Jackal Original Characters (OCs)
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Step into the wild world of Jackals! These clever and cunning creatures are full of surprises. Whether they're tricksters or loyal friends, jackals make for amazing original characters. Check out all the fantastic jackal characters people have created! Share your own too!
Jackal OCs (15 characters)
Marvin is the main protagonist of my story Absolute Entropy! A withdrawn and quiet canine, who's very goal oriented and focused. Generally quite sheltered and withdrawn.He starts out aggressive and closed off. Trained from a young age to b...
It's my main OC. One of few that i draw many times and it doesn't really have specyfic story or world, but if I'll ever have a firm or a website it's gonna be my mascot.It's red and fluffy. Has triangular ears pointing down and a loop in th...
Knox is a vigilante who believes in his dauntless tasks no matter what, even if the risk is greater than the reward. While in combat, he is ruthless and formidable, his personality outside of that seems more bored than bloodthirsty. As much...
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