- Does your character recognize mental health issues in other characters?
- How does your OC define recovery or progress concerning their mental health journey?
- Is your OC’s best friend aware of their mental health issues?
- Does your OC represent any particular mental health issue you have experience with?
- How does your character perceive themselves, both in terms of strengths and weaknesses?
- What experiences or events have contributed to your character's self-awareness?
- How does your character handle feedback or criticism about themselves from others?
- Are there any blind spots or areas of self-awareness that your character struggles with?
- How do your character’s self-perceptions align with how their closest friends see them?
- Has your OC ever undergone a moment of self-discovery?
- Is your OC comfortable with self-reflection?
- Are there any cultural influences that shape your OC’s sense of self-awareness?
- How does your character balance self-acceptance with the desire for self-improvement?
- Has another character even said something that triggered growth in your OC’s sense of awareness?
- How does your OC’s self-awareness influence their decisions?
- Has your OC ever had a crisis upon realizing something about their life or reality?
- How does your character handle situations where their self-perception conflicts with reality?
- Does increased self-awareness benefit your character?
- How does your OC cope with feelings of vulnerability or discomfort that come with awareness?
- What is your character’s interpretation of the reality in which they live?
- Has a revelation ever resulted in your character being thankful?
- Has your OC grown more empathetic after coming to a moment of realization?
- Does your character have an open mind?
- Is your character aware that they are fictional?
Growth or Evolution
- In what ways has your character evolved or changed since their introduction in the story?
- What significant milestones have contributed to your character's growth?
- How does your OC handle challenges or obstacles differently now compared to earlier in the story?
- Are there any patterns or themes in your character's growth and evolution that you've noticed?
- How influential have other characters been on the growth of your OC?
- Has your OC overcome any internal conflicts or struggles that helped them evolve?
- How does your character reconcile their past actions with their present?
- What is the most important skill your OC has developed?
- Does your character manage change better now than when they started their journey?
- What was the single point in the character’s experiences that set up the most growth later on?
- Has a particularly devastating failure ever led to major growth for your OC?
- How does your OC view their evolution and how does this impact their self-image?
- What is one small moment of self-discovery in your character’s experience?
- Does your character struggle to balance developing themselves with developing relationships?
- Has your OC ever undergone a major shift in their beliefs based on their growth?
- How does your character handle uncertainty as they continue to evolve?
- Are there any specific goals your OC hopes to achieve as part of their ongoing growth?
- How likely is your character to seek out new opportunities to grow?
- Has your character ever hit a limitation they could not overcome?
- What is the first real success your OC can recall?
External Influences:
Any number of things in their setting can affect a character, from their economy to their system of government. These questions probe your character’s mind for their view of the world around them. Some question categories may not be relevant for some OCs but those that are can help flesh out their profile pages.

Socioeconomic status
- How does your character's socioeconomic status shape their daily life and experiences?
- What opportunities or limitations does your OC’s socioeconomic status present to them?
- How does your character perceive their socioeconomic status?
- Are there any societal or cultural expectations associated with their socioeconomic status that your OC feels pressure to conform to?
- How does your character navigate relationships with individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds?
- Has your OC ever experienced discrimination or prejudice because of their socioeconomic status?
- How do they view wealth and material possessions?
- Are there any specific challenges or obstacles that your character faces because of their socioeconomic status?
- How does your OC approach financial decisions in their daily life?
- Has your OC ever experienced feelings of shame or inadequacy because of their socioeconomic status?
- How does your character define success and achievement concerning their socioeconomic status?
- Are there any systemic barriers that your character actively works to overcome because of their socioeconomic status?
- How does your original character perceive social mobility?
- Has your OC ever felt pressure to hide or downplay their socioeconomic status?
- How does your character balance their aspirations and dreams with the realities of their socioeconomic status?
- Has your OC ever experienced feelings of resentment or envy towards individuals of higher socioeconomic status?
- How do they prioritize their well-being and happiness concerning their socioeconomic status?
- Are there any cultural or familial traditions associated with their socioeconomic status that your character embraces or rejects?
- How does your character view the role of societal institutions in addressing their socioeconomic status?
- Does your character have an impulse to hoard or splurge when they find money?
Political beliefs
- What are your character's core political beliefs?
- How do their political beliefs align with or differ from those of their family or upbringing?
- Have there been any significant events or experiences that influenced your character's political ideology?
- How actively does your character engage with political issues?
- Are there any particular political figures or movements that your character admires?
- How do your OC’s political beliefs influence their relationships with others?
- Has your OC ever experienced conflicts or disagreements with friends or family over political matters?
- How informed about political issues is your OC?
