Rpg Original Characters (OCs)
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Do you love role-playing games? RPGs let you create your own stories and characters. You can be a hero, a villain, or anything in between! Check out all the amazing original characters people have made for their RPGs. Share your own and see what others have created!
Rpg OCs (115 characters)
A chaos agent, he enjoys meeting new people, especially when it’s for missions, he is someone you should not trust. He is very cunning and likes to fight whenever he can, but sometimes he does not refuse a riddle.He just wants to have fun a...
Kito is a fairy, 27 cm tall; she is a character with black skin, white hair, and eyes of two different colors: one brown and the other blue. She has barely visible freckles across her face, and has wings that are a mix of orange, green, and...
A charismatic elf(?) with porcelain skin and long white hair. They're a talented acrobat and entertainer at the Dreamscape, a traveling circus.
##original character
Cuddlebee is the main hero of Miitopia. She is a mix between a dragon and a human and went to a journey to defeat her brother, who got cursed becoming the dark lord.She lived a pretty calm life, until her brother found the dark curse.Since ...
A lovely and caring life cleric firbolg, and also a demigoddess daughter of the titaness Rhea. A big, strong and sweet lady that takes care of one of her mother's temples, protecting others almost like a mother herself.Common attributes/sym...
A deceitful liar, at least. But not as horrible a man as you might think.One of the core members of 'Glitchwave'. The amnesiac has been oddly familiar with the environment of DisCity and has taken a liking to it, despite only being a newcom...
Fisicamente, ele é magro e franzino, uma evidência clara de uma vida marcada por problemas de saúde e uma dieta negligenciada. Desde sua juventude, Shane lida com uma deficiência crônica de vitamina D e cálcio, o que afeta sua saúde de mane...
Kanu is a Divination wizard specializing in divination and enchantment magic. Out of combat, he's a major flirt and charmer. In combat, he uses his enchantment spells to get into the heads of his enemies to temporarily charm them into aidin...
##original character
Beau is a random character that appeared in my mind randomly and since then I grew really fond of him. He's one of my favorite ocs. He has a brother called "Clementine". Beau is a scientist but also a detective who deals with paranormal cas...
Eszter is a thief from Felvidek. She lost everything to the cult roaming now in Felvidek, and therefore tries to regain her life by stealing. She wish she didn't have to do this, but how should she survive otherwise?That was, until she met ...
A lovely Tiefling glamour bard that on her adventures at young age, looked out for her little adoptive brothers, killed dragons and fought to stop the world from ending. Cares for everyone in a motherly way, and have fallen easily over a lo...
Ambrose (Ro) is a paladin who has made an oath to protect and serve. He adventures with his close friends to help those in need and bring those who wish harm on others to justice. Not one to carry out the justice himself though, for he is n...
Naren is a lad who really has no idea how he's supposed to do the task ahead of him. Spending 70 years in cryosleep then suddenly being thawed and shot onto a planet (where your escape pod crushed your chauffeur) only to be tasked with a mi...
#the outer worlds
#outer worlds
A sweet and calm cleric who would do anything in her power to stop the corruption spreading in the lands and of course keeping her friends safe (obv with full hp!)Layla transmits an aura of calm air with her gentle emerald eyes and soft smi...
La suntuosa espadachín estrella.( The town's presumptuous Star Swordmaster )A vebose Swordmaster of high status that assures she's better than everyone else.( ... )Bad-tempered, arrogant, a judgmental and rude girl who is ...
#original game
#pezu's children
Here’s a solid general description for Mizraya:Mizraya (魅血羅夜) – The Enchanted Blood NightOnce a mortal, now a demon forged in hunger, battle, and fate, Mizraya is a cunning and ruthless force in The Lost World of Valhalla. With striking pur...
A sincere, honest, and slightly shy man from a secluded coastal village under a cliff southwest of Lamina. His half sea-iguana genes make him an exceptional swimmer (he can even hold his breath for up to 30 minutes underwater!). He usually ...
A cheerful girl who enjoys the outdoors. She works as an errand girl in her village (usually gets asked to forage at nearby forest). Her mother has a bakery which she often helps out at. A bit insecure about her height because all her frien...
O Artêmio é um homem de 30 anos, de 1,77 de altura. "Artêmio" não era seu nome verdadeiro, "Artêmio" era um homem que desejava viver por gerações, mantendo grande parte de seus conhecimentos ao longo das suas reencarnações. Realizando um ri...
##original character
An experiment, a warlock, a suffering soul with a mixture of every type of energy inimaginable. Morgan grew up trying to survive the best he could, having to adapt himself to people's wishes and becoming a charlatan to try to fit in.Common ...
Alistair is a very lively and fun-loving friend! He is super careful, always fashionable, and loves to draw attention to himself with his flashy fashion sense. He loves to play, But even though he can sometimes go a little overboard, he is ...
A barbarian goliath that lives in the cold mountains together with her tribe, Skytower Shelter. Often working as a tribal marauder, but sometimes going on long travels with other adventures and getting some other gigs. Very popular with the...
Anda Bandit is a member of the monkey tribe in the RPG classic Langley's Quest. One day she discovers an exploit in the game code and manages to steal the player one spot from Langley himself.No longer content to be a no-name thief in a sel...
Teàrlach is a Shadar-Kai afflicted with a curse that causes them to lose their memory after a year, every year. The only thing Teàrlach knows for sure is their name and that they were married to the Raven Queen before she ascended to Demonh...
#dungeons & dragons