Get ready to meet some amazing popstars! These characters shine on stage and have the best stories. From their catchy songs to their cool outfits, popstar OCs are super fun. Check out all the original characters people have made and share your own!

Popstar OCs (34 characters)

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:5'7 136 lbs. Brunette curly hair Brown eyes Beige skin Hourglass figureLIKES:Writing music, playing the piano, performing, shopping, readingDISLIKES:Entitled fans, having a fully booked schedule, deadlinesEXTRA INFO:Her...
Axia is a 21 year old demon girl from Hell on another planet who resides on our Earth. She becomes the lead singer in a part of a group of monster girls who form a pop idol band.To be continued...
#pop idol
A kind child living in a small town named Hillfar, raised by her father, a Border Collie, and her mother, a Carpathian Shepard. She raises money for countless charities through performing concerts for her audience.MORE HERE:PARTNER:
Long blonde hair that she dyes white, slightly wavy Bright blue eyes Small and soft face Little nose Thin eyebrows that don't match her hair color Dresses modestly, prefers medium/long dresses with a little bit of frills Prefers white and ...
A kind child living in a small town named Hillfar, raised by his father, a Norwegian Hound, and his mother, a Minuature Labradoodle. He has a sister named Milk, and he raises money for countless charities through performing concerts for his...
A kind child living in a small town named Hillfar, raised by his father and his mother. He has a sister named Milk, and he raises money for countless charities through performing concerts for his audience.MORE HERE:
Trisha, also known as Meta, is one of the teammates of Cuddlebee of Miitopia. She is a popstar and helps her best friend Cuddlebee through Greenhorne.After a concert in Greenhorne, her birthplace, she saw how Cuddlebee was in trouble. Trish...
#fan oc
Imagine a Steryotypical, annoying, popstar. Thats literally Vera when shes on stage. She doesn't have a sob story or anything, she just kinda.. appeared on the singing scene one day. Shes beloved though, and that really gets to her.Shes con...
Poppi Princess, the Queen of Clowncore. Half the time, she's bringing cheers to adoring crowds with her sugary brand of pop music and energetic dance sessions! But at other times, she's Penelope Petherwaite; a shrewd, tired but blisteringly...
#clown girl
#dual identity
Hyacinth comin' atcha'! I'm a world renowned popstar, just here to have fun and make music! <3
Originally a member of a popular 90s boyband, Leo now finds himself stuck wandering the never-ending hellscape of ROBLOX experiences. The time spent wandering has eroded his memories, forgetting how he even got here.Interacting with him is ...
#roblox oc
A spider-esque popstar, with attachment issues and a horrible situation shes gotten herself into.Celina lives in the capital city(name pending) and is a well known performer, she works for Yoruga alongside (also name pending, im trying guys...
A famous popstar who absolutely bangs his best friend.
#trans masc
IndiGo Dazzle is Enterprise Island’s most popular music artist. Her albums blend rock, rap, and pop to form the most unique songs. She is also one of the richest celebrities on Enterprise Island. IndiGo has a very sassy personality which sh...
Sunday (aka SUNNY BB) is a pop artist, personally known for being extremely talkative and happy-go-lucky.
Bridgette Elaine Peddicord (born May 7th), known professionally by her stage name Bridgette, is an American pop idol, singer and songwriter. She gained prominence as a member of the rock band Penny Thoughts, where she showcased her talent a...
#pop idol
Lily's dream of being a rockstar sounds nice, isn't it ? Well it would be better if she actually knew how to play the guitar because dear lord it's horrible. She used to be a bed-rotting girl with no job, no friends and still lived with her...
Being a celebrity, Zeke can be expected to be inconsiderate and snobby. And though he can come off as such, he truly means well. Usually it’s just him being high on all the social energy from his live shows. His main persona is described as...
#demon boy
#demon celebrity
#original character
a peppy and energetic girl on-stage, an introverted and quiet girl off-stage.
#danganronpa oc
Secretly insecure kpop boi. Very kind and overly trusting. 100/10 empathy level, my poor baby boi. [im possesive over my OCs, so what?] 
#insecure boi
- extreme case of nepo baby, whereas his parents were hugely famous and thus he’s not had a moment of normalcy since birth and is totally fucked in the head bc of it and think he’s totally normal when in actuality he is the joker. - serves ...
Azalea Kent (neé Johannsen) is a musician living in Sonèr. She has three albums. Her first one is called 'Oil Saliva', the first song in the album of the same name of the album. 
Bex is a perfect girl with a perfect life, at least during the day. The problem is, she's cursed. For as long as she's been alive, during the day she has a perfect life, loving parents, a great older sister, and great friends, until the sun...
(Credits to cemicatalysm's Picrew, コアゲーマーメーカー2 / Core Gamer Maker 2Just a popstar girl. I haven't drawn her yet and I don't know really anything about her. The design and style may change over time
#popstar oc
Poppy is a shining star in the music industry. She is cheerful, cute, confident and inspiring. She is the ideal role model for those who want to start their own careers. Her charismatic self has a way of reaching everyone's hearts. It break...
#music oc
a popstar who does villainy in her free timeone of the top 5 villains in the city
Estelle Mirope, a.k.a, EM. The most infamous pop star in all of Omni Tempore. Perfect hair, perfect job, perfect life. Or is it?
#popstar oc
#new oc!

End of list