- Are there any specific causes that your character is particularly passionate about?
- How does your OC advocate for their political beliefs?
- Has your character ever undergone a shift or evolution in their political beliefs?
- How do the character’s political beliefs intersect with other aspects of their identity?
- Does your OC prioritize compromise and collaboration or steadfast adherence to their politics?
- How does your character navigate political polarization and divisiveness?
- Has your OC ever faced backlash or criticism for their politics?
- How do your character’s political beliefs influence their personal goals?
- Are there any ethical or moral considerations that guide your character's politics?
- How does your OC handle disillusionment or cynicism towards the political system?
- How does your OC envision the role of political institutions in creating a better society?
- Where would your character be placed on a contemporary political spectrum?
Environmental Factors
- How does the environment in which your character was raised influence their personality and behavior?
- Are there any specific geographical or climatic factors that shape your OC’s daily life and experiences?
- How does the natural landscape of their environment impact your character’s connection to nature and the outdoors?
- Has your OC ever experienced natural disasters or environmental crises that affected them personally?
- How does your original character perceive and interact with wildlife and ecosystems in their environment?
- Are there any cultural or societal norms specific to their environment that influence your OC’s beliefs and values?
- How does the level of urbanization or ruralness in your character’s environment impact their lifestyle?
- Has your character ever experienced pollution or environmental degradation?
- Does your OC believe in conservation?
- How does your character feel about how the environment is treated in their world?
- How does your OC cope with changes in their environment?
- Would your OC be considered “outdoorsy?”
- How does your OC’s environment impact their physical health and well-being?
- Are there any environmental traditions or rituals that your OC participates in as part of their culture?
- Does your OC agree with the message of The Lorax?
- Would your OC ever fight for their environment?
- How does your character envision the future of their environment?
- Are there any unique skills or knowledge your character developed as a result of growing up in their environment?
- How does your character adapt to changes in their environment, whether natural or societal?
- What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather?
- How does your character perceive the role of science and technology in their life?
- Are there any specific scientific or technological interests or fields that your character is passionate about?
- Does your OC try to stay informed about new scientific discoveries and technological advancements?
- Has your character ever faced ethical dilemmas related to science or technology?
- How does your OC approach skepticism or skepticism towards scientific consensus or technological progress?
- Are there any inventions or innovations in science and technology that your character dreams of creating or contributing to?
- How does your OC view the potential risks and benefits of emerging technologies?
- Has your character ever encountered instances of misuse or abuse of science or technology?
- How does your OC incorporate scientific principles or technological tools into their daily life?
- Are there any scientific or technological challenges that your character actively works to address or overcome?
- How does your OC approach collaboration and cooperation with other scientists?
- Has your character ever experienced failure or setbacks in their scientific or technological pursuits?
- How does your original character balance the pursuit of knowledge and innovation with ethical considerations?
- Are there any cultural or societal influences that shape your OC’s views on science and technology?
- How does your OC approach the intersection of science and spirituality or science and magic?
- As your OC ever undergone formal education or training in science or technology?
- How does your character handle public skepticism or resistance towards advancements?
- How does your OC envision the future of science and technology?
- Has your character ever experienced moments of wonder or awe inspired by scientific discoveries or technological achievements?
- Would your character be considered a techie or a luddite?
- How did your character discover their magical abilities?
- How does your character view their magic concerning their identity?
- Are there any limitations or drawbacks to their magical abilities that your OC must contend with?
- How does your character balance the use of their magic with ethical considerations?
- Has your OC undergone formal training or education to hone their magical skills?
- How does your character handle skepticism or disbelief from others who may not understand or accept their magic?
- Are there any specific rituals or practices your OC follows to enhance or control their magic?
- How does your character cope with the responsibility that comes with wielding magical power?
- Has the character ever experienced moments of doubt or insecurity regarding their magical abilities?
- How does your OC navigate the potential dangers or consequences of using their magic?
- Are there any cultural or societal norms surrounding magic that influence your OC’s experiences?
- How does your character perceive other magic users?
- Has your OC ever encountered individuals or groups who seek to exploit or suppress their magic?
- How does your OC handle the discovery of new or unknown magical abilities?
- Are there any emotional or psychological effects associated with the character’s magic use?
- How does their magical affinity influence your OC’s relationships with non-magic users?
- Has your OC ever struggled with the ethical implications of using their magic for personal gain?
- How does your character view the role of magic in the world around them?
- Have they ever experienced a loss or absence of their magical abilities?
- What is your character’s go-to magical ability?
This set of original character questions explores how your OC makes their decisions and decides to take action. There is a lot to learn here and incorporate into character profiles.

