Prepare for a journey into the magical world of RWBY! Meet incredible rwby OCs, each with their own unique abilities and stories. From Beacon Academy students to Huntsmen and Huntresses in training, these characters are ready to make their mark on Remnant. Dive in and explore the amazing creations people have shared or add your very own rwbyoc!

RWBY OCs (16 characters)

Cheerful and adventurous, Ginger always tries to look on the bright side. She tells jokes when she's uneasy. When provoked she can fight of enemies much stronger than herself. She can see and talk to ghosts as though they are alive, and oft...
Fiadh Byrn● Loud ● Tricky ● Wary ●BIOFiadh is a boisterous person around their friends and family, growing up in Kuchinashi led her to learn how to be crafty, if not tricky.
A wide-eyed, weak-willed idealist, Eryn is super gullible. He's good to the point of stupidity. He is skilled but naive, sarcasm-blind, and graceful in his element but clumsy outside of it.Eryn is the determined, friendly, earnest type. He'...
Peony is a student at beacon academy, she is apart of team MPLL and her semblance is similar to weiss's glyphs but with the ability to sunmon plants. She also fights with a bow.
Dane is a thrill seeker of a Huntman who loves a good fight and killing grimm more than just about anything else!
#rwby oc
Marin is generally a very laidback, confident person. But it's mostly a facade. She's very insecure because of different pieces of her past. Despite her laidback attitude, she truly tries her hardest to become the best huntress she can poss...
Reese is very quiet and intelligent, but he has an unfortunate tendency to be very uptight and even a bit stuck up. He's a stickler for following rules, and hasn't quite realized that they don't always work for everybody. 
Nox is a very introverted, shy faunus. They will do anything possible to avoid trouble, conflict, and confrontation. They don't do well in crowded areas, but also don't like to go places alone.
Rosella is an energetic, adventure-seeking young adult. She wishes to help people by doing what she finds the most fun: fighting grimm. However, when things get ugly she does a complete 180 and shuts down. She just wants to have fun with he...
She is a second year at haven academy and leader of Team Teas. Born in a palace in far from mistral where her family was in charge of the town kinda like a Queen and king.Her semblance is control which with a touch she can control a living ...
Born in Atlas, she was given the prime opportunity to work with a famous painter and derived her weapon off of painting, creating a paintbrush that worked as a paintball gun. She loves to paint landscapes but has the recurring issue of peop...
Tech wizz at a young age, even though raised in Vale, he moved to Atlas to continue pursuing technogy and becoming a huntsman, On the way, a train he was supposed to take had incident where the dust activated o it causing a huge explosion, ...
#rwby oc
Hailing from Atlas, Yín Understands the basics of technology, while. Also preferring not to rely on it, relying more on her witts, she was one of the first too predict how beacon wasn't going to be the last school to fall, confirmed by the ...
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Real Name: Ignatius Torchwick Known by Name: Gambler Weapon: Dice of Fate – Three black dice with unique properties that he can manipulate using a concealed mechanism in his cane. Each die can release smoke, create illusions, or explode on ...
Hailing from Vacuo, Challi grew accustomed to Vacuo's existence as a desert, so much so that her semblance mixed with the dryness of the desert, creating a relatively scary semblance when she moved to Atlas. She made a team with Safir, Lila...
#rwby oc

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