Eyeball Original Characters (OCs)
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Ever wondered what it would be like to have an eyeball as a character? Eyeball characters are super unique and creative! They can see everything, and they sure know how to make a statement. Check out all the cool eyeball OCs people have made. You might find one that catches your eye!
Eyeball OCs (16 characters)
Viridescent Orb is an odd pony, to say the least. She has an unnerving habit of staring at others for reasons no one can quite understand. Some ponies whisper theories that an alien entity has taken control of her body, though no one can sa...
Munster is Pasadena's ride-or-die. He thinks his life would be meaningless without her. Munster is highly flexible and dependable. He can practically reflect the personality of any person. Munster will defend his chosen friend until his las...
Oratio is a particularly cruel lord of the gluttony ring. Myla Clair summoned him to make a deal and become a witch after her mothers death, the demon was missing a voice for one of his mouths and so demanded Myla's voice in exchange. Myla ...
Charly's mother, aka one of two co-rulers of the envy ring. Queen Rose, better known as The Thorned Rose, is- or rather was- a beautiful, shape-shifting lady, most often in the form of a humanoid woman with dark red hair and fair white skin...
He is an Angel hybrid who is a part of the last-minute team to unite the main species of his world; Humans, Monsters, and Hybrids. He is the brains of his team, and comes up with the plans. In contrast, he is also the first to get away if a...
Kerfuffle is a goofy lil bean who lives and works at a circus! They were adopted by the ringmaster.(WIP)
#goofy goober
#lil guy
He is a scientific experiment 'gone right'; a first of his kind.His clothing was specially made by the lab staff to keep the elements directly off his body. His eye, petal lashes, and root feet are the only exposed parts of his body. Oh, an...
#plant person
#lab grown
Goober's just a little guy, sometimes big because whatever he is can change sizes. He may be a little creepy, but he wouldn't hurt a fly. He is very childlike and doesn't quite understand the world around him.
##little guy
faceclover is a clover. with an eyeball. And they don't speak English, that's all thats known. rahhhh
#floating hand
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