Moral Dilemmas
- What are the core moral principles or values that your character holds dear?
- Have they ever encountered a situation where their moral principles were challenged?
- How does your OC prioritize conflicting moral obligations when faced with a dilemma?
- Are there any cultural or societal influences that shape your OC’s moral compass?
- Has your character ever experienced guilt or remorse over a decision they made that conflicted with their morals?
- How does your OC reconcile their morals with the expectations or laws of society?
- Are there any moral gray areas where your character struggles to determine the right course of action?
- How do they handle situations where their morals conflict with the desires or needs of others?
- Has your OC ever faced criticism or backlash for adhering to their moral principles?
- How does your character approach forgiveness and redemption in the context of moral dilemmas?
- Are there any moral dilemmas from your OC’s past that continue to weigh on their conscience?
- How does your original character navigate the complexities of moral relativism and differing perspectives on right and wrong?
- Has your OC ever experienced a crisis of faith or belief concerning their moral principles?
- How does your character handle situations where the "right" moral choice is not clear or straightforward?
- Are there any personal biases or blind spots that influence the character’s moral decision-making?
- How do they view the role of empathy and compassion in guiding moral choices?
- Has your OC ever sacrificed their well-being or interests for the sake of upholding their morals?
- How does your character seek guidance or support when faced with difficult moral decisions?
- Have they ever witnessed or been involved in an act of moral courage that inspired them?
- What is the most notable “wrong” choice your character has made?
Killing and Harm
- Does your character believe killing is ever justified?
- Has your OC ever been forced to make a decision involving killing?
- How do they handle the moral and emotional aftermath of causing harm to another being?
- Are there any personal codes or ethical guidelines your character follows when it comes to engaging in violence or causing harm?
- How does your OC cope with feelings of guilt or remorse if they have caused harm unintentionally?
- Have they ever struggled with the concept of forgiveness when met with violence?
- How does your OC approach situations where they must choose between their survival and the safety of others?
- Are there any specific traumatic experiences involving killing or harm that have shaped your character's psyche?
- How does your OC reconcile their own beliefs about killing and harm with the expectations or norms of society?
- Have they ever faced retaliation or consequences as a result of violent actions?
- How does your OC view the concept of redemption or atonement for those who have caused harm?
- Are there any psychological or emotional effects of engaging in violence or causing harm that your character struggles with?
- How does your OC navigate relationships with others who have differing beliefs or experiences regarding killing and harm?
- Has your OC ever sought out guidance or support to help them cope with the moral complexities of violence?
- How does your character handle situations where they witness harm being inflicted on others but feel powerless to intervene?
- Are there any patterns or triggers that lead your character to resort to violence?
- What is the cruelest and most violent thing our character has ever done?
- Has your character ever experienced moments of transformation or growth as a result of their experiences with harming others?
- Does your OC tend to turn to fighting when challenged?
- What is the most violent act your OC has ever witnessed?
Showing Kindness
- What does kindness mean to your character?
- Has your OC ever experienced acts of kindness from others that profoundly impacted them?
- How does your character navigate situations where showing kindness conflicts with their self-interests?
- Are there any specific values or beliefs that guide your character's expressions of kindness?
- How does your OC handle situations where they witness others in need of kindness but are unsure how to help?
- Have they ever experienced backlash or criticism for their acts of kindness?
- How does your OC balance the desire to show kindness with the need to set boundaries?
- Are there any cultural or societal influences that shape your character’s understanding of kindness?
- How does your OC approach forgiveness and compassion towards those who may not deserve their kindness?
- Has your OC ever struggled with feelings of burnout or exhaustion from consistently showing kindness to others?
- How does your original character express gratitude towards those who have shown them kindness in return?
- Are there any specific acts of kindness they engage in regularly as part of their routine?
- How does your OC teach or model kindness to others?
- Has your character ever experienced moments of doubt or cynicism that challenged their belief in the power of kindness?
- What is the greatest act of kindness your character ever witnessed?
- Has your OC ever undergone personal growth or transformation as a result of someone’s kindness?
- How do they handle situations where their acts of kindness are misunderstood or taken advantage of?
- How does your OC incorporate kindness into their relationships?
- How does your character envision their legacy in terms of the kindness they leave behind in the world?
- What is the kindest thing your OC has ever done?
Risk-Taking Behavior
- What motivates your character to take risks?
- Are there any past experiences or individuals who have influenced your character's attitude toward risk?
- How does your OC weigh the potential rewards against the potential consequences before taking a risk?
- Are there specific types of risks your character is more comfortable taking, and if so, why?
- How does your OC handle uncertainty and fear when faced with risky situations?
- Has your character ever regretted taking a particular risk?
