Do you love role-playing games? RPGs let you create your own stories and characters. You can be a hero, a villain, or anything in between! Check out all the amazing original characters people have made for their RPGs. Share your own and see what others have created!

Rpg OCs (52 characters)

A chaos agent, he enjoys meeting new people, especially when it’s for missions, he is someone you should not trust. He is very cunning and likes to fight whenever he can, but sometimes he does not refuse a riddle.He just wants to have fun a...
It's my fursona! Me in all ways possible :D This is what I'd be if I was to be an animal or character or whatnot. She shares the same interests, personality, gender, etc, etc. The only difference is that I am a fox in a fantasy rpg universe...
A mysterious and elusive Faerie, Puck never seems to linger in one place for long. Despite holding a position as the inaugural member of the Faerie Court, which governs the Faerie World, and serving as a board member for the Institution of ...
Kito is a fairy, 27 cm tall; she is a character with black skin, white hair, and eyes of two different colors: one brown and the other blue. She has barely visible freckles across her face, and has wings that are a mix of orange, green, and...
Cody is probably the most annoying fox you'll ever meet! He is always hyper and wont be quiet for less than a second. Cody is very silly and is also a social butterfly and will be anyone's friend. But beware! Once he sees you as a friend, h...
Ghul is a smart and rather sassy black mage, who always speaks her mind and is sometimes too honest. Yes, she doesn't talk much, but if she does, welp, apply water to the burn-She is mostly the voice of reason of the group of heroes, since ...
Alfie is a polite wizard teacher who runs the Crystalness Magic School. He teaches magic to his students who are or plan to be mages. He likes to read and study magic, and has learnt all the elements in order to help teach his mage students...
Good gosh he needs more art <X3 Anyway this is Toast, otherwise known as Splitsune due to being a kitsune with split colours and two tails :3 He helps with the school of magic to find and prepare food for the school. He's not a mage but he'...
A charismatic elf(?) with porcelain skin and long white hair. They're a talented acrobat and entertainer at the Dreamscape, a traveling circus. 
##original character
Shiki Furuhira El sabio guerrero del pueblo.( The town's warrior sage )A young but wise soul that took the place of the War Monks once there was not one left.( ... )A whimsical young man with an astute attitude that puts up with almost ever...
#pezu's children
#original game
Max can be pretty funny when he's angry, so funny that it can be hard to take him seriously sometimes! Max is a tsundere towards everyone including friends. He often comes off as grumpy and easily annoyed. But despite always being mad at hi...
Topaz is peaceful, corrdinated, and well mannored. She is a support class, and she works with healing and plant magic.
Kanu is a Divination wizard specializing in divination and enchantment magic. Out of combat, he's a major flirt and charmer. In combat, he uses his enchantment spells to get into the heads of his enemies to temporarily charm them into aidin...
##original character
‎YŪGATA KOITENGO ‎La suntuosa espadachín estrella.( The town's presumptuous Star Swordmaster )A vebose Swordmaster of high status that assures she's better than everyone else.( ... )Bad-tempered, arrogant, a judgmental and rude girl who is ...
#original game
#pezu's children
i'll get to this later 😭
#ttrpg pc
Cuddlebee is the main hero of Miitopia. She is a mix between a dragon and a human and went to a journey to defeat her brother, who got cursed becoming the dark lord.She lived a pretty calm life, until her brother found the dark curse.Since ...
Naren is a lad who really has no idea how he's supposed to do the task ahead of him. Spending 70 years in cryosleep then suddenly being thawed and shot onto a planet (where your escape pod crushed your chauffeur) only to be tasked with a mi...
#the outer worlds
#outer worlds
Ambrose (Ro) is a paladin who has made an oath to protect and serve. He adventures with his close friends to help those in need and bring those who wish harm on others to justice. Not one to carry out the justice himself though, for he is n...
