Do you love mythical creatures? Welcome to our Satyr page! These half-human, half-goat characters are so cool. They live in the forest and love music. Check out all the amazing original satyr characters people have created. Don't forget to share your own too!

Satyr OCs (50 characters)

— OVERVIEW —▲ Margaret's profile is in the process of being rewritten! Text in brackets ([]) is yet to be redone! ▲[Margaret Stacy is a little girl with moxie living in the city Haust in 1943. After moving to the city at a young age, she's...
#film noir
The god of Death, In a perpetual war with The Anglerfish, god of Time. It's very violent, in like a sexy way.
Gone from a socially awkward (but cheerful) farm boy with a bit of magic to a survivor of the atrocities in Barovia, burdened with the scars it caused.After seeming to have done the impossible, killing Strahd and making it back to Ostensia ...
#dungeons and dragons
A shy and gentle knight. He enjoys quiet places and flowers. Rosen spends more time worrying about other than himself and tends to be easily overwhelmed.
Once a sheep, given sentience and now a Satyr.The product of a chaotic party.
#sheep boy
General description Robin is a blonde satyr that has three orange horns and silver jewlery.He currently works as a nurse under Ezra at his doctor's office. He often takes walks throughout town (when he isnt working anyways) to shop and get ...
My fantasy RPG character! He's small, soft but also has super strenght he can't always control. It's not much, he just- exploded a tree and threw a party member across the room, more than once.Loves pie in general, juice and animals in gene...
Djumiot is a male satyr standing at 5'5", with a deer-like appearance including hooves, rather floppy ears and short tail, and antlers about 3/4th a foot in height. His eyes are orange and he has dark brown speck-patterns on his back and li...
Timothy (the main character of this story) is a timid but tenderhearted satyr. He loves cartography and his free time is spent creating new maps of his village. He longs to go on adventures but he doesn't think himself old or brave enough. ...
Nevaeh Rosenberg- detailsOut of all four of the Royal Council members, Nevaeh is the most overworked though she usually solves that problem by pulling all-nighters. She tends to get carried away with her work and ends up skipping meals andg...
My persona‼️He's a satyr/faun interchangeably(Body of a statyr, but laws of a faun? It's confusing I don't even know but if you're into the specifics, he is technically just an unorthodox satyr in a way)
tribute idea to the original Jekyll and Hyde, utilizing the older idea of manic psychosis and combining it with a more modern character and story. He has white head hair, kind of symbolizing how he aged far beyond his biological years becau...
Pharoah is a short, fat satyr with deep brown skin and freckles. He has dark hair that is usually styled in a dyed-trans mohawk but can be just a plain buzz.He is autistic, and has a special interest in historical cooking and farming. He ru...
#queer oc
House of Cos'heim: Fellowship and Institution teaching Harmony of Affairs, Spirituality, and Soul.Nam Gharriat'e: Name of the region he hails from, a type of fantastical woodland based off of closed canopy boreal forests that houses an adva...
Achi is impulsive, encourages Grover impulsivity Grover tries to mediate, Achi assists Antisocial duo but Achi will put on false confidence to talk and Grover will try to be polite Achi teases Percy and Annabeth Achi thinks Luke is a baddi...
A cheerful satyric girl who lives to love and loves to help. Born into a family with primarily healing quirks, Hikari was destined for great things. Like kicking ass and looking cute.
#My Hero Academia
Best friend of Nympheae.Naive and rather easily to make nervous. Was never outside of her birth home and is afraid to deal with new things. Still was send out, when Nympheae was running away from home, to bring her back.
General Description Ezra is a grump satyr who runs a small herbalist shop/clinic at the edge of a city for monsters and non-humans alike. He has long brown hair with lighter stripes through it. He's legs and ears are that of a deer, what sp...
#trans character
#trans oc
In the heart of the woods, embraced by an apple orchard, lay Elowen- a small infant Satyr, found by an elderly woman named Clarissa in the emerald grass. Elowens Early years were painted in laughs, nature living, and love. She was raised wi...
Wren has been lost for quite some time. They could not go home nor explore outside, so they lived in a lonely limbo, unable to be or do anything until Zara found them.
I'm so normal about him I swear l;askgj;sldrYehh he's heavily inspired by Vessel from sleep tokenHe's down bad infatuated with Hypnos, desperate for his attention as he has chronic insomnia and hopes he could help him lull to sleep.He's ver...
#sleep token
[ GENERAL DESCRIPTION ]Ethel is a 5'5 Satyr, with dark brown hair fading into a dirty blonde at the tips and sage green eyes, along with having the ears, horns, tail and legs of a goat.He likes to decorate his horns and tail quite a lot, wi...
#baldurs gate 3
#bg3 oc
#satyr oc
Kipu is a character in development and they are a cheerful wandering bard from a fantastical version of the Himalayas. They enjoy exploring cities, learning new forms of art, and meeting new people.
#original character
This is one of my most recent ocs but she is Suki's wife :DExpect things to change/be added to her because she is still VERY new
A very hot tempered and lazy god on a small island in the middle of the ocean. Always enjoys sleeping and partying every night over taking care of the needs of his people.He spends his days every day the same. Sleeping until afternoon and t...
Lucifer is a satyr, he had a very...traumatic life to say the least but after his abusive mother died he was taken in by his uncle, who had no idea he existed then he got a job as a barista before meating a guy named Chris, fast forward he ...
Dennis is the main character of Era 3. He is the rarest type of medium, seeing spirits of every caliber and being able to physically interact with them. He punches ghosts. Dennis has severe anxiety and is autistic.Dennis has an ancestral sp...
Leader of Sheep Island (or pennensula as Crimson might say..)Has wonderful wife who definitely doesnt have any secrets
#sheep oc