- How does your character approach risk-taking in their relationships?
- Are there any cultural or societal influences that shape your character’s perceptions of risk?
- How does your OC navigate situations where their risk-taking conflicts with the desires or concerns of others?
- Has your OC ever experienced moments of self-doubt or hesitancy when considering taking a risk?
- How does your character learn from past failures or setbacks in their risk-taking endeavors?
- Are there any patterns or tendencies in your character's risk-taking behavior?
- How does your OC balance the need for caution and calculated risk-taking in their decision-making?
- Has your OC ever taken a risk that led to unexpected opportunities?
- What was the biggest backfire your OC experienced?
- Are there any ethical or moral boundaries that your character refuses to cross when taking a risk?
- Were there any moments where taking a risk was a learning moment for your OC?
- Does your OC find risk-taking to be thrilling?
- Does your OC judge other characters for their risk-taking??
- What is the riskiest thing your OC has ever done?
Consequences of Actions
- How does your character perceive the concept of consequences?
- Are there any past actions or decisions that have had significant consequences for your character?
- Does your character come off as responsible?
- Are there any patterns or tendencies in your character's behavior that lead to predictable consequences?
- How do they navigate situations where the consequences of their actions affect others around them?
- Has your OC ever experienced moments of regret or remorse over the consequences of their actions?
- How does your character approach accountability and taking ownership of their actions when faced with consequences?
- Are there any coping mechanisms or strategies your OC uses to deal with the stress or anxiety of facing consequences?
- How does your character learn from past mistakes and adjust their behavior to avoid negative consequences in the future?
- Has your OC ever experienced situations where the consequences of their actions were unforeseen or unintended?
- How does your character handle situations where they must balance short-term gains with long-term consequences?
- Are there any cultural or societal norms that influence your OC’s perception of responsibility?
- How does your OC view the role of forgiveness and redemption in weighing the consequences of the actions of others?
- Has your OC ever faced backlash or criticism from others because of the consequences of their actions?
- How does your character approach situations where they must make difficult decisions knowing that there will be consequences?
- Has your OC ever experienced moments of resilience or strength in the face of consequences?
- How does your character handle situations where the consequences of their actions impact their relationships or reputation?
- How does your OC approach situations where they must balance personal gain with the potential harm or negative consequences to others?
- What is your OC’s view of fairness as a concept?
- What was the most drastic result of a choice made by your character?
Personality and Taste:
These questions revolve around figuring out little bits about a character’s personality expressed by their tastes and interests. Judge your characters harshly for their tastes. It’s okay, you came up with them.

Personality Style
- How would you describe your character's personality style in a few words or phrases?
- What are the dominant traits or characteristics that define your character's personality style?
- Are there any specific personality tests or assessments that your character resonates with, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Big Five?
- How does your character's personality style influence their behavior and interactions with others?
- Are there any strengths or weaknesses associated with your character's personality style?
- How does your OC adapt their personality style in different social or professional settings?
- Has your character ever undergone personal growth or transformation that impacted their personality style?
- How does your OC perceive themselves concerning their personality style?
- Is your character the type to take a Buzzfeed “What character are you” quiz unironically?
- How does your OC handle conflicts or disagreements with others who have different personality styles?
- Are there any specific triggers or stressors that impact your character's personality style?
- How do they navigate relationships with individuals who have contrasting personality styles?
- What is your character’s spirit animal?
- What is your OC’s zodiac symbol?
- Are there any role models or fictional characters with similar personality styles that your character looks up to or identifies with?
- How does your OC’s personality style impact their decision-making process?
- Have they ever experienced moments of self-awareness or introspection that led to a deeper understanding of their personality?
- What is your character’s Chinese zodiac animal?
- Does your character come off as empathetic?
- Does your OC believe in astrology or similar markers for personality?
Taste and Food
- What is your character's favorite food?
- How does your character's cultural background influence their taste in food?
- Are there any specific childhood memories or experiences associated with certain foods that hold significance for your character?
- How adventurous is your character when it comes to trying new foods or cuisines?
- How does your character's taste in food reflect their values or beliefs?
- Are there any foods or flavors that your character dislikes or avoids?
- Is your OC any good at cooking?
- Are there any rituals or traditions related to food that your character participates in or observes?
- How does your character navigate dietary restrictions or preferences in social settings?
- Has your OC ever had a memorable dining experience that impacted them?
- How does your character view the relationship between food and health?
- Are there any foods or dishes that hold symbolic meaning for your character?
- How does your character's taste in food evolve throughout their life?
- How does your character express love or care through food?
- Are there any cultural or societal influences that shape your character's taste in food?