A sincere, honest, and slightly shy man from a secluded coastal village under a cliff southwest of Lamina. His half sea-iguana genes make him an exceptional swimmer (he can even hold his breath for up to 30 minutes underwater!). He usually ...
O Artêmio é um homem de 30 anos, de 1,77 de altura. "Artêmio" não era seu nome verdadeiro, "Artêmio" era um homem que desejava viver por gerações, mantendo grande parte de seus conhecimentos ao longo das suas reencarnações. Realizando um ri...
##original character
A cheerful girl who enjoys the outdoors. She works as an errand girl in her village (usually gets asked to forage at nearby forest). Her mother has a bakery which she often helps out at. A bit insecure about her height because all her frien...
Eszter is a thief from Felvidek. She lost everything to the cult roaming now in Felvidek, and therefore tries to regain her life by stealing. She wish she didn't have to do this, but how should she survive otherwise?That was, until she met ...
A dhampir ready to either inspire her father to become the leader he could be or take his place.
##original character
Character created for PaperDemon rpgYet has an affinity for water and her talisman is indomitable (which means unable to be defeated) which I interpret as able to leave any fight with no major losses.Biography:Yet is self assured but inexpe...
Who Dai is the boss of Yamabishi, the biggest family in the Yakuza. They are only twenty-one years old, but acchieved their high position trough hard work and dedication.Personality Dai is calm, collected and delicate. They also have an air...
A sweet and calm cleric who would do anything in her power to stop the corruption spreading in the lands and of course keeping her friends safe (obv with full hp!)Layla transmits an aura of calm air with her gentle emerald eyes and soft smi...
Niamh is a small tiefling child who relishes in other's suffering and pain. She has pale blue skin with a soft pink hue around the tips of her fingers, ears, nose and horns. 
#own character
Anda Bandit is a member of the monkey tribe in the RPG classic Langley's Quest. One day she discovers an exploit in the game code and manages to steal the player one spot from Langley himself.No longer content to be a no-name thief in a sel...
My little silly from a short Clue type campaign I did over the summer. More lore might emerge as I do more campaigns with her.If something is in quotes, it's taken directly from her character sheet.
#dungeons and dragons
An eccentric alchemist/transmuter who loves brewing up a new potion and then adding it to some new device he's invented. 
##dungeons and dragons
#ordem paranomal oc
½ Halfling and ½ Rabbitfolk. Her usual form is humanoid with rabbit ears. She does have a full Rabbitfolk form (Wild Shape) reserved only for battle. 
Lucio is an extroverted guy, the type of person who talks to everyone he can, he doesn't have many friends tho, choosing to keep his relantionships superficial.He is skinny man with dark brown skin and yellow eyes, with black curly hair tha...
A pope from Colde village. He has a duty to regulate and lead prayers at the Temple of Beasts (with Goddess Bhumi, Goddess of Nature that blesses Lamina's lands, as the deity). He was separated from his older brother, Uriel, when he was tak...
#Medieval fantasy
NOKA SORAMAME The hopeful general( La esperanza del pueblo )A model general that believes that duty goes before herself.( ... )Responsable, heroic and a independent general whose only current sin would be being way too good at her job. Bein...
#pezu's children
#original game
sirias is a normal girl from the galaxya islands. she was fine with her boring life until the day she was declared the chosen one of the stars. the dark star give her some special abilities.she is named after the briggest star, sirius.
#the chosen one
Aka ShibazakiThe silence of nature itselfEl silencio del puebloThe assistant at the Only One's shrine and the Shrine Maiden's most trusted peer.( ... )Quiet, apparently serious, indifferent but the one individual that somehow knows what act...
#pezu's children
#original game
Yuriko Blind heart.La vidente aislada del pueblo.( The oracle who has drifted from the Town)Una chica cuyo don planea usarlo para el bien, incluso si aquellos a su alrededor temen lo peor.A girl who's gift is used for the good, yet those ar...
#pezu's children
#original game