Monks are peaceful and wise. They live simple lives and seek enlightenment. Many have amazing skills like martial arts or healing powers. Some monks travel the world to help others. Check out all the original monk characters people have created! Share your own too!

Monk OCs (47 characters)

catboy with zero attention span and the loudest laugh anyone's ever heard
Current Story: TiAN'There is Already Nothing', or TiAN, is a sci-fi horror TTRPG narrative experience taking place in a single calendar year.It follows the space station The Lighthouse, drifting in a pocket of space dubbed 'Bastion' during ...
Soren is a Tiefling and a Monk. She is a fortune teller, and believes everything the cards tell her is a sign from the universe. And signs from the universe must be followed.When Soren was 9 years old, she went to the carnival for the first...
A cherry red tiefling with a flair for the dramatic when fighting. She's a monk that fights in an arena for coin.
#dungeons and dragons
Dima Kavrakol is my "gatorborn" (dragonborn) kensei monk for an ongoing DnD campaign I'm playing with some Lupin III fandom friends!PersonalityShe helps protect a small vagabond gatorborn village hidden in the depths of the NYC sewers. She ...
A Tiefling monk that has given up everything for the practice of living a selfless and charitable life. She was born into a wealth Tiefling family as the second-born and felt like her responsiblity didn't belong in the upper-class life that...
#dungeons and dragons
Monk.GrumpyHas been abandoned by parentsMean to everyone except his masters
Rigel is very kind, get seems a bit airheaded. He is very smart but rarely shows it, as he's afraid doing so will alienate him from those he seeks to endear himself to. He likes to study others, or, as he likes to call it "People Watch." Wh...
#moon elf
#dungeons and dragons
Yiri is an Arcane Monk who wields a legendary collection of rings known as the Rings of Spirit that amplify her shi (spirit) and allow her to project it as large yellow versions of whatever she has chosen to hit her opponent with, wether it...
Name: Pooki Nickname: Hug Bear Gender: Male (He/Him) Race: Bugbear Height: 8'0 Sexuality: Aro/Ace Age: 45 Alignment: Chaotic Good Class: Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian/ Way of Mercy Monk Background: Tea Shop /Cafe OwnerPooki bough...
The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity. Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood. If you do me an injury I will look the other way. However hurt my family I will crush you, r...
Elysia was born and raised in a very unusual, small village in the metaphorical corner of the underdark. This village was very unusual compared to other drow villages. Rather than being worshippers of Lolth, they are worshippers of Selvetar...
#dnd oc
Picture a mummy, skeletal, leathery skin, wrapped in bandages. Now add in sewn-on canvas and leather where needed to patch up the damage.Picture a crudely carved, worn wooden mask, featureless except for two dark eye holes with a glimpse of...
#dungeons and dragons
#martial arts
Guardian of the Undersea, Felyrn Baynath is the newest in the lineage of the many guardians. Guardian's are born with a strong connection to the Undersea that is rivaled by no other, having the ability to communicate with any of its residen...
Sauriv used to be a cult leader... He joins a group of ragtag 'heroes' to defeat the evil dictator. Sauriv is constantly biting the others as well as starting arguments. He is nice to everyone except for those in his party and is actually v...
Melissa is a centaur monk, specifically on the Way of Mercy. She is a peaceful person generally, and is utterly serene, even when faced with disaster. Due to her training in the monastery her mind is full of theories and wisdom related to t...
#my oc
#martial arts
Oh my god its Ca'laal!!!! Ca'laal is the outgoing, cheery, smiley and talkative barkeep of the Flagon and the Dragon in the lower slums of Skullport. She is well known throughout the port for being a glimpse of sunlight in the depths of the...
Yvanna is a cool and confident under pressure. Theres rarely anything that gets under her skin (besides the tadpoles). She holds value in community and openness. She encourages her companions to think and be there for themselves, wanting th...
Rambunctious, spoiled, self-absorbed and egotistical, Josiah can come across as abrasive to many, but has a genuine heart of gold, and a friendly, fun-loving demeanour. He prefers revelry to responsibility, and has a short-temper to boot. H...
#dungeons & dragons
An Arbitrator who a friend to all. Like the golden flame that is the sun he gives warmth and gudienes to the ones who seek it. An overwhelimng postive that seem to never run out even in the darkness eviorments. Every elements on him has an ...
#hsr oc
#baldur's gate 3
#dark urge
Kokuzaki is a misguided and yet mysterious man. Speaking vague and darkly poetic words in a deep, cruel voice, he is a Buddhist tsujigiri seeking enlightenment through murder.
#samurai oc
#insane oc
Sophia was always a tomboyish, rebellious girl. Standing taller than most of the girls and boys in her grade made it easy for her to play on par with the boys in her school's sports teams. This didn't stop her from getting bullied from time...
#treasure hunter
A plasmoid homunculus for a Star River based campaign. They are a little guy who enjoys eating berries. They try (unsuccessfully) to convinve everyone that they're human.
Petra's earliest memory is waking up at the bottom of a dark hole. When she climbed out, she was greeted with screaming and violence. A hand held her down and clawed at her face until she was able to escape. And then it dawned on her, she h...
#dungeons and dragons
Thiago is a blue/grey tiefling which stature matches the magnitude of his anger issues. He has a really stubborn personality and builds trust really slowly which created huges problems when he started an adventure with other people, but at ...
Irvhen was always very much in tune with his more bestial side. Born to a pack of wolf shifters and raised communally, his temper, his nature and him function in harmony, so much so that he draws power from the connection.In his early teens...
A young man with fascination of the world itself wonder and scenery. So he decided to journey the world 2 years ago and paint it's scenery, no matter what. Secret is, he is a reincarnated from a son of a long forgotten nameless god. Up unti...