Changelings are magical beings who can change their shape! They come from myths and stories, often swapping places with human babies. Some changelings use their powers for good, while others might cause a bit of trouble. Dive into the world of changeling OCs and see how creative people get with these fascinating characters. Share your own changeling creations too!

Changeling OCs (48 characters)

An oc inspired off of tales of the Aos Sí or Irish faeries.The fae are a peculiar race, originaly the children of angels and spirits, they guard forests and streams, the lakes and seas, clifs and the sky itself. They live in small kingdomes...
Orx is a Changeling investigator, known to go where crime takes place and serve justice; whether lawfully or by his own means. Whether the cases are grim or dull, Orx is fully committed to solving the case. Orx himself has never shown his t...
A humanoid in rather fancy ranger clothes.
#dnd oc
#changeling oc
Name: Therius Firmane (Goes by Ozias)Class & Level: Level 1 PaladinBackground: Reflavored Acolyte (Raised by elves.)Race: Half-Tiefling Half-ChangelingArmor Class: 18Speed: 20 ft (weighed down by armor)Alignment: Lawful GoodHeight: 6'Weight...
#Half tiefling
#Half changeling
A changeling from the Feywild who takes the form of a Spring Eladrin to better fit in as she travels around, eager to learn new things.
#dungeons and dragons
#does not understand everything in the realm of humans
#comes from the Feywild
Nyx never had the easiest life, being a changeling affects how people preceive you. They always feel as if their existance is a lie and that they'll never truly know who they are as a result. Growing up with the woman who raised them, Nyx h...
What happens when you mix a changeling, no parents and mostly growing up in the circus? One hell of a quirky bastard apparently.Now add a forest with seemingly more questions than answers and it's only a matter of time until the answers arr...
big man. big emotions. big baby
Cotton Candy grew up in the circus preforming multiple acts in different forms. Sadly the circus burned down and Candy was left homeless but not alone,another kid named Cheri was also left orphaned and homeless. Later the two were adopted b...
##oc art
#dnd 5e
#dungeons and dragons
#dungeons and dragons
Spencer is a theater actor, growing in sucess. He was recently recruited by a newly formed hero team, who are looking to train him for spy missions. During his time with the group he learns far more than just how to do hero work.
Joshua Vox is a single dad in college, just trying to get through his engineering degree while raising an eight year old daughter named Emma. Without a car. He accidentally concieved her at a high school party, when he got drunk for the fir...
Street rat, Face-stealer, Hound Dog, and Heretic. Many names to describe one roguish changeling; Marnya.With a sly grin, a cheeky wink, and a knack for mischief, it'd be foolish to call them anything less than a troublemaker; responsible fo...
#dnd 5e
The ultimate identity crisis 
#dnd oc
Sian is a travling street magician- skilled at the art of illusion and transmutation magic, they travel the realm hosting little magic shows for passers by and collecting tips to survive. It's a simple life, one they love dearly~However, 'S...
#dnd 5e
#hexblade warlock
#Illusion wizard
Asterion is an innocent and curious being, easily manipulated by those he cares about, he lives alone in a cave collecting junk and spoils from people he scared out of the forest, naturally a caretaker. It is an extremely rare species and a...
Juno moved to their old hometown of Neither with her mother at the start of her Sophomore year, following her sister Rhea who'd already made herself a life there. Shehad a hard time making friends - she wasn't being bullied outright, but sh...
Status: MissingFilarion is a charming and compassionate individual, known for his deep connection with nature as a result of being a druid. He led a childhood oblivious to his identity as a changeling until his ability to shapeshift surface...
#original character
Dogs is one of my planned characters from a DnD campaign.
#dnd character
Jasmin isunicorn-changeling hybrid however they cannot change form and can use very limited magic (e.g. when levitating something for long period of time their magic just kinda freaks out and drops the item). Jasmin is autistic and mostly n...
Walentı Keımenı is a changeling likely from the countries of Tāínà Kū́llār or Skoılaınıa. Born without family and living off the grid for their childhood, most about their early life is unknown. They normally takes the form of a K'ämmä huma...
#my little pony
Booger is an Undead changeling, brought back by a crazy blood cult and spider god. He was ""blessed"" with the job of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, and taking down ivack before he literally tears the world apart and eve...
Aura tends to present herself as a cold, calcuating bitch- too busy focusing on the job that needs doing to bother with things like emotional vulerability and compassion, and while thats not entierly false, theres also more to her then meet...
#dnd 5e
#Hexblade warlock
Name: RosoliteNickname(s): Rose, RosyOG Fandom Affiliation: MLP(No longer in this fandom!)Date of Birth: March 25Age: 24Species: Half humanoid half changelingSex: FemaleGender: CisPronouns: She/herSexuality: SapphicHeight: 5’4”Weight: 124 l...
Luana Hoapili, The Siofra of Keona Age19 (Arc I)SpeciesChangeling (adopted by Formorians, Tuathe De, misc. Elementals, and Akua)EthnicityMaoli+Ortigian~Backstory~ Luana was born January 1st, 1940, in Kalani City, Keona, but her family moved...
I haven't finished his ref sheet yet or his backstory but I couldn't help myself lol.
A changeling who didn't think they were any different from the people they called family. Ghost hadn't a clue of her origins, that was until they started seeing things. Thats how the child got its name. He's a wild one, that doesn't care wh...
Name: ElbertaNickname(s): El, Ellie, BerryBirth Date: February 9Status: ActiveSex: FemaleGender: NonbinaryPronouns: She/theySexuality: BisexualAge: 25Species: Changeling(fairy)Height: 5’4”(5’7” in heels)Weight: 124 lbsRelationship Status: S...
Antonin has been, despite only being a teen himselfm when he started, the de facto leader of the Waywards almost since its conception. This role originally fell to Rhea Irving. After her disappearance he was scrambling to keep the group tog...
An ever-changing person trying to find the one that truly loves them.
Name: Tala ViscontiNickname: Lady Tala Gender: Demi-girl (Mostly She/Her) Race: Changeling Height: 5'7 Sexuality: Aro/Ace Age: 45 Alignment: Lawful Evil Class: Warlock of the Great Old Ones Background: Queen Relationships: Berlioz Visconti ...
Somewhere in the southern tip of Equestria lies a village that almost was, the ruins of a little settlement called Farthest Reaches. Built by a hopeful earth pony looking to tap into the jewel deposits to the northeast, Farthest Reaches was...
From a young age, Harp has never known who exactly she is. Sure she knew what she was, but who was the real question.Her mother was a renowned witch doctor, helping those searching for their destiny, for a price of course. Harp grew up help...
##dungeons and dragons
A comedic relief bard (college of lore)Shows up at random times with great comedic timing and a song, always leaves a little trinket behind with a note that says "I'll be back! -Bartholomew"(Voice claim is Neil Patrick Harris)