Step into the world of elite hitmen! These characters are masters of stealth and precision. From dark pasts to thrilling missions, each hitman OC has a story to tell. Dive in and discover the fascinating lives of these deadly professionals, or share your own creations!

Hitman OCs (36 characters)

ABOUT [ "Oh, a gentleman. Very nice to meet you. I'm Valentine, and you are..?" ]Valentine Adelaide (full name Valentine Vivien Adelaide) is a 26 year old Hitman for the Lammergeier Syndicate, and is the personal bodyguard and apprentice of...
Cold • Sceptical • Brutely honestAnna was forced into a life of crime at a young age in order to protect her brother and make up for the crimes their parents had commited before meeting their untimely demise.Now finding herself taken into a...
A mysterious figure whose face has been repaced by a cartoonish white mask.Soleil lives with her three wives when she isn't doing her job. Although they love Sol dearly, even they know very little about her past and her current occupation.S...
Feral theater kid with too much pent-up rageKat is hotheaded, stubborn, competitive, and rough around the edges. Having grown up with extremely controlling parents, Kat looks at life as a competition, and one that she intends to win, no mat...
leviathan is an adult male oc based off a great white shark! he's like spiderman but instead of spider dna its shark dna.. and he wasn't bitten, either.this wasnt included, BUT he often wears a tight black short sleeve shirt and grey sweatp...
#shark oc
#adult male
Two of heart is a card, a hitman that work alone. He has a metal cat's tail that follows its entire spine. Because of modifications, he is very agile and can see in the dark. 
The female James Bond who death fears most. Marrow, who used to go as Maria Ríos, is a hitman who works for the CIA and goes around the world, taking down targets seen as threats to society. The amount of times she has survived life threate...
 A widely-feared, efficient & deadly hitman. Despite this, Tally's abilities are hindered by the fact that he is incredibly lazy. He takes his job seriously...when he does it. But it's hard to get him to do it when he would rather nap and l...
Kirai Takahashi is a 19 year old anti-hero and hitman. Snarky, arrogant, mouthy, and stubborn, he's built up quite the name for himself in just the few years he's been on the job. He began at age 17, and now just a couple years later he is ...
#anti hero
hey bbg 
Ken is a No Country for Old Men fan character. He works with Anton Chigurh. He's Anton's sidekick type guy, pretty pleasant and doting but otherwise generally stoic-- it's part of the job!Not very good with guns and has a bad habit of chewi...
PersonalityHe is very chill and extroverted guy who enjoys engaging with mostly everyone, even tho he loves to waver people using sarcasm (and tends to overuse it sometimes).He is sure of himself and trusts his own abilities, however he ten...
A mysterious rat who owns Cheebs Kake, a bakery in Dreamland, working there full-time and serving hungry people who pass by for a snack. At night, she works part-time hitman for extra cash, as her bakery alone barely keeps her afloat.She tr...
He's a bard. He's also evil. It's complicated.
#hired killer
Dal considers himself a pragmatist, both in his work and daily lifestyle, and is known for keeping his head well above water. His aversion to risk has rewarded him as a contract killer, being able to escape tight spots from both local autho...
((A character from a (not real) game called "Rebenoks Death Contracts".))Do you want someone to kill the person you envy the most?..Rebenok is up for the job.. just sign his contract and the deal will be sealed..Whatever happens next is due...
Jack is a hitman for hire and Stirling's daughter. she lives in a shitty little trailer out in the middle of the desert (think Budd from Kill Bill). She loves to gamble and drink and get into fights. she's kinda gross and its kind of a mira...
Fender is highly intelligent and cunning, having the strength of charming his way in or out of any situation he finds himself. He's a great conversationalist and negotiator, an essential quality required for contract killers to earn the tru...
Overview:Sinn is a leader at The Asylum, running more branches than any other leader. He became leader very quickly, which earns him a lot of hate from Asylum staff. His ability, one labeled "dream eater" is to thank for that.
Kat is a famous child actress turned hitman for hire after her career as an actress was ended as a teen (declining popularity and her own uncontrollable jealousy and anger)
Stressed teenager that looks 30 something
Arthur is a cold person, getting the job done quickly, and not letting himself get attached to his victims. No matter what they did, no matter if they are innocents. He doesn't care for a single bit, he just wants the money.The young man ha...
An engineer-scientist-hitman-errand monkey combination. Smokes a lot. Has depression.
He is so unlucky it isn't funny. After his house gets destroyed by a falling piano, he is forced to find something to help him. He comes across an "advertisement" for a very prominent yakuza. He takes this as a sign and joins the yakuza. (T...
#japanese oc
Cory is the softy of the main group, he's very encouraging of others and is always supportive. He can be a handful as he is often off in his own world, not paying attention to his surroundings and next thing you know he's tumbling down the ...
The modern AU version of my D&D character, Leina.
#gamer girl
She is a genuine son of a bitch. A bad person. A proud person, with a cold, distant, very reserved personality, she knows more swear words than any dictionary and always knows how to get her way. She loves crime but at the same time she hat...
#russian goverment
An alcoholic mongoose who has lost his faith in the world. He spends most of his time wandering the streets and drinking in the back alley by his favorite bar. Thankfully, someone has seen some potential in him... Though this would turn out...
an assassin who's in it for the thrills
A teenage male with amnesia was offered to work with the Paralel Stabilition Corporation (PSC) as a first timer hitman? All of it comes to a familiar woman who knows all of his lost memories.The PSC is in charge of keeping the parelel unive...
d'revath is a demon, sure, but it spends most of its time on earth. there, it plays a hitman, living various different lives every 50 years or so, all with the same goal.d're keeps to itself, mostly, only holding other demons close these d...

End of list