- How does your character's taste in food influence their relationships with others?
- Have they ever experienced conflict or disagreement with others over food choices?
- How does your character approach food as a source of pleasure or comfort?
- Are there any food-related goals or aspirations your character has?
- Would your character complement a friend’s cooking, even if it was bad?
Pop Culture
- What is your character's favorite movie?
- What is your character's favorite TV show?
- What is your character's favorite book?
- What is your character's favorite toy?
- What is your character's favorite video game?
- How does your character engage with current pop culture trends and phenomena?
- Are there any specific pop culture icons or celebrities that your character idolizes or looks up to?
- How does your character's taste in fiction reflect their personality and interests?
- Have they ever bonded with others over shared interests in pop culture?
- Does your character have an interest in the behind-the-scenes world of production?
- Are there any pop culture references or quotes that your character frequently uses in conversation?
- How does your character's relationship with pop culture influence their creativity and imagination?
- Has your OC ever experienced disappointment or frustration with a particular pop culture franchise or phenomenon?
- How does your character approach fandom culture and fan communities related to their favorite pop culture interests?
- Are there any pop culture trends or genres that your character actively avoids or dislikes?
- How does your character's upbringing or background influence their exposure to and interest in pop culture?
- Has your OC ever experienced moments of nostalgia or sentimentality related to stories and entertainment from their past?
- Are there any cultural milestones, events, or moments that your character considers significant or memorable in their life?
- How does your character incorporate elements of pop culture into their fashion or personal style?
- Are there any pop-culture theories or debates that your character enjoys discussing or engaging with?
- How important is physical fitness to your character?
- What type of exercise or physical activities does your character enjoy?
- Are there any specific fitness goals or achievements your character is working towards?
- How does your character incorporate exercise into their daily routine or schedule?
- Have they ever experienced challenges or setbacks in their fitness journey?
- How does your character approach recovery and rest days as part of their fitness regimen?
- Are there any cultural or societal influences that shape your character's attitudes toward exercise and physical fitness?
- How does your character handle competition or comparison with others in their fitness pursuits?
- What is the worst injury your character has ever had?
- How does your character balance their commitment to physical fitness with other priorities in their life?
- Are there any specific sports or activities that your character excels at or is passionate about?
- How does your character view the relationship between physical and mental health?
- Has your OC ever experienced moments of self-doubt regarding their physical fitness?
- How does your character handle injuries or setbacks related to exercise?
- Are there any fitness challenges or obstacles your character faces that are unique to their circumstances?
- Does your character grow healthier over their arc?
- Does your character use exercise to cope with stress or difficult emotions?
- How does your character's fitness journey impact their relationships with others?
- Are there any fitness-related rituals or habits your character maintains as part of their routine?
- What is your OC’s greatest physical feat?
- How does your character define beauty and aesthetics?
- Are there any specific art forms or artistic movements that your character is drawn to?
- Does your character care about maintaining their appearance?
- What is your OC’s taste in decor?
- Are there any cultural or societal influences that shape your character's aesthetic preferences?
- Does your OC judge others for their fashion or style?
- Has your OC ever experienced moments of inspiration or awe when encountering something aesthetically pleasing?
- Has your character ever debated the meaning of an artistic piece with someone?
- What is your OC’s favorite color?
- How does your character use aesthetics as a form of self-expression or identity?
- Have they ever faced criticism or judgment for their aesthetic choices?
- How does your character approach the process of curating their personal space or environment?
- Are there any historical or cultural influences that shape your character's aesthetic tastes?
- Does your character have a natural flourish in their actions?
- Has your OC ever experienced moments of disillusionment or disappointment when their aesthetic expectations were not met?
- How does your character view the relationship between aesthetics and inner beauty or personality?
- Are there any specific aesthetic experiences or memories that hold significance for your character?
- How does your character approach the process of finding beauty and meaning in the world around them?
- What is your character’s go-to outfit?
- What is the most beautiful thing your character ever experienced?
Looking for Character Questionnaires?
If this massive list of questions isn’t enough and you want to know even more about your character, we’ve got your back. CharacterHub offers daily and weekly quizzes that help explore details about a character. Best of all, answering these quizzes offers awesome trait badges that you can add to your character’s profile with just a couple of clicks of a button. Just look at the quiz results I received for my character Dash.

So, once you’ve figured out how to incorporate some of these questions into your character profile, consider taking a couple of extra quizzes as well. You never know what you may learn about your OC.
David Davis
David Davis is a cartoonist with around twenty years of experience in comics, including independent work and established IPs such as SpongeBob Squarepants. He also works as a college composition instructor and records weekly podcasts. Find out more about him at his website!
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