Welcome to the Kingdoms of Griffia! This magical world is filled with unique creatures and exciting adventures. In Griffia, you can find all kinds of original characters with amazing stories. From brave heroes to mysterious wanderers, there's so much to explore. Dive into the World of Griffia and meet all the incredible OCs people have created. Share your own characters too and become part of this enchanting realm!

Kingdoms Of Griffia OCs (91 characters)

#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
Nyah grew up in a noble family; her life was layed out with responsibilities and rules, but Nyah was a wild spirit from birth. She had a thirst for adventure and excitement, which clashed with her familiy's hopes and expectations for her. H...
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
This little chubby boi lives with his mothers Astara and lyric the witches no literally witches! They found his bag and thought is was a regular one till little feet knocked some potions down one day! Ever since then he’s train to be a witc...
#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
Boogie is a void beast not much is known about the strange creature or how it travels.Boogie helps make deliveries to witches and demons for a small fee of course he's found of sweets and stamps.Boogies only friend is a pixi named Pumm who ...
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
#kindoms of griffia
kingdoms of griffia master listGolem made with magic by a young mage. Mulch now takes care of the mage that created him many years ago. Mulch enjoys the outdoors and will sit in the rain for long periods at a time.
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdom of griffia
#world of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
TRIVIAHe inexplicably has a New York accent.Finn is very proud of how sharp his fangs are.
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
kingdoms of griffia master listAppa is a small gnome like creature. Appa lives in the adventures guild he is rarely seen by its patrons, his main job is to clean up the guild.The only person who can confirm his existence is Nyah the owner o...
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#kindoms of griffia
This bagbean can change form whenever they'd like. They also can clone themselves to be anywhere at once. More TBA and more designs to come.
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
Bio is TBA.
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
#kingdom of griffia
#close species
#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
Mascot of my sister. Soulbonding with Chana.
#kingdoms of griffia
Stella Luna, a renowned scholar and archeologist, is passionate about griffolk history and their artifacts. Despite her eccentricity, she has a special place in Soleil's heart. Stella's current life involves occasional adventuring and carin...
#kingdoms of griffia
Noctra is a lazy and sarcastic sprout.
#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
Kingdoms of Griffia MasterlistDesmond is a merchant from the moon of Griffia: Nova. Desmond claims to be the only novinaut allowed to sell his wares on griffa, but with no communication between the planet and its moon it hard to tell if thi...
#kingdoms of griffia
making their way up the ranks they hope to be an assassin for nobles like their mother.
#kingdoms of griffia
He's him.
#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
#kingdom of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#world of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia
#kingdoms of griffia