Magicians are full of wonder and mystery! They can cast spells, perform amazing tricks, and create illusions that boggle the mind. Some magicians use their powers for good, while others might be a bit more mischievous. Check out all the magical original characters people have made! Share your own magician OC too!

Magician OCs (133 characters)

~.~.🪄 One cute meow, one little spell, and the world is fine again 🪄~.~. Behind Mimeima, a young Cat stumbles. She carries a ton of books, trying to keep up with the teacher. There's just too much to do, too much to see, so the cat fears ...
Origen is an old, stubborn wizard who often finds himself to be the smartest person in the room.
Chase is a crazy scientist and ex-magician, also a cannibal. He is the person responsible for creating the demons that he set on the world and the others have to battle with. Chase, (before he lost his mind due to losing almost everyone he ...
~ . ✨ . ~The Witch of the North Star ~ . ✨ . ~ Under the nightsky, where all the stars are patiently waiting for their birth, there's a young Witch, ready to help those stars to find their destiny, ready to help them grow and find their tru...
A cheerful fellow who's family served royalty for generations, a job that was passed down to Harli when his father decided his own tricks and jokes had run their course and a new entertainer was needed. Because of his job, Harli never let h...
Ryderlynne was never quite able to grasp her magical abilities as an elf. She adores magic- but she just can't control her own powers. Therefore, of course the only logical thing was to become a magician.Through a mix of alchemy and card tr...
(Outdated)Sometimes good people do bad things to get by.At the very back of the Imaginarium's greenhouse, Mr Katz tends to his bar. It's rounded door is hidden away by plantlife, meaning its existence is often forgotten to those too caught ...
Aerikalishalanshiva of her real name, this lady is one of the youngest dragons still alive on her world, aside from her two daughters, Aelia and Kelly.Few more things about Shiva :- she doesn't have a shadow (cf: backstory)-she owns a land ...
#Dragon lady
Liz is a sorceress who does some dangerous silly billy spells. 
Profile:Ask any question about the stars and history , he would remember the days with you to the end of long he doesn't die again. Another thing , don't try to put keys in his eyes , even if it looks like a keyhole!File 1:''He wo...
#drwho refrence
Remy is some circus gal or just some weird acrobatic magic man, he is very quick to judge someone on their first impression so you better make it count!Remy like's to sometimes weird people out such as stepping on the wall and spider man ca...
Ghul is a smart and rather sassy black mage, who always speaks her mind and is sometimes too honest. Yes, she doesn't talk much, but if she does, welp, apply water to the burn-She is mostly the voice of reason of the group of heroes, since ...
Care to learn your future? Want to change your past?Daffodil O'Malley's tent can be found offside the Imaginarium's big top (top floor, remember!). This is where she spends most of her time reciting poetry to the stars, hoping the departed ...
#crazy >_<
*WIPShe lives deep within a magical forest. An area filled with magical creatures and magical life. The plants, the trees, the flowers, the fields, everything is filled with bits of magic! She thrives with her family in their quaint home th...
One of the most powerful mages at Kryota University, Petals magic only works in combination with their twin, Root. They are very private, crabby, and introverted.Having never met their parents, the twins have no known family.
#kryota university
Cuddlebee is the main hero of Miitopia. She is a mix between a dragon and a human and went to a journey to defeat her brother, who got cursed becoming the dark lord.She lived a pretty calm life, until her brother found the dark curse.Since ...
Claw Gáta is a cat-elf humanoid who works for Chase as an lab assistant. He also takes care of some of the demon experiments and helps them grow + learn how to fight. He isn't evil exactly, but he is not a moral person and has an unhealthy ...
Bernard Schulz is enigmatic magician of The Carnival of Fun and Fright, a man whose mastery of illusions is matched only by the darkness lurking behind his spellbinding performances. With an effortlessly charming demeanor and a voice that c...
Kurumo, the Clock of the Past, is a shy and gentle soul with striking blue hair and cat-like features. He carries a deep burden—his addiction to cannibalism, born from his traumatic past. Despite this, Kurumo remains fiercely loyal to his s...
He's a little magician guy! He's eccentric and very friendly. He loves to preform for kids, and enjoys seeing their eyes light up in awe.He always seems to have a deck of cards on him somehow, despite not having pockets and none being visib...
Clais was made as a way of "entertainment", hypnotizing the adults to distract them while workers take the children for experiments. while Clais didn't not agree with these actions, he has no choice due to being an animatronic (with his own...
#TV head
Previously a streamer intruding into the circus, Aiya Nakajima started off as the terrified tightrope worker that stayed in the circus in resentment to the outside world. Developing new friends and skills, her passion and bluntness are masc...
#magician oc
A depressed dancer who is a key member of the Magic District Group. Xe refuses to dance anywhere xe is not separated from the audience any more. Arvien follows xer around like a lost puppy, but xe doesn't really have any friends otherwise.
#kryota university
Antares Tenpo was born into a family of magicians, raised in the bustling city of London alongside her older brother, Kurumo, and her adopted cousin, Yuna. Her early life was spent in the glow of magical performances, where her parents, Emi...
A mage from Lamorva, the magic-learning central of Lamina. She is shy and prefers being along except with her trusted ones. She has stronger innate magic powers than most, being able to control 2 elements when other Bestians can only contro...
#Medieval fantasy
Despite his reputation as a ruthless magician, Irras has some quirky traits that add complexity to his personality. He’s a lover of fine foods, especially sweets—often seen sneaking into the circus kitchen late at night to indulge in a secr...
Personality Summary: Flaming ball of sunshine with enough passion to burn out the entire world (he nearly tries); deeply caring individual who will tear apart empires for the ones he holds dear. Andy's personality can come across as intense...
Mira is currently a Gardener at Not a Motel Suites but when asked about her job Mira will say that she is a magician even though what she does is no sleight of hand. Mira was originally an apprentice witch born from nature itself as all mag...
Calypso Raymond is a lonely kid. He doesn’t have many friends and spends most of his time playing video games in JoyHall Arcade, Polybius being his favorite. Where other players felt sick and paranoid after playing it, Calypso always felt r...
#circus themed
A youth who became a wind deity in the place of an "old friend", but woke up in the future with hazy memories.
Rather quiet and skittish, he only really comes out of his shell when talking about his latest engineering project. Is in a moderately one-sided friendship with Caspia.
#kryota university
Personality Summary: Though his life has been an utter hell scape since a young age, Felix has mastered the ability to put on a charming smile and coherce the world to his whims. His presence is magnetic and all it takes is a few words and ...
One of the most powerful mages at Kryota University, Roots magic only works in combination with their twin, Petal. They are nonverbal, and enjoy teasing people, especially their twin.Having never met their parents, the twins have no known f...
#kryota university
Cimore is a younger student, with limited powers. His powers are based around his own left eye, which tends to unsettle the people around him. He is friends with Kiara and Aetar, and comes off as rather self-centered. He is actually quite a...
#kryota university
Introverted, mainly because she is quite literally haunted, which gives her some odd quirks. Her powers often cause her to stare at "nothing", which is a little unsettling to most people. She is really only close with Cimore and Petal, most...
#kryota university
Hanny is a kind and optimistic Sea Spirit, who has her own little bar! There, she sells non-alcoholic drinks, mostly lemonade!She absolutely LOVES the beach and pink lemonade! Also, she is known as Friendly, Extroverted, Fun-Loving, Optimis...