Welcome to the world of Fallout New Vegas! Here, you can meet original characters who roam the Mojave Desert. From fierce raiders to skilled gun-slingers, these characters bring their own unique stories and adventures. Dive in and discover the amazing characters people have created in this post-apocalyptic world! Share your own Fallout NV OC too!

Fallout New Vegas (FNV) OCs (19 characters)

Much akin to their namesake, Coyote is sly and sharp-witted. With a small and light frame, one has to adapt to the hand of cards dealt. Coyote relies on stealth and overwhelming speed rather than charging headfirst into a fight-- not to say...
#fallout new vegas
#new vegas
#courier 6
The Mojave's Luckiest DevilLazarus' story follows the Wildcard route for Fallout New VegasAn amnesiatic pyromaniac with a strong sense of loyalty, and an equally strong desire for payback.
#courier six
#courier 6
#new vegas
WIP!! Will keep working on it
#fallout new vegas
#fallout new vegas oc
(This guy and this little entry as a whole is entirely a WIP, but I figured since I went through the trouble to make an account, I'd at least post this one guy.)Syne is my Courier 6 for Fallout: New Vegas, and I really don't have much on hi...
#fallout new vegas
#courier 6
#courier six
#fallout oc
#fallout new vegas oc
A weapon-loving, overly brash man originating from countryside Kansas, Barry takes on the role of a Companion for the Courier, along with two others: forming a four-person independent-aligned team. Both the Legion and the NCR hold animosity...
#fallout new vegas
Huskey 'CottonMouth' West is a (once human, now) cowboy synth who roams both the Mojave and the CommonWealth.He is noticeably grey in the skin, has synthetic hair despite being a synth, and has grey eyes, even though he is synth (which are ...
#fallout oc
#fallout 4
My courier 6, she's not a big fan of being aorund other people, and highly prefers the company of robots and AI. Did not shy away from adding technology to her body, taking as many implants as they could. They also left her brain, heart and...
#fallout new vegas
Courier Interactions: Upon meeting them, the Courier can choose to be negative towards Billy or Vent. This is not recommended.If friendly, Billy will ask for supplies to help keep him in tip-top shape, such as alcohol wipes* to wipe off dir...
Works at The Tops in New Vegas; former Boot RiderGully has high charisma and has helped Jerry not get fired (or at worst, given a dose of new vegas by benny circa Singer). Autistic. She’s a lesbian, has a HUGE crush on Francine Garret (that...
#fallout new vegas
#fallout nv
#new vegas
#fallout oc
#fallout new vegas oc
The most sopping wet, pathetic, poetic Ranger you'll ever meet
##fallout new vegas
##fallout oc
#fallout new vegas oc
Amber is your typical run of the mill Childhood friend. She often bullies and makes fun of those around her as a way to show she cares.
#new vegas
#vault 16
#vault dweller
Marge snapped a long time ago. A chain of dominoes toppling over carried her to where she is now: cold, angry, and defiant. She's had her home of New Canaan ripped from under her and her twin brother, Levi, and now they're forced to work fo...
#fallout new vegas
#fallout nv

End of list