Ever dream of meeting a merperson? Dive into the magical world of merpeople! These enchanting beings live underwater and have tails instead of legs. They can be mysterious and beautiful, with stories full of adventure. Discover all the amazing original characters right here and maybe even share your own!

Merperson OCs (12 characters)

Brooke is a water elemental, one of the last of his kind, who is always yearning for adventure. His best friend is an orange fish named Phillip who can travel with him in a water bubble Brooke can create. Phillip is a girl but enjoyed her n...
Lonely, left behind by his pod, Allarys lives in the immediate area of a deserted tropical island, frolicking through the reefs and playing with the fish and the sharks! Until... a pirate captain is thrown overboard and washes up on shore. 
Serin is a lone merperson simply trying to find joys in life, he doesn't have memories of his family but believes he was abandoned by them. He spends his time exploring, collecting things he considers 'rare' - which is pretty much anything ...
#shark man
Lophii is a lonely shy angler fish type merperson. They live in the depths of the ocean in pitch black silence. They rarely see other creatures and when they do they are agressive and hurtful. Lophii's flower anglerfish lure is both a comfo...
Taslim is a merman who lives around an underwater city with plenty of other merfolk to populate the area. It’s a rather large kingdom, yet not the largest.He’s seen around the area often whether it’s talking to other merfolk, purchasing thi...
The lady of love herself, Cordelia lives reigns over the oceans with a brutality that not many immortals can contest.The Immortal of Love, The Ocean, Luck, Traveling, and Storms
He's just a little guy, I love him.
Nami first learned about the surface when a bright and colorful flyer about the cities sank down to the bottom of the ocean. Now a literal fish out of water, she's emerged from the depths of the sea to discover what the world has to offer. ...
Turtle had been born out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, though they didn't stay there for very long. Like many merfolk who ended up in the care of humans, they were caught up in a fishing net, having been previously injured on top of i...
A tall deepsea mermaid, she's very bold and very positive, tending to find the best in people even in the face of judgement. This includes when humans mock her for being absurdly tall while in her glamour, standing at seven foot even while ...
#deep sea

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