Meet the Algebraliens! These unique OCs blend math and alien features into something truly special. They live in a world where numbers and equations come to life. If you love creative characters with a twist, you're in for a treat! Check out all the amazing Algebraliens people have made and share your own!

Algebralien OCs (15 characters)

Very large WIPBut basically they're a two sona version of my truesona
#clown oc
very optimistic yet anxious guy who's trying to start/host his own object show and has wanted to for years . also completely convinced that theyre all totally 100% real . unfortunately he does Not have that much money or anything so he does...
#object oc
#object show oc
They used to work in front of a computer, typing away mindlessly. But they got so bored they started their own object show. (I am not projecting on him I swear guys)Has a friend named division that he had to leave behind to start the show.K...
Thirteen was first created to be a representation of me in object form. OCs created to be representations of real-life humans are gifted with the sentience of a real-life human being. But if the character strays from being a persona, they r...
Not for sale 
Negative threes paws parent and lolipups spouse
He's just a really silly algebralien!!! Fun fact, I made him when I searched equation playground on google maps and decided to leave a review. He was originally gonna be a capital A, but I changed it since he's a variabhle!!!
#object show oc
This is another one of my oc's, percentage!He's pretty cool. :)Some neat facts;He can move his little ball things around in the air. His mouth doesnt work properly, so he has to use the one on one of his floaters. His eye floater is used fo...
#algebralien oc
##object show
#object shows
#object show oc
This is Z! My 1st, and only, algebralien oc. Their pretty silly.There's two versions of them;The BFB versionand The CD versionCD stands for creators dream, an object camp show rp discord server thing. Z is the host of this show! The CD vers...
#algebralien oc
##object show
#object show oc
average minimum wage employee and longtime friend of ian, pretty much just trying to live their life and go day by day. he is not nearly as invested in ian's whole show thing, not wanting to get directly involved in it and simply focus on h...
#object oc
#object show oc
Kao is the thai number 9he is an algebralien (BFDI/BFB)He doesn't talk too often but when he does he doesn't shut up!!He is autistic and has adhd because he's my sona so it would be weird if I unautisticed him.he loooooveess rice not becaus...
This is S! S, unlike Z(their sibling), only has one version! This is due to the fact they exist in an alternate demention from CD Z and BFB Z.They live in a small dimension on their own personal planet with their husband, percentage. They l...
#algebralien oc
##object show
#object shows
#object show oc
Kuara means "eat" in japanese! she is based off the song "biomi" :)FACTS!pronouns are she/her/they/them/it/its/meat/meats•she is a cannibal•lures others in to make them cannibalize their friends, usually going for the heart or muscles.. (th...
#algebralien oc
#object show oc

End of list