Imagine exploring a new planet! Each one is unique and full of surprises. From lush forests to barren deserts, planets hold endless adventures. Check out the amazing original characters that people have created for these worlds. Share your own too!

Planet OCs (26 characters)

Aoi Chen or "Uurie" was born in the water town of Shaoxing, China. Uurie and Li were primarily raised by their artisan grandfather, Jampa Chen. Jampa worked as a fisherman for most of his life, but his real passion lay in art. He loved work...
Mother Nature can be beautiful... and spiteful at times.
The hottest b*tch in the solar system, and toxic as hell on top of it all, the humanized version of the planet Venus from our solar system.she loves fluffy coats and dresses even though she's overheating underneath it all. Her face and stun...
#planet human
==============================Ciso, or C1-50 if you want to get technical, is a robot whose sole purpose is to survey and gather information on other planets.Despite being a robot, he is kindhearted. His curiosity and demeanor is almost com...
#main character
Named after Jupiter's icy moon, Callisto! Callisto is a spirit from the moon, drawn to Earth by a powerful longing.They manifest in a human body, but their connection to the moon grants them unique abilities (e.g., lunar phases influencing ...
#no fandom
#moon oc
Kenova is, at her core, someone who wants to see it all. She grew up in a tiny village on a secluded planet- so the first moment she got the chance, she began figuring out a way to get out there. She's very sweet and also creative- a natura...
more gijinka... zamn...Mars, like, the planet yeah. Hes the personification of MARS.broke up with venus months ago, still not over it,listens to joe roegan and similar podcast.,, wants to be an alpha male but is pretty cringefail
Stella is a stay-at-home mom, taking care of her daughter Sasha and designing clothes in her free time.Icon: KaboomWorks on TH
Pazz was a young man who set off in search of adventure and whatnot, and he ended up on an island where he met a lot of unusual beings who became his friends and companions.He unfortunately ended up being removed from the island by an evil ...
Pluto is is what's called a Planetol ( planet + symbol ). They're the shortest one of their siblings.They're into Biology and are good friends with their sister, Earth They're very naïve and easily trusting, despite being very much ostraciz...
#object shows
[ENG] Glamorous, showy, exaggerated and extremely expressive in emotions and gestures.[PT-BR] Glamoroso, exibido, exagerado e extremamente expressivo em emoções e gestos.
he's somewhat self centered, he cares about very few people and frequently disregards others feelings and opinions, often unintentionally.-Earth takes an extreme interest on the life on planet earth-despite still having 2 eyes, earth has tr...
#space oc
#planet oc
Kush is a man who had to flee from his people because he had been blamed for starting a destructive fire that he hadn’t actually started.He ends up getting married, having kids, and living on an island that hasn’t had much of a human popula...
Saturn is what's called a planetol ( planet + symbol ). He's one of the taller ones of his species/ family.he is a scientist that has done his part on most of alien studies. he's a very desperate guy. He hates his Mother he will do anything...
They are influencer aliens who dont particularly lile each other.
I have to yet write about him :sob: 
##planet oc
#solar system
Humanity's manifestation of the morning star. So she's basically Venus and the sun. 
Caleb is the physical manifestation of the planet C413B (Yes that spells Caleb with numbers, it was intentional and the reason for him choosing that name)They stand at around 8 or 9 feet tall, have greenish blue skin with pale yellow lumine...
#planet oc
Obscura is a quiet individual. She doesn't talk often, and when she does, it's usually just a word or two. Although it is unknown what her former planet looked like, moons have a history of sharing similar traits with their parent planet (S...
#planet oc
##planet oc
Faye is a loyal, sweet and very naive girl who will do anything and I mean ANYTHING to make her Supreme leader happy. And Miss Zirah is not an easy woman to keep happy, but thats not going to stop faye she is determined to do her part in th...

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