Do you love cooking and creating new recipes? Check out these amazing chef original characters! From master chefs to culinary wizards, these characters bring the kitchen to life. They whip up delicious dishes and have fun stories to tell. Dive in and discover the talented chefs people have created, or share your own!

Chef OCs (23 characters)

Francesca Spaghetti (née Fettucine) is the wife of Peppino Spaghetti. Together they run Peppino's Pizza, where she works as a pastry chef, creating delicious desserts to finish off customers' meals.She and Peppino met while she was working ...
#pizza tower
#pizza tower oc
A young man from a wealthy family, currently travelling the lands in search of new dishes to not only try, but also learn how to cook. His family runs several restaurants, all very popular thanks to the quality of their food plus the variet...
There's always that one kid at school who can actually cook for some reason. Miki is that kid... perfected.
Hunter is a man who lives for the art of cooking; he loves to cook; he's also an incredible bar tender; he has abandonment issues that he has to live with, so he keeps his friends close and protects them with his life.He wears a large cloak...
A lab experiment escapee who becomes a supervillain, marrying his idol and becomes a loving husband and father.Personality:Grey is a very wholesome and sweet person. Most of his energy and time is put towards other people, such as his frien...
Be welcome to his pastry shop, he has quite some... interesting flavours you need to try out! It's now or never, so don't make him mad- I mean sad. Oh, and compliment his pastries too, or else.~ ◺⇺♥⇻◹ ~◸◿" Ahaha, please don't move!I don't w...
#he ate a few people, is that really so wrong? /j
Sometimes the edgelords aren't *just* teenagers. Sometimes they're moms. Edgy moms with culinary certificates.Edgy chef moms.Bastia is a spectacle, living amongst all odds. In a world riddled by war and a strict regime - where those of her ...
#Dead mom
Gurraj (Gur rhymes with Fur, Raj is Raj)He is a 17 year old boy struggling with many worlds. He struggles to balance his life and his mental health, which can be difficult when your autistic, brown and kind of depressed. Gurraj is lonely, b...
A lego character I made to keep my younger brother entertained. He's committed many crimes and lives illegally on an island in the middle of no where to hide from the government. 
Design by meToyhouse:
Calista lives in Snakes apartment with him and Lillian. She used to be a chef on Eferventis, another planet, and now shares her cooking with her new family. With her sweet souther accent, she frequently hands out much appreciated advice and...
No one can quite remember when Flint joined the rest of the party, but he has been welcomed nonetheless. He's the team's chef, making sure to make hearty dishes during their downtime. He's very friendly with everyone and great to be around....
A sushi chef and professional diver with a hammerhead shark mutation. He is a kind man with a love of seafood and the ocean, but stern and occasionally clumsy. Finn was born in Molokai, Hawaii, but later on moved to Osaka, Japan to hone his...
#shark oc
Khonsu is a very anxious fairy. Having responsibilities pushed onto him since a child, due to his prince status. He tends to stay quiet, and does not like to be percieved.
Emilien is a gentle giant. His passion and desire to be a chef came from the summers he spent with his grandmother in France, and he immediately went to culinary school after he graduated high-school. He currently is in his final semester o...
Carter is a misunderstood soul. He covers up much of his pain and emotions with a cold shell and aloof behavior. He genuinely is a kind person, he's just too shy to show it out loud.
Shakti is very optimistic and adventurous, and he always looks on the bright side of every situation. He likes exploring, whether is be with things like food or exploring the woods around his and Melissa's kingdom. He's very capable and per...
#minecraft oc
Iva is the chef of the maned wolf Pirates crew. She's a very grumpy and hardworking fishman. Although cooking isn't exactly her passion, she stays on the Maned Wolf Crew for her own reasons. Her own reasons being on the run from the marines...
#one piece oc
A gourmet chef that specializes in cooking chicken in a variety of ways, from fried to even beer-canned.This big yellow chef runs a business out in the west of Texas known as "Chickini's Chicken Fest," where customers are a... "Slight" lack...
#pizza tower oc
#Pizza Tower
Fake Chickini... Where to even begin...?This 'little' faker is ACTUALLY a clone of Nocturnal (see Nocturnal's character profile for more details)! While maybe not as intelligent, this clone can be just as wreckless. Similarly to Nocturnal, ...
#pizza tower

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