Dhampirs are super cool! They are half-human, half-vampire. Imagine having the best of both worlds! These characters often have amazing powers and unique stories. If you love vampires and humans, you'll find dhampirs fascinating. Check out all the awesome original characters people have made right here!

Dhampir OCs (17 characters)

【 The legendary immortal knight who seeks to die. 】Lirio Baquiran has lived for more than 300 years, serving generations of royalty and single-handedly decimating armies as the "Imperishable Knight". He keeps everyone at arm's length in fea...
Once a horrific aberration from the Far Realm, Nowhere found himself on the material plane after a fight with another creature took a turn for the worse, and left both of them inches from death. In order to survive, he took on the form of a...
【 A once half-human, half-vampire who rejects her humanity. 】Velia Sadural can no longer feel guilt. She cast that, her ability to love, and her emotions into another body, cursed it to sleep, and buried it far away. She is no longer human....
Ether was a well disciplined servant of the lord Howmont. He often is quiet unless spoken to, and always adresses guests by my liege, milord, or milady despite their social status at the request of Howmont. Ether used to clean the manor, ca...
A very meek, soft-spoken woman who keeps to herself, mostly confined to the shadows of her library.In pursuit of preserving whatever remains of the past, she became a member of the Hunter's Lodge, venturing into the war-ravaged and volatile...
Milo is a selfsona of her creator, basically making herself hotter so that she can get some confidence. She's a half-vampire NEET who scrolls through the internet like a loser and lives with her mom, broke and unsure of what to do with life...
#self oc
Ari is a bit of a hardass. He takes his job very seriously and at times is too hard on those around him. Can be a little overbearing and a jerk at times.Ari is a Dhampir but everyone believes he’s a full vampire.
description of his looks?? srs got no ideaDhampir who doesnt get affected by sun He has long dirty blonde hair, red eyes, snake bites (piercings), he wears a coat with fur around the neck, unbuttoned, which reveals his shirt and a corset, m...
To be chosen by a god would be the greatest honour to some, but Laine finds that it is more trouble than it is worth.Laine's identity revolves around her lowly status as the vessel and warlock to an archfey of fear, Phobus. The presence of ...
Sage was left with Merlin as a baby. He isn't actually sure where the child came from, but decided not to look for her parents, knowing they left her without the intention of coming back.Sage had been a special case, a rarity that hadn't ha...
#gremlin child
#will bite for fun
The quiet type of person you rarely see with a smile.
#castlevania oc
A Dhampir that was turned the night her family was murdered by vampires. She was picked up by a family friend and became a paladin in faith to his goddess.
#dnd 5e
Martin tepes, raised into the belmont clan by his uncle, leon belmont, is the son of Odette Belmont (another oc) and Mathias cronqvist/dracula. even with his lineage, he was raised to be a Hunter and he he carries that legacy to this day. E...
Vampire? Nah, just your local bookstore owner! Managing your local Midnight Scrolls.
#blood :>
A twin, Germaine is the happy go lucky one between her and her twin sister Generva. Born to a loving family, she tends to lead her other family members along by the nose. 

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