Welcome to the world of Warlocks! These magical beings are full of mystery and power. They can cast spells, summon creatures, and even control the elements. But each Warlock is unique. Check out these original characters who bring their own twists to being a Warlock. Don't forget to share your own!

Warlock OCs (75 characters)

Once a horrific aberration from the Far Realm, Nowhere found himself on the material plane after a fight with another creature took a turn for the worse, and left both of them inches from death. In order to survive, he took on the form of a...
Quick witted, sharp tongued, and incredibly fashionable. These are the words Zaspira would use to describe herself should it ever come up. Sure, she could also include her short temper, perfectionist attitude, and fondness for vultures, of ...
"The tomorrow is golden and I will greet it with open arms and open eyes. My heart is home to The Salvation, above love and above wealth. It is my divine obligation to uphold the will of The Salvation to my utmost ability, in sickness and i...
#d&d oc
#dungeons and dragons oc
Orx is a Changeling investigator, known to go where crime takes place and serve justice; whether lawfully or by his own means. Whether the cases are grim or dull, Orx is fully committed to solving the case. Orx himself has never shown his t...
Cato is something of a linguistic genius. A student at Strixhaven studying in the school of Silverquill, the metaphysical realm of language, culture, etymology, and the conventions of the collective conscience that cling to our tongues is h...
#d&d oc
#d&d 5e
When push comes to shove Pheobe can shove. She is fiery in almost every way it applies and will not hesitate to defend her friends.
A sorcerer who, due to paranoia over the wellbeing of her friend and crush, and later the death of, would be lured into the study of necromancy. She made a deal with the archlich Lazare Meiro to learn from and be lent power from him.
Maeviir is a stone wall of a person. They're incredibly stoic and reserved, monotone and serious but suprisingly charming and persuasive when they choose to be. They play the lyre and are far far too sentimental for their own good.Maev is m...
Merlin, known as Emrys to the Druids, is a peculiar creature. Born in mystery and found floating down the river as a babe, Merlin was raised in the village on the outskirts of the great city of Camelot, by his adoptive mother Isolde. In the...
#Arthurian Legends
Rosie is one of my current D&D characters. She's a loveable, goofy, and loyal guard dog to the prince of the Kingdom of Delvarc. After being separated from him, she's been exploring alongside her party in search for him.
#great dane
#dungeons and dragons
A disgraced noblewoman trying to avenge her sister's death and regain her family's honor.
#original character
#not like dnd
Willem is a member of the Rift Weavers, experiencing the worlds beyond their home for the first time.
He's the quiet type of character who prefers solitude over friends because he can't make any. He's usually silent, you'll be lucky if you can get a couple words outta him.Instead of saying yes or no he'll just nod or shake his head, he'll a...
#dnd character
#just another traumatized dnd oc! what could go wrong
#dungeons and dragons
#dnd oc
#dnd pc
MY DND CHARACTER RAAAA5'10Chaotic neutralgood charmUsed charm to put an enemy captain in bondage•Str 9 (-1)• •Dex 12 (+1)• •Con 11 (+0)• •Int 12 (+1)• •Wis 10 (+0)• •Cha 19 (+4)•Familiar is Miku (specifically a crochet doll I made of her ir...
#dnd tiefling
This is Akira, he is a former guard from the church he worked at, and now is a private investigator, he is a level 5 warlock, homebrew pact of the lessor, patron is Beezlebub, a level 1 paladin, and a half elf drow.He comes from a wealth dr...
Hua, Jaded wings of Tranquility.Warlock(5) The Shadow / Paladin (4) Oathbreaker
#fallen aasimar
Clownin' around in the tomfoolery.
Give him form. That has been Uricytos mission for the past 3 years. Give Vastus Thornheart form. Any form, no matter the method, create a new vessel, turn back time on his physical mass to how it was many years ago, ormorph him into somethi...
Calamity has lived a whole lifetime in just 17 years. He is a rogue/warlock of the demon lord Levistus (aka Levi) and the two are close as close can be; Cal has been an adventurer and a wanderer for years now and has no intention to stop an...
Chime is a laid back, loud mouthed, Sarcastic woman- often said by her stepfather to actually be a 'dwarf in disguise' due to her attitude, scottish drawl and height.She acts like everyone's cool, if slightly rude at times, older sister- an...
#dnd 5e
#twilight cleric
Rayner is a brooding and intimidating warlock, known for being a natural loner who struggles with trust issues. He possesses a deep kindness and sensitivity beneath his gruff exterior and is fiercely protective and loyal to his loved ones. ...
Cal is the youngest in a family of nobles, marked as a disgrace to the family by his father. Anthony, Cal's father, saw the young boy as nothing but a weakness and treated him as such. His 4 older siblings being young and impressionable tre...
#dnd 5e
Crara is a born vampire who calls himself "A warlock of magical science." He dabbles in dark arts to find ways to cure illnesses that usually can never be cured, such as demonic burns and such. Due to a traumatic event when he was a child, ...
#vampire oc
The Conqueror Warlock Lord Eaghos, a name whispered in fear and awe, commands both respect and terror throughout the realms. Long ago corrupted by the infernal, he uses his newfound dark powers of necromancy to seek vengeance. Kingdoms corr...
IF YOU'RE DRAWING ALVYRA: don't use the screenshots as reference, her canon design is the drawn one! also she does have a tail it's just not visible in her ref (she keeps it inside her robes), ask me if you want a ref for it. also, she only...
#baldur's gate 3
Previously on an endless quest to restore their Patrons body that led to unravelling a world ending conspiracy, Uricyto now finds themself with everything they've ever wanted: a chance to live and the choice on how to do so in any way they ...
#dungeons and dragons
#dnd 5e
Originally a demon stuck in some dagger two kids owned, Kylar quickly became my main NPC and the lead of the main story of my first Dnd campaign. 
"The woman whose life I've saved and who has saved mine in return." - Vanessa, second-in-command to Fireteam Canary and Ana's wife"The Young Wolf; swearing her life to protect humanty by any means necessary. She's steadfast, her blood spill...
Rain is my most recent dnd character.Raised in a goblin tribe in the woods. One day her Tribe was attacked and she fleed, but not without being harmed. She came across a cave to hide in. Where she found in side was a old cult hide out. At t...
The grumpiest, one armed cat person you will ever meet.
Casper Thomas, son of Adam Thomas and Pseudo-brother to Stephan Simmons, had been born here. Growing up around the awful things that went down in the city. At a young age he had witnessed things most adults anywhere else would not have witn...
#main oc
#story oc
Bonk is a bluejay-themed kenku. Like most kenkus, they are unable to speak but can communicate through mimicry and sounds. However, Bonk's one dream is to have a voice of their own and break the centuries-long curse on themselves, no matter...
Dropped out of college to make a pact for the power to rescue her friends from the portal they got dragged into. Has yet to find a solution for that particular problem, but has gained uncontrolled pyrokinesis, so she'd say everything worked...