Minotaur Original Characters (OCs)
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Minotaurs are half-human, half-bull creatures from ancient myths. They are strong and fierce. Imagine having a minotaur as a character! These OCs can be warriors, guardians, or even misunderstood heroes. Check out all the amazing minotaur characters people have created! Share your own too!
Minotaur OCs (39 characters)
"...What do you want?"
Most girls never win if they're polite, a fact Ambrose learned early on in life. Especially in Gayeth, where the atmosphere is dark and brooding, weakness isn't missed by those with more power. As such, Ambrose is an ...
#half minotaur
NAME : Life of Vain PRONOUNS : He/They SPECIES : Minotaur TYPE : Passive LOCATION : Overgrown Ruins HEIGHT : 2'5 VOICE CLAIM :
If you spoke his name he'd insist that the h is silent.(he/him)- silly guy - thats it - what a cool hat..
NAME : Suzuki Hash NICKNAME : N/A PRONOUNS : She/Him GENDER : Trans Female SEXUALITY : Lesbian SPECIES : Minotaur HEIGHT : 5'5 VOICE CLAIM :
#Tank girl
#Complex design
NAME : Com Lag (2plus2isfive)PRONOUNS : They/Them SPECIES : MinotaurTYPE : Passive LOCATION : Deep Forest HEIGHT : 2'3 VOICE CLAIM :
Mini is the leader of the warehouse of the hospital near the graveyard.He's the smallest member of the warehouse, but he can defend his place, even though his co-workers look quite scary.He is a soft giant, and often rather sleepy, but make...
A princess of Bostor Kingdom that doesn't at all act like princesses would. Very tomboyish, mischievous and likes to run away from her palace (even though she often gets dragged back to the palace by the guards). She doesn't care about stat...
NAME : 1
PRONOUNS : she/they
SPECIES : Minotaur
TYPE : Passive
LOCATION : The Mountain Tops
HEIGHT : 2'4
1, or named by the community Cliffs, is a friendly and approachable Minotaur who lives in...
#Amnesiac Minotaur
#Aphex twin
An anthro bull, or minotaur look a like being of black fur.
#anthro oc
#furry oc
Clove is the character I play in a modern-day D&D campaign called "The Highschool Campaign" (we could not come up with a better name.) He's a 17 year old boy who's in his senior year of highschool. He, along with 2 other people were chosen ...
NAME : Coaster PRONOUNS : They/Them SPECIES :Onyx Minotaur TYPE : Passive
LOCATION : the garden HEIGHT : 4'4
A strange variation of the crying minotaurs that roam the wastelands — this specimen doesn't actually... appear to cry at all. The crystals growing all over its body are seemingly an equivalent of this, and they don't seem to be painful at ...
#crying minotaur
(I need to redraw him so bad hhhhh)Heres my other DnD PC bc I love them so much but im slow bc I write alot kek. He is in a current campaign actually and in the wild west, for some reason. I wanted to play him badly so I just slapped a cowb...
mino that sometimes appears on daily modbear ontwt2'3 she/herin gay butchlesbian love with a modbwar named carpetall white mino can be drawn anthro or feral
NAME : Head PRONOUNS : He/Him SPECIES : Minotaur TYPE : Passive LOCATION : Prairie HEIGHT : 2'2 VOICE CLAIM : Ash from Fantastic Mr. Fox STATUS : AlivePERSONALITY : Head is a reserved and introspective minotaur with a deep passion for astro...
#Talking heads
NAME : ? PRONOUNS : any SPECIES : modified bear + minotaur TYPE : ? LOCATION : snowy deep forest HEIGHT : 2'7 VOICE CLAIM :
NAME : Ill Wind PRONOUNS : Any SPECIES : Minotaur TYPE : Pasisve LOCATION : The Coast HEIGHT : 2'4 VOICE CLAIM :
#Morally good
NAME : A Quick One Before the Eternal Worm Devours Connecticut PRONOUNS : she/he SPECIES : Onyx Minotaur TYPE : Passive LOCATION : prairie HEIGHT : 4'6 VOICE CLAIM :
NAME : Knives Pulk
GENDER : Trans female
SEXUALITY : Lesbian (Married to Teque)
SPECIES : Minotaur
HEIGHT : 5'7
#Morally good
NAME : Fiver PRONOUNS : Any SPECIES : Minotaur + Onyx Minotaur TYPE : ? LOCATION : Baren Burnt Land HEIGHT : 2'8 VOICE CLAIM :
#Nitzer ebb
NAME : Intermission PRONOUNS : they/it SPECIES : Modified Bear + Onyx Minotaur TYPE : Passive LOCATION : Deep Forest HEIGHT : 3'4 VOICE CLAIM :
#modified bear
NAME : Chia Rounds NICKNAME : N/A PRONOUNS : She/Her GENDER : Female SEXUALITY : Straight SPECIES : Onyx Minotaur HEIGHT : 5'5 VOICE CLAIM :
#Onyx Minotaur
NAME : 2+2=5 PRONOUNS : it/they SPECIES : Onyx Minotaur TYPE : Passive LOCATION : Televisions HEIGHT : 3'4 VOICE CLAIM :
#Oynx Minotaur
NAME : Cymbal Rush
PRONOUNS : any/it
SPECIES : Minotaur
TYPE : Passive
LOCATION : Twisted Woods
HEIGHT : 2'6
NAME : Videotape PRONOUNS : any SPECIES : Onyx Minotaur TYPE : passive LOCATION : deep forest HEIGHT : 4ft VOICE CLAIM :
NAME : I Had Lost My Mind PRONOUNS : They/Them SPECIES : Minotaur + Ect TYPE : Passive LOCATION : Deep forests HEIGHT : 3'0 VOICE CLAIM :
Karuk is a minotaur from the frozen north. He has always been one for learning over war but this dose not mean he is weak. Hulking in at 9 feet tall and nearly half as wide. His horns where shattered in a fight with his father trying to pre...
NAME: SPECTREPRONOUNS: SHE/THEYSPECIES: MINOGOTCHISTATUS: ALIVEshe was confined to a psych ward all her lifeEXTRASshe lives in an old asylum
#One eyed
NAME: PYRAMID SONGPRONOUNS: ANY SHE/HER PREFSPECIES: MINOTAURSTATUS: DEADPyramid was a happy upbeat minotaur who worked as a businesswoman in a city until she went swimming in a river one day and she got drowned by an unknown personEXTRASsh...
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