Welcome to the fallout universe! From fallout 3 to fallout 4 and even fallout 76, this page is filled with characters from your favorite post-apocalyptic world. Meet brave vault dwellers, quirky ghouls, and more. These original characters bring a new spin to the wasteland we all love. Dive in and explore these amazing creations or share your own Fallout OC!

Fallout OCs (40 characters)

#original character
#fallout universe
#fallout oc
A very energetic ghoul lady who doesn't let anything get in her way!
Francisca is a half-Japanese half-Cuban trans woman. She is average height and is plus size. She has tanned skin and vitiligo. Her hair is long type 3b hair that is dyed a light pink. Her eyes are a dark brown.Outside of her military unifor...
#fallout 76
#fallout 76 oc
#genshin oc
Much akin to their namesake, Coyote is sly and sharp-witted. With a small and light frame, one has to adapt to the hand of cards dealt. Coyote relies on stealth and overwhelming speed rather than charging headfirst into a fight-- not to say...
#fallout new vegas
#new vegas
#courier 6
The Mojave's Luckiest DevilLazarus' story follows the Wildcard route for Fallout New VegasAn amnesiatic pyromaniac with a strong sense of loyalty, and an equally strong desire for payback.
#courier six
#courier 6
#new vegas
River is a vault dweller who was kicked out of his vault due to disorderly conduct. (threatening the overseer) he worked as a human doctor for a long period of time before focusing on something the vault found less useful: veterinary medici...
#fallout 76
#fallout 4
WIP!! Will keep working on it
#fallout new vegas
#fallout new vegas oc
#fallout oc
#Fallout 4 oc
Natasha, my Sole Survivor for Fallout 4. Her page is still under construction, but I just really wanted to display her already.She's an altruistic woman just trying her best to find her son, but also help the people she encounters along the...
#sole survivor
(This guy and this little entry as a whole is entirely a WIP, but I figured since I went through the trouble to make an account, I'd at least post this one guy.)Syne is my Courier 6 for Fallout: New Vegas, and I really don't have much on hi...
#fallout new vegas
#courier 6
#courier six
#fallout oc
#fallout new vegas oc
#fallout oc
#fandom oc
#Fallout 3 oc
#fallout oc
#fallout 4 oc
Name / Nickname: Karma Real Name: (Its a secret) Coat: Tanned Beige Cutie Mark: A Gold Beam Scale Talent: (Its a secret)Alternate Universe:Crossover: My Little Pony / Fallout Pipbuck: Always located on her right hoof. Metal Gray with Green...
#mlp oc
#my little pony oc
#my little pony
A sweet and charming woman, as long as she needs something from you. Violet's tone can turn cold and cutting whenever she wants it to. She followed her father into the wasteland, and hates it. She yearns for the cleanliness and ease of her ...
#fallout 3
Raised within the safety of Vault 101, Adah maintained a fairly loyalist stance towards the authoritarian Overseer. As a wastelander, it takes Adah some time to unlearn his vault biases. Suffering from PTSD, his medicinal usage of Med-X soo...
#fallout 3
#lone wanderer
Verilian is a man who never expected his life to turn out the way it did. In what felt like a blink of an eye, his happy family goes sour: his wife gets murdered, then his son gets kidnapped, while he helplessly watched from his cryo chambe...
#fallout 4
#sole survivor
#fallout 4
#fallout oc
#fallout oc
#fallout new vegas oc
Stonage is an alicorn. He currently explores the wasteland with a group of friens, aftering escaping a slave labor organization. He learns about prewar history, and is on a personal mission to restore Equestria to what it used to be, coldhe...
#Fallout Equestria
#my little pony
#fallout 4
#sole survivor
She's as lovesick as it gets! Her drawers are filled with unfinished love letters, but she can never find someone to give them to. Her last boyfriend ran away screaming, and living in a vault underground isn't really helping her love life. ...
#fallout new vegas
#courier six
My Lone Wanderer. Cal is a smart, seemingly aloof and stoic man that tries to do good in the Capital Wasteland. Either through providing medical care or taking out wasteland hazards.He develops selective mutism by the late game (he also end...
#lone wanderer
#fallout 3
#fallout 3
#lone wanderer
Simple minded and scary strong , though he tries very hard in choosing to be gentle 
#fallout oc
#super mutant
#fallout oc
#fandom oc
#fallout 3
#fallout 3 oc
Cassidy Fields is my d&d character for a homebrew campaign inspired by the Fallout games. In terms of the Fallout timeline, the accuracy of her story may be a little off.. but I tried to find a way to fit everything together. Though, the ti...
#cowboy oc
#Fallout: New Vegas
Meme child of destruction who takes all of the bad sequel tropes.Accidentally born to her two Fathers within the Mothership Zeta spacecraft, Sabrina has lived an interesting life from the very start. Whilst she was assumed to be another abd...
#fallout 3
Theseus is a part of the noble Brotherhood of Steel, doing his part to serve as the squire to Knight Adonis.Or at least he was, before the two got separated.Now he journeys to find his Knight alongside a vault-dweller who is somehow permane...
#fallout oc
#Squire oc
#brotherhood of steel
Penny-Jane is the overly optimistic, and surprisingly resourceful vault-dweller of the party. She always attempts to solve problems with words- and if that doesn't work, she'll find some incredible way to get out of it.With everyone looking...
#fallout oc
#vault dweller
#vault dweller oc
Nancy is a ghoul roaming the wastelands of America, who travels with her friends in search of their own individual goals.In Nancy's case, she's looking to return to her pre-war home and get back something of sentimental value to her.
#fallout oc
#ghoul oc
#fallout ghoul
#fallout ghoul oc
Sharon Rose, known by her nick-name "Rosie" is a ghoul living in the midwest US. She was once a very beautiful young nurse, engaged to a man in the Air Force. She wasn't chosen for a vault and in typical midwest fashion watched the bombs dr...
#fallout 3

End of list