Sailor Original Characters (OCs)
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Ever dreamt of sailing the high seas? Meet some amazing sailor OCs! These characters are ready to navigate through storms and explore uncharted waters. From brave captains to adventurous deckhands, each sailor has a unique story to tell. Dive in and discover their tales or share your own seafaring hero!
Sailor OCs (75 characters)
Axo Lol, or Axo for short, is a sweet and cute Axopony living on Polydies. She is known for her anime art with an adorable art style and her undying love for all kinds of cute anime. Especially the Magical Girl and Romance ones!She just lov...
Washed up on an island shore, wounded and seemingly alone, the boy accepts his fate and relaxes, watching the birds circle and feeling the sun warm him.After being discovered and rescued, it is seemingly that he could not remember anything ...
Nimh is not the smartest tool in the shed but is a very kind hearted individual despite his history of piracy and thieving. He is definition of Himbo. He is also a big Mamas boy.
Aspen is an aspiring sailor on the Sain Marlin cargo ship. She's a small nineteen-year-old with tangled ginger hair, violet eyes, and a perpetual blush.In search for self-worth and belonging, Aspen works hard to prove herself as a sailor an...
Felix is part of a group that pilots burning ships into enemy vessels to set them on fire. Uncomfortable with being perceived as cannon fodder, he was quick to take up Jack on his offer for training to increase their chances of survival.Fel...
Veteran Toonworld adventurer Captain Mick "Steamboat" Williams, better known as "Steamboat Willie" wrested control of his boat from his corrupt former captain and travels the Ippississim River in the search for adventure and treasure, pursu...
Cashmere is the son of two sailors who specialize in hunting sirens and mermaids. As much as they wish he shared their love for the sea, Cashmere would rather admire it from a distance.ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢShip in a Bottle- Finılıılıılıılıılıılıᴠᴏʟᴜᴍ...
Simon is part of a group of "expendable" crewmates who've landed the fireship role. As part of the barebones fireship crew, her job is to prepare smaller, broken-down vessels to burn and/or explode. She and the rest of the group pilot the b...
Philip volunteered to be part of the crew who man the fireships they rig to burn and/or explode. He and the rest of the fireship group steer the burning ship into the enemy to set the other ship on fire. They have to leave fast or risk burn...
Lee steers burning ships into enemy vessels to set them on fire. He's highly observant, has a good memory, and does his research often and thoroughly. People don't tend to expect it from him due to his immature behaviour.Lee is mischievous,...
Delaney Dawson is part of the crew that steers a burning ship into enemy ships and runs away as fast as they can to get off before it explodes. She's been around the longest, which is honestly a miracle considering how much of a risk-taker ...
Jack is the impromptu leader of a group of "expendable" crewmates who've landed the fireship role. As part of the barebones fireship crew, his job is to prepare smaller, broken-down vessels to burn and/or explode. He and his group then pilo...
Ula del Rosario is a young sailor who specializes in navigation work. At seventeen years old, she regularly accompanied her parents on their many voyages, learning many of their skills along the way. She’s a hardworking girl who’s determine...
Golden Scales is a traveling sailor, who wants to see all of the world and sometimes returns to Polydies to rest and hang out with friends.She is very popular with many ponies and loves to tell them all the stories of her adventures. Even t...
Octolio is a sailor of the great sea, who often returns to the island of Dreamdemons and brings tasty food and fun stories of his adventures. He claims to have seen every part of the world and sneeked into every dream! Spoiler: It's a lie-H...
Name: Donaar DamrusGender: MaleRace: Silver DragonbornHeight: 6'0Sexuality: BisexualAge: 20 (Deceased)Alignment: Lawful GoodClass: College of Creation BardBackground: WandererRelationships: Malcis Damrus (Adopted Father), Albatross (Partner...
Cascade is a demon who sails across the sea to hunt down mermaids and sell their scales. But one day they end up falling for one of them...Cascade is mostly really calm, usually asleep on their boat during the day with their hat on their fa...
Morgan is a young white nonbinary person who was assigned female at birth. They are 167 cm (5 feet and 6 inches) tall and weigh approximately 63 kg (140 pounds). Their hair is copper in color and is short and spiked up top with a mullet gro...
Wyatt is a 28-year-old undead poet who was formerly a sailor and a hunter; mainly known for his track record of hunting Avians and Sirens and selling their tails, feathers, scales, etc. in the hidden market.After being ultimately murdered b...
#dark fantasy
pfp credit : dogbraineddb a c k g r o u n d ➥
Ignaz was always interested in boats, his dad was a fisherman after all, it was only natural. They would go on trips together for mul...
#idv oc
#identity v
#identity v oc
Sorry pal the lore is still being built!Also my artstyle is heavily inspired by bobbie goods if you're wondering :3
Uhhh, silly goose guy...• Actually an octopus-spirit-thing which is possessing the body - the octopus has lived many different lives (and also may or may not be evil, but it kinda forgor since it's hard to remember things between lives)Curr...
Irving is an older white cisgender man. He is 186 cm (six feet and one inch) tall and weighs 109 kg (240 pounds). Irving has long choppy copper colored hair that he wears in a loose low ponytail. The ponytail is always draped over his right...
Amihan del Rosario is the navigator of the pirate crew of Hindsight's Arrow. She was formerly part of a Spanish merchant crew, but after falling overboard during a storm, she washed up on the shores of an island that served as a pirate have...
#historical fantasy
Oh my god its Ca'laal!!!! Ca'laal is the outgoing, cheery, smiley and talkative barkeep of the Flagon and the Dragon in the lower slums of Skullport. She is well known throughout the port for being a glimpse of sunlight in the depths of the...
Samuel is one of the focus characters in the eighth phase of Collapsed Memories, Twin Trial. A highly-acclaimed theatrical genius, currently a playwright. He is a bubbly eccentric boy who appears to live in a world of his own, far from real...
#theater kid
The leader of an infomous pirate crew. Not much is known about him and he's been known to change certain story's about his past. He tends to be a very honest, laid back and blunt.
Sasha is a reserved sea woman who spends most of her time out at the beach looking at shells and longing for her boat that went missing after bringing her and the other grumpuses to snacktooth she saw lisbert as a good friend and brought he...
(a bit wip since this is one of my older pokemon ocs from 2023)
#Pokemon OC
#water type
#sea oc