Leopards are so cool! These big cats are known for their beautiful spots and amazing hunting skills. They live in different places like Africa and Asia. Leopards can climb trees and swim too! Check out all the awesome original characters people have made based on these incredible animals. You might find leopards with unique colors or special powers. Share your own leopard OC and see what others have created!

Leopard OCs (22 characters)

⛈️~~. A storm raging inside .~~⛈️ A storm was raging outside of California's home, as she sat on her bed and zapped through the boring TV Programm. Always the same dark news, the same grim shows, the same boring movies.She looked outside, a...
#Clouded leopard
Nyah grew up in a noble family; her life was layed out with responsibilities and rules, but Nyah was a wild spirit from birth. She had a thirst for adventure and excitement, which clashed with her familiy's hopes and expectations for her. H...
A beastkin of few words, not much is known about Zheng and her past. Her official records contain even less information. What folks do know is that this individual appears to be working as Fenrir Lokkison's bodyguard.Those who come across h...
Created solely from the blood cells and tissues of a deceased inerian leopard and a fragment of a shard of Thundraeys' tusks, the Master of the Flows, Rena is a biological weapon created to serve Ashya as one of the final gambits against th...
#dangerous day ahead
Design by coyotehead (who kinda just disappeared off the face of the earth what happened??? Q.Q)A heart throb that works in a candy store, Dmitri lays the sugar on heavy not only in the kitchen! He's a huge flirt with a big heart!
Og design by CRYPTIC_PVPPY Redesign by me!Cupid is a sweets fanatic. Especially in the baked goods department! He has a blast experimenting with different recipes and spoils his partners with all sorts of samples. When he bakes he sings lov...
will write later
Are you a student at Bear Valley University? Then you've definitely heard of Polly!This guy sure knows how to make the right impression with his looks and behavior! He is attractive and cocky, which befits his position at the top of the uni...
Sheldon is university friends with Nova and he's also a law student. With his unique charisma and charm, he prefers to be social with people and likes to spend time with his friends. Sheldon is pretty flirtatious, he likes being the center ...
#comic relief
#side character
Cool lady! She dresses up as a spunky leopard at night and vandalizes everything 'the rich' own! Bringing a bit of edge, sparkle, color and life to their artificial world >:)
#bad guy?
New guy! His purple cloudy mane will put you to sleep!
Design by AdamJackson777A companion for my character SolHe is the god of Retribution. He'll make sure your foes get their comeuppance!
Cynical and often aggressive towards strangers, Wraith is strong vigilante and hand to hand combat expert who prowls the city streets of Vallore at night; a place which he has claimed as his territory. He spends most of his time wandering a...
I think he acts all rough and tough because he had to in order to protect his little brother but is secretly a bit of a softy. He wants to be pampered and pet but just can't manage to do it. His father did his best to raise his sons but I t...
I will make more about this character but I'm too lazy
#snow leopard ❄️
Gift from a friend, temporary a.i art.
#big cat
Work in progressRainbow Alien Jaguar 👽🛸

End of list