Skyrim Original Characters (OCs)
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Step into the world of Skyrim where dragons soar and magic is real! Create your own epic adventures with original characters. From brave warriors to cunning mages, there's a place for everyone in this vast land. Share your stories and meet other amazing Skyrim OCs right here!
Skyrim OCs (52 characters)
Zeru is a khajiit adventurer; his adventures do make it where he isn't in one place long enough to really have a home. He travels Tamriel helping others wherever he goes.
#Elder Scrolls Online
#video game original character
An Alfiq Khajiit forced to flee her home of Elsweyr. A powerful mage who seeks to learn as much as she can, and likes to help those in less fortunate than her. However, that sentiment rings a little hollow due to her recent loss in finances...
#the elder scrolls
My character from hit 2011 video game The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.Dunmer mage archer guy. I'll update this more as I progress through the game.
Namida is a young dark elf who worships Molag Bal, the Daedric Prince of domination. She is a devout follower, praying every day and giving offerings. She is a vampire, and she loves biting vulnerable young women. She lives in the abandoned...
#skyrim oc
Born to a Nord mother and Breton, father, Aranessa is... taller than most of Skyrim's inhabitants, at around 6"4..Her skin is fairly white and points to her being undead, bordering on translucent when in the sun.Her left eye is scarred from...
#skyrim oc
#original character
#elder scrolls oc
Nerevarine who, after 200 years of wandering aimlessly, finds the last Dragonborn and tries to help him avoid making the same mistakes he's made in his past.
#the elder scrolls
Deliri is a very blunt/awkward person, who doesn't really enjoy the company of others. She is generally quiet towards people she does not know, and somewhat rude to those she does. Although she might be incredibly defensive and seemingly se...
Shadowcloak is a fierce and powerful warrior. Broken by the events of his brothers death at the hands at vampires, he fights back with vengeful fury.
#skyrim au
#skyrim oc
A vampiric khajiit born in the cold lands of Skyrim, Rhi'ala the Bloodied is a ruthless warrior with a strong sense of justice.
SOLFRID IS NOT THE DRAGONBORN. That would be an Argonian named Holds-the-Sky.Solfrid High-Land is the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. Bold, brave, and devoted to her religious views, Solfrid was the perfect choice as Listener. She progres...
#the elder scrolls
#the elder scrolls v
#the elder scrolls v skyrim
#dark brotherhood
Literally just my cat transferred to a Skyrim character lol. I'll get more info about her as I write the fic.Au'dri is a Khajiiti street urchin, taken in by the Rogue Sanctuary, who use her like an Artful Dodger-type character, sniffing out...
Eradros is the thief protector of Kin--the main character of my Skyrim Fanfic. He is a former member of the Thieves Guild and recently made Nightingale. He is the best friend of Kin's father, Falwon, and watches after Kin out of respect for...
Hal is a constantly multitasking, overwhelmed and downright irritated elf who yearns for one, just one good nights sleep without being asked for something. He's equally as rude as he is tolerably kind, though he's less than verbally open ab...
Jaromir Cicero is the second child of Listener Solfrid High-Land and Keeper Cicero of the Dark Brotherhood. Jaromir is notably more expressive than his older brother Risus, and enjoys dark (very dark) humor, clownery, and generally being a ...
#the elder scrolls
Manipulative and arrogant bastard who happens to also unfortunately be the Dragonborn
#the elder scrolls
A Khajiiti adventurer who is always up for anything! She loves spelunking, fighting Draugr, and eating cheese with her besties.Freyja was orphaned as a cub when bandits attacked the caravan of travelling merchants from Elsweyr, killing Mi'h...
I feel the TES brainrot creeping into my skull so I made a pony based on my Skyrim character, Valsureth AlariMeet Whiskey Sour, a surly, smelly and thoroughly unpleasant drunk. He's homeless and gets by with scavenging and petty thievery, p...
HIS EYES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUZZY, he literally has the Void seeping out of themRisus is a young, baby-faced assassin living in a house on the banks of Lake Ilinalta with his family in Falkreath, Skyrim. He uses a spring-loaded knife concea...
#the dark brotherhood
My Skyrim protagonist. A Tojay-raht Khajiit blacksmith, occasional caravan guard, and the last Dragonborn by sheer coincidence. Wields a battleaxe, and forges his own armor.
#skyrim oc
#tes oc
Kin is the main protagonist in my Skyrim Fanfic. He is the son a Redguard merchant that often travels to Skyrim and other places pedaling wares. He accompanies his father on a trip one year, only to be attacked by men in orange robes who cl...
#skyrim oc
Una joven que escapó de casa siendo una niña. Inmigro ilegalmente en el país de Gahlajan, donde años después se desataría una guerra de bandos: Lahvu (en idioma dragón significa "Ejercito". Ellos apoyan el matrimonio igualitario y la adorac...
#skyrim oc
Physical Appearance: Orange-tinted skin and fur with light markings. Long, matted sandy hair. Digitigrade legs and claws. Wears an old, dirty, and ill-fitting dress and hip scarf from when she died along with a poncho. Sharp teeth and elong...
Helvia Cicero is the youngest child of Listener Solfrid High-Land and her husband, Keeper Cicero, of the Dark Brotherhood.Helvia is sweet-hearted and shy, often overshadowed by her family's strong personalities, but she doesn't mind. Helvia...
#dark brotherhood
#the elder scrolls
A polarizing figure in the Imperial legion. Stormcloaks fear him and Imperials sigh relief when they see him approaching the battle field. Nobody in Skyrim can match his prowess with the sword and his block technique absorbs any hit no matt...
(UGH she was hard to draw)Enniuq is the twin sister of Eliyo Imoti, daughter of Einno and Cele Imoti. Enniuq and Eliyo are the younger half-siblings of the legendary Snow Dwarf, Eizneckam, born after their parents were exiled.When Enniuq an...
#snow elf
Libitina Cicero is the third child of Dark Brotherhood Listener Solfrid High-Land and Keeper Cicero. She is 14 years old, very impulsive, takes NOTHING seriously, and everything is hilarious to her.Libitina LOVES being in the Dark Brotherho...
#the elder scrolls
#the elder scrolls